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Who Are the Devotees of Vishnul Salutation to Shri Vedavyasa

Shaunaka said:

1. O Suta, now that the Kali age has arrived, tell me, by means of which acts a being would be liberated from that (mundane existence). Suta said:

2-4. Well (asked), well (asked), O best of sages, you are the best among the righteous people. You constantly desire the wellbeing of all people. O you devotee of Vishnu, listen to what Vyasa, the omniscient brahmana, revered by all, said, when he was formerly asked by Jaimini. The best sage (Jaimini), having prostrated himself like a staff before preceptor Vyasa, Satyavatl's son, who had mastered everything, asked him: Jaimini said:

5. Tell me how even with little religious merit people will obtain salvation in the Kali age, since they are short-lived. Vyasa said:

6. O lord, O brahmana, due to the contact with the good there would be the listening to (i.e. a man would listen to) the sacred texts. Due to that there would be (i.e. arise) devotion to Vishnu. Knowledge (would follow) from that, and (best) position (i.e. liberation) from that (knowledge).

7. The account of Vishnu is not liked by the most sinful man on the earth. Such a brahmana should be known (i.e. looked upon) as the most sinful (man).

8-13. A devotee of Vishnu is delighted on hearing the account of ShriKrishna (i.e. Vishnu). He who describes it to be false should be known as the greatest (i.e. worst) among the sinners. O brahmana, the lord of the world does not leave that place where the account of Krishna is (being narrated), and does not at any time go (anywhere else). For a man who would create an obstacle in the act of the narration of Vishnu's account, there is no escape from hell for a hundred period of Manu. For those who, having heard the account (as narrated) in the Puranas, censure or scoff at it, always have the very afflicting hells on their hands (i.e. waiting for them). The sin earned in the previous existences (of him) who desires to listen to the account of ShriKrishna, perishes just at that moment only. I do not know what (best) position the man who would devoutly listen to ShriKrishna's account will have on hearing it.

14-16. All such (blemishes) of the sinner as the sin due to the murder of a brahmana, untimely death, and also (the sin due to) drinking liquor, perish. The sin of that man who (first) having committed a sin later keeps (himself) away from it, would perish as the heap of cotton perishes (i.e. is burnt) by fire. O brahmana, Yama's servants do not come near the house of him in whose house there is the book (containing) the account of ShriKrishna. Jaimini said:

17. O preceptor, tell me, whom do they describe as the devotees of Vishnu. I have now a desire to know them and also (to know) their excellent greatness. Vyasa said:

18-20. O brahmana, what is the use of bathing at a holy place for that sinful man who devoutly sprinkles upon his head the water (flowing) from the feet of Vishnu? O brahmana, the sins like killing a brahmana, of him who would have the company of the good for a moment or half a moment, perish. In whichever family (even) one (member) is a devotee of Vishnu, the family (even) when full of sins (or sinners), attains salvation.

21-32. Those men (only) who are free from (doing) harm (to others), religious hypocrisy, lust and anger, and also those who are bereft of greed and infatuation, who are devoted to their parents, should be known as the devotees of Vishnu, O brahmana. Those who are devoted to their parents, who are endowed with pity, who are engaged in the well-being of all creatures, who are free from jealousy, and who speak the truth should be known as the followers of Vishnu. Also those who are devoted to brahmanas. who arc impotent to the wives of others, who are engrossed in the vow of Ekadashi should be known as the devotees of Vishnu. Wearing garlands of Tulasi(-leave5> ) those who sing the names of Vishnu, and who are sprinkled with the water (flowing) from the feet of Vishnu should be known as the followers of Vishnu. O brahmana, those also, on whose head or ears an excellent tuiasl(-leaf) is usually seen, should be known as the devotees of Vishnu. Those who are free from the company of heretics, and free from hating brahmanas, who would sprinkle (water) over the tulasl(-plant) should be known as Vishnu's devotees. Those men who worship Vishnu, also who worship him with tulasf(-leaves), who are engaged in offering their daughters (to worthy grooms), who honour their guests, who listen to the account of Vishnu, should be known as Vishnu's devotees, and also the man in whose house the salagrama stone would be well-established (is a devotee of Vishnu). Those men also, who cleanse the abode (i.e. the temple) of Vishnu, who perform rites in honour of the manes, who are full of pity towards the helpless, should be known as the followers of Vishnu. Those who look upon the wealth of others and of brahmanas as poison, and those who eat the offering of eatables (after they are) presented to Vishnu should be known as the followers of Vishnu. And also those men who love Vedas and sacred texts, who protect the tulasf (-plants), who are engaged in practising the vow of Radhastaml (or Janmastami), and those who devoutly present a lamp before (the image of) ShriKrishna, who do not censure others, should be known as the followers of Vishnu.

Suta said:

33. Vyasa who was asked by Jaimini, told him thus in the (proper) order. (Now) I am telling you what occasionally I heard from my preceptor, O brahmana. J568 Padma Purana

34. Those best men who listen to the reading (of the account of Vishnu), are free from all sins, and go the highest position of Vishnu.




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