Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

IV. Make up your own sentences using these word-combinations

      not far from, together with the suburbs, is like no other city, to deal in, to be involved in,to have nothing to do with, the city's central point, to be divided into,to consist of, to be located.


V. Fill in the blanks with the proper words from those given below :

1. Washington is the ... of the USA.

2. The population of Washington together with its ... is over ...

3. New York is a ... of finance, of shipping, of fun.

4. Washington is simply ordered to exist ... the nation's government.

5. President George Washington ... the spot.

6. Washington ... between two rivers, the Potomac and Anacosta.

7. Washington's winters are not ...

8. The city is divided into four ...

9. The Capitol consists of a central building ...a great dome.

 10. The White House is the official ... of the presidents of the USA.

 11. The Library of Congress ... more than 13 million books in various languages.

 12. The Capitol ... with the White House by Pennsylvania Avenue.

 13. It is the most important ... in the US federal government.

 14. From this ... the whole panorama of the District of Columbia can be seen.

 15. No visit to Washington,D.C.,is ... without an excursion to the home of George Washington at

Mount Vernon.


Centre, level, crowned by, is connected, seat, complete, to house, residence, severe, suburbs, contains, picked out, sections, sits, department.


VI. Complete the sentences using the text:

   1. You know that the flag of the USA, the Stars and Stripes ...

2. The District of Columbia is on the Potomac River ...

3. New York is a centre of finance, of shipping, of fun ...

4. The White House, where the US President lives and works ...

5. The people of the USA come to Washington, D.C., ...

6. President George Washington, in whose honour the city was named, ...

7. Washington is humid all year round ...

8. Several thousands of these cherry-trees ...

9. From these centre the city is divided into four secions, or quadrants ...

10. Almost every public building, art gallery or government office ...

11. The White House is the official residence ...

12. The Library serves the Congress, the entire government establishment ...

13. From this level the whole panorama of the District of Columbia ...


VII. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

    1. Вашингтон не принадлежит ни к одному штату.

2. Округ Колумбия находится на реке Потомак недалеко от Атлантического океана.

3. Новый Орлеан торгует хлопком.

4. Вашингтон, О.К., всегда был ареной массовых демонстраций и антивоенных митингов.

5. Президент Джордж Вашингтон, в чью честь был назван город, выбрал место для 


6. Зимы в Вашингтоне не суровые, хотя могут быть сырыми и прохладными.

7. Здание Капитолия является центральным местом города.

8. Капитолий - местонахождение Конгресса США.

9. По закону необходимо посылать в Библиотеку два экземпляра каждой американской

    книги, газеты и любого другого печатного издания.

10. Белый Дом - это официальная резиденция президента США.

11. Пентагон - самое важное ведомство Федерального правительства США как по

     количеству служащих, так и по количеству затрачиваемых денег.

12. Обелиск в честь Вашингтона находится на холме позади Белого Дома.

13. Это сооружение высотой около 152 метров.


VIII. Answer the following questions:

       1. In whose honour was the city named Washington?

2. With what purpose was Washington, D.C., created?

3. How many stars are there on the flag of the USA and why?

4. To what state does the city of Washington belong?

5. Where is the District of Columbia situated?

6. What is the population of Washington, D.C.?

7. Washington's only industry is government, isn't it?

8. What part of the adult population in Washington, D.C., are involved in the administrative


9. Where do people of the USA come to hand over their protests against the inflation,

      unemployment and poverty?

10. Does Washington,D.C., belong to the North or to the South?

11. Is the climate in the city of Washington dry or humid?

12. Why is Washington,D.C., humid all year round?

13. Washington's winters are very cold, aren't they?

14. When is Washington's cherry-blossom time?

15. Is the White House or the Capitol Building the city's central point?

16. How many sections are there in the capital of the USA?

17. How are streets to the north and to the south of the Capitol named?

18. What sections of the city of Washington are largerly residential?

19. Where is the seat of the US Congress?

20. The White House is the official residence of the presidents of the USA, isn't it?

21. Is the public admitted to the White House?

22. What is situated in the west wing of the White House?

23. What does Pennsylvania Avenue connect?

24. Why is the nickname of Pennsylvania Avenue the "Processional Street of America"?

25. What is the heart of the US military-industrial complex?

26. Why is the Pentagon the most important department in the US federal government?

27. Where is the Washington Monument situated?

28. What is located at Mount Vernon: the home of George Washington or the Washington


29. Why is it very important to visit Mount Vernon?


IX. Say what you have learnt about:

   1. the peculiarities of the capital of the USA;

2. political life of Washington, D.C.;

3. climate of Washington, D.C.;

4. names of the streets;

5. the White House;

 6. the Capitol Building

7. the Washington Monument and the home of George Washington.






The Passive Voice

Table 1

Indefinite Tenses

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
  I am asked   He She        is asked It   We You      are asked They     I was asked   He She       was asked It   We You       were asked they   I shall be asked   He She  will be asked It   We   shall be asked You They will be asked


                                                           Continuous Tenses


Present Continuous Past Continuous
  I am being asked   He She   is being asked It   We You  are being asked They     I was being asked   He She    was being asked It   We You   were being asked They    


Future Continuous в пассивной форме не употребляется.


Perfect Tenses


Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
  I have been asked   We She     has been asked It   We You    have been asked They   I   We She It               Had been asked We You They   I, we – shall have been asked   We She It          Will have been asked You they



Ex.1 Give three forms of the verbs:


to go,to take,to find,to stop,to swim,to come,to speak, to stand,to build,to get,to leave,to iscuss,to have, to put,to hear,to see,to think.


Ex.2 Give negative and interrogative forms:


1. This work will be finished tomorrow.

2. The delegation was met at the station.

3. The article has been translated into Russian.

4. Comrade Petrov is wanted on the phone.

5. New building of our Institute is being built now.


Ex.3 Change the following sentences of actions into Passive:


a) 1.I am making the bed.

2. He is opening the window.

3.She is dusting the room.

4.We are cleaning our dresses.

5.They are translating an English text.

b) 1.Mary has written a letter to her friends.

2.I have placed the bread-basket in the middle of the table.

           3.My brother has cut the bread.

            4. Mother has brought in the soup.

c) 1.Ann prepared here home-work.

2.She translated two exercises into English.

3.They learnt the dialogue by heart.

d)  1. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

   2. They will some the problem in the near future.

    3. They started the company a hundred years ago.

    4. Have you changed anything?

    5. How soon will they repeat that TV programme?

    6. We haven't solved the problem yet.

    7. A discussion will follow the lecture.

    8. They are interviewing the delegates.

    9. He has translated this book from English into Russian.

   10. We keep all the documents in perfect order.


Ex.4 Read the sentences, state their voice and translate them.


  1.They showed me the way to the post-office.

2.The way to the post-office was shown to me by them.

3. The students asked a lot of questions at the last lesson.

4.The pupils were asked a lot of questions at the last lesson.

5.He will bring the magazine tomorrow.

6.The magazine will be brought tomorrow.

7.They gave me that book a few days ago.

  8.The book was given to me yesterday.

9.This article is much spoken about.

10.They spoke very much about this article.

11.A new school is being built now in our street.

  12.This book is being translated into Russian.

13.The exercises have not been done yet.

14.They are always laughed at.

15.The doctor will be sent for in a minute.

16. They were seen at the theatre last week.


Ex.5 Use the prepositions 1by 0 or 1with 0:


  1.The sky is covered ... clouds.

2.This note is written ... a very bad pen, that's why you can't read it.

3.This book has been written ... three authors.

4.Trams are set in motion ... electricity.

5.The new school building will be surrounded ... a garden.

6.This room is heated ... a stove.


Ex.6 Translate from English into Russian:


  1. We were told about his success.

  2. He was offered help but he refused.

  3. They were offered goods at a low price.

  4. Each of the boys was given a dictionary.

  5. They are very well paid for their work.

  6. We were told this news last night.

  7. This rule will be revised at the next lesson.

   8. The telegram was followed by a letter.

  9. This letter will be answered tomorrow.

   10. Letters must be answered immediately.

   11. These books are needed by our students.

   12. Your advise is needed.

   13. The lecture was followed by a discussion.

   14. We were helped by our friends.

   15. The children were helped by their father to construct a boat.


Ex.7 Open the brackets using the necessary tense and voice of the given verbs:


1.My sister (to invite) many friends to her birthday party yesterday.

2.My sister (to invite) to the birthday party by her friend yesterday.

3.My report (to discuss) tomorrow.

  4.We (to open) the window after every lesson.

5.We (to finish) our experiment in a week.

6.This question not (to discuss) at the conference.

7.I (to answer) my brother's letter last week.

8.When the radio (to invent)?

9.Tchaikovsky (to use) folk songs in his compositions.

10.The letter (to send) yesterday?

11.Chemically pure water never (to meet) in everyday life.


Ex.8 Make sentences of your own with the following verbs in the Passive Voice.


1.to ask (Present Ind.),

2.to translate (Present Continuous),

3.to promise (Present Perfect),

4.to allow (Past Indefinite),

5.to show (Past Perfect),

6.to cook (Past Continuous),

7.to tell (Future Indefinite),

8.to write (Future Perfect).


Ex.9 Translate into English:


  1. Мне рассказали вчера интересную историю.

  2. Ей предложили чашку чая.

  3. Ему платят два раза в месяц.

  4. Нам покажут завтра несколько новых книг.

  5. Ему показали дорогу на вокзал.

  6. Нам говорили об этом несколько дней тому назад.

  7. Мне предложили билет на концерт.

  8. Я боюсь, что его не будут слушать с интересом.

  9. На его книгу часто ссылаются.

   10. На нее посмотрели с интересом, когда она вошла.

   11. Я не думаю, что на этом будут настаивать.

   12. Когда за ним послали? - За ним послали час тому назад.


Ex.10 Read the text below and then do the following:


a) point out all the verbs in the Passive Voice. State their form. Translate the sentences into    


b) Retell the text using the verbs in the Passive Voice.




    Cambridge is the second oldest university city in Britain. (Oxford is the first). It lies on the river Cam and takes its name from this river. Cambridge was founded in 1284 when the first college,Peterhouse, was built. Now there are twenty-two colleges in Cambridge, but only three of them are women's colleges. The first women's college was opened in 1869.

    The ancient buildings,chapels,libraries and colleges are in the centre of the city. There are many museums in the old university city. Its population consists of teachers and students. All students have to live in the college during their course.

    In the old times the students life was very strict. They were not allowed to play games, to sing, to hunt, to fish or even to dance.

    They wore special dark clothers which they continue to wear in our days. In the streets of Cambridge you can see young men wearing dark blue or black clothes and the "squares" - the aca-

demic year.

    Many great men have studied at Cambridge,among them Cromwell, Newton,Byron, Darwin. Now Cambridge is known all over the world as a great centre of science, where many famous scientists have worked: Rutherford, Kapitza and others.


The Infinitive

Table 2

Forms of the Infinitive

  Active Passive

Выражают действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом - сказуемым

Indefinite To write To ask To be written To be asked
Continuous To be writing To be asking ------------------
Perfect To have written To have asked To have been written To have been asked

Выражают действие, предшествовавшее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым

Perfect Continuous To have been writing To have been asked  



Ex. Read infinitives and state their forms:


to deal, to have started, to have been rubbed, to be opera-

ting, to have been accompanied, to have been decreasing,to

satisfy, to be reducing, to have been operating, to appear,

to be considered, to be measuring, to have valued.



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