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The Nominative with the Infinitive

(The Complex Subject)

Структура предложения :




They                are said          to know    English              well.

 Говорят, что   они хорошо знают       английский язык.

 The data                     proved      to be wrong .

 Оказалось,            что результаты неверны.

 This letter               is unlikely    to reach      him                 tomorrow.

 Маловероятно, что      письмо дойдет до него  завтра.


"Субъектный инфинитивный оборот" употребляется с глаголами:


1. в форме страдательного залога:


to say (is, are said) - говорить

to think (is, are thought) - полагать,думать

to know (is, are known) - знать,

to report (is, are reported) - сообщать


to suppose (is, are supposed) - предполагать

to expect (is, are expected) - ожидать,полагать

to consider (is, are considered) - считать, рассматривать

to believe (is, are believed) - полагать

to show (is, are shown) - показывать, доказывать

to find (is, are found) - находить, обнаруживать


2. в форме действительного залога


to seem, to appear - по-видимому, казаться

to happen - случаться

to prove, to turn out - оказаться


3. сочетанием to be и прилагательным:


to be likely - вероятно

to be unlikely - маловероятно

to be sure - обязательно

to be certain - несомненно


Субъектный инфинитивный оборот на русский язык переводится придаточным дополнительным предложением.


Ex.1 Find the English equivalents to the following Russian sentences:


I. Говорят, что представители прибыли вовремя.


1. The representatives said that they had arrived in time.

2. The representatives are said to have arrived in time.


II. Известно, что этот ученый сделал открытие.


1. This scientist is well-known due to his discovery.

2. This scientist knows all connected with his discovery.

3. The scientist is known to have made his discovery.


III. Говорили, что студенты сдали экзамены хорошо.


1. The students said that they had passed their exams well.

2. The students said that they know how to pass exams well.

3. The students were said to have passed exams well.


IV. Ожидают, что важная конференция будет в мае.


1. We expect that this important conference will take place in May.

2. The expected conference to take place in May will be very important.

3. This important conference is expected to take place in May.


Ex.2 Choose the correct form:


 a) 1. Сообщают, что делегация приехала вчера.

     The delegetion is reported (to come, to have come) yesterday.


2. Говорят, что он живет в общежитии.

     He is said (to live, to have lived) in the hostel.


3. Известно, что студенты изучают этот предмет с первого курса.

     The students are known (to study, to have been studying) this subject since the first year.


4. Кажется, студенты сейчас проводят опыт в лаборатории.

    The students seem (to have made, to be making) an experiment in the laboratory.


5. Говорят, что он учится в институте.

   He (is, was) said to study at the Institute.


6. Говорили, что конференция открылась.

   The conference (is, was) said to have opened.


7. Сообщили, что делегация приедет завтра.

   The delegation (is, was) reported to come tomorrow.


8. Сообщают, что все представители уже прибыли.

   All representations (are,were) reported to have arrived already.


9. Казалось, что он болен.

   He (seemed, seems) to be ill.

10. Кажется, этот студент уже сдал экзамен.

   The student (seemed, seems) to have passed the exam.


c) 1. He was said ( to pass, to have passed ) all the exams last week.

2. This question is assumed ( to be solved, to have been solved) in the nearest future.

3. The conference is expected (to be held, to have been held) next month.   

4. These problems are reported (to have been solved, to be solved) some years ago.


Ex.3 Change the following sentences according to the model.


Model: It is believed that the expedition will return soon.

              The expedition is believed to return soon.


1. It is supposed that the coming conference is of great importance for our work.

2. It seems to me that she is seriously ill.

3. It is known that the Gulf Stream brings warm waters to the British shores.

4. It is likely that the coming conference is of great importance.

5. It is known that the word "smog" is a combination of the two words smoke and fog.

6. It is reported that great construction work is going on in their city.


Ex.4 Read the following sentences.Point out the Complex Subject. Translate these sentences.


1. Robert Burns is known to be the national poet of Scotland.

2. A group of Russian poets are reported to have visited Scotland last month.

3. These figures are considered to be of great significance for this report.

4. He seems to know English well.

5. This discovery proved to be special value for this branch of industry.

6. The development of project appears to be improving.

7. The student's answer seemed to satisfy our teacher.

8. I happened to meet a friend of mine at the theatre.

9. This question is unlikely to be discussed at the meeting of our shop.

10. He is certain to come to the lecture of an English economist.

11. This conference is likely to last for a few days.

12. She is sure to make a brilliant report on that subject.

13. They are certain to help us.

14. This river is believed to be suitable for navigation.

15. The river Thames is known to divide the city into two parts.

16. The monument is considered to have been erected as early as the 11-th century.

17. This factory is known to produce modern furniture.

18. The exhibition proved to be a success.

19. The winter fogs in London seem to be simply awful.

20. The Lake District appears to be the most beautiful and the wettest part of Great Britain.


Ex. 5 Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the use of the Complex Subject.


1. The lecture was said to be very interesting.

2. The members of the committee are reported to come to an agreement.

3. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month.

4. She seems to know English and French.

5. He proved to be a good teacher.

6. This school is considered to be the best in the town.

7. Lake Baikal is said to be the deepest in the world.

8. These two scientists happened to work at the same problem.


        Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом "for"


             For - Phrase Construction


Оборот состоит из предлога for плюс существительное в общем падеже (или местоимение в объектном падеже) плюс инфинитив.


He spoke loudly for the people to hear him .

Он говорил громко, чтобы люди слышали его.


It was late for us to begin discussing this question.

Начинать обсуждение этого вопроса было поздно.


Everybody waited for the meeting to start.

Все ждали начала собрания.


На русский язык обычно переводится обстоятельственным придаточным предложением,возможен перевод этого оборота существительным или инфинитивом.



Ex. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the use of "for-phrase construction":


1. These are the books for you to read in summer.

2. It is not for them to decide this important question.

3. It was necessary for the students to revise these rules if they wanted to do these exercises 

without mistakes.

4. Everybody waited for the reporter to begin his speech.

5. He supplied all the materials, necessary for the students to go on with the experiment.

6. We waited for him to finish his conversation.




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