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The Importance of Besmearing the Floor of Vishnu's Temple

Suta said:

1. O Shaunaka, listen. I shall tell you (about) the ancient way of life (from) the conversation between Vyasa and Jaimini, which destroys the sins of the listeners. Jaimini said:

2. O lord, O preceptor, tell me today by (doing) which acts does a sinful man go to the abode of the lord of the world. Vyasa said:

3. That man who besmears (the ground) in the temple of Vishnu, is freed from all sins, becomes tranquil and goes to the abode of Hari (i.e. Vishnu).

4-5. O Jaimini, listen, I shall tell you in brief about the religious merit of him who smears (i.e. sprinkles) with water (the ground) in the temple of the lord of the world. O best brahmana, he would live in the abode of Vishnu for as many thousands of kalpas as the dust particles are seen there.

6-14. Formerly there was a thief by name Dandaka. He was a terror to the people. He snatched away the wealth of brahmanas; he killed his friends; in the yuga called Dvapara he told lies; he was cruel; he took delight in going to (i.e. having illicit connection with) others' wives. He ate the flesh of cows; he drank liquor; and kept company of heretics. He cut off (the means of) the livelihood of the brahmanas; he usurped the deposits (kept with him); he killed those who sought his shelter; he ardently longed for the amorous movements of prostitutes. Once that foolish man went to the temple of Vishnu belonging to a brahmana to steal the wealth of Vishnu. When he entered (the temple) he put his foot (dirty) with mud at low-levelled ground at the door of the temple. Just by that act the ground was free from slope. With joy he opened the panel of the door with two iron rods. He entered the temple of Vishnu adorned with an excellent canopy. It was having a jewelled golden lamp which had dispelled the great (i.e. thick) darkness. It was rich with the fragrance of many flowers; it was full of many vessels. It was filled with the fragrance of fragrant oil. The thief saw (the image of) Vishnu clad in a yellow garment sleeping (i.e. lying) with Radha on a very lovely bed.

15-22. Having saluted (i.e. when he saluted) the lord of Radha he became free from sins. 'Shall I take (away this wealth) or shall I not take away? (In) what (way) would it be (useful) to me? Since I am an all-time thief, I am unable to serve (the lord). The wealth would serve my purpose.' Thinking thus, he made up his mind to take it (away). Dropping on the ground the silken garment of the lord of Laksmf and keeping all the things in his hand, he, trembling, tied them (in the garment). O Jaimini, all those things of Vishnu, the master of illusory power (Maya), fell down (on the ground) making a very fearful sound. Abandoning their sound sleep, and running, (saying) 'Oh! what is this? ', many people came there. The thief, being frightened, left the things and (other) wealth (there only) and speedily fled somewhere. Being bitten by a black and most piosonous snake, he died and was freed from sins. By Yama's order his messengers with nooses and hammers in their hands and clad in skins and having fangs came (there) to take him (to Yama's abode). They tied him with leather straps and took him along a difficult path. Seeing him, Yama was angry, and asked his counsellor: Yama said:

23. O wise Chitragupta, tell me (about) the entire deed, sinful or virtuous, which he has done. Chitragupta said:

24-25. This fool has committed all the sins that the Creator has created on the earth. I have told the truth; but O lord of the world, listen. He has also (done) some good deed. I think, O brother of Yamuna, that would destroy all his sins. Dharmaraja (i.e. Yamd) said:

26-27. O minister, tell me what religious merit he has Tell me the real truth. Hearing so, I shall put him where he would befit. Hearing the words of Yama, Chitragupta, who was afraid, joined the palms of his hands, and spoke to his master, O brahmana: Chitragupta said:

28-29. This worst sinner among sinners had gone to steal the wealth of Vishnu. At the door of (the temple of) Vishnu, he threw the mud (clung) to his two feet. That floor was covered (with mud) and free from holes and pits. By the power of the religious merit his great sin has gone out (of him). He is fit for (staying in) Vaikuntha. He is out (of the jurisdiction of) your punishment. Vyasa said:

30-3 la. Hearing these words he (i.e. Yama) gave him a seat made of gold. He sat there; he was honoured by Yama. With his head (bent down) he saluted him, and politely said to him: Yama said:

31b-33a. With the dust particles of your feet my abode is purified today. I am blessed, I am lucky, I am lucky; no doubt about it. O good one, now go to Vishnu's excellent abode which is full of many enjoyments and which keeps off birth and death. Vyasa said:

33b-37. Saying like this, that Dharmaraja (i.e. Yama) placed him whose sins had gone (away), in a divine chariot which was made of gold and to which royal swans were yoked, and sent him to Vishnu's place which gives all pleasures. Thus he entered Vaikuntha and lived there for a long time. O best brahmana, I do not know what will happen to them who do not devoutly besmear he temple of Vishnu. The sin of him, earned during crores of existences, who would devoutly listen to this (account) or would attentively recite it, perishes. There is no doubt about it.




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