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Hunda is Killed in the Battle

Kunjala said:

1. Then that great soul, holding a bow, ready to fight and shining in the battle, like Death that was angry and desired to destroy the worlds, desired to kill the great demons.

2-3. He killed the demons with a number of mighty weapons resembling the sun's lustre and very bright. As the wind uproots trees, he killed the demons. As the wind shakes the divine mass of clouds, the king destroyed the intoxicated demons with very sharp excellent arrows.

4. All the demons could not (stand) the shower of arrows of (i.e. discharged by) the magnanimous one. Some died, some fled, some escaped from the great war. Suta said:

5. Seeing the prince of a great lustre, very intelligent, and destroyer of great demons, the wicked-minded Hunda became angry.

6. Going (near him) he stood there after saying these words: " Stop, stop, O son of Ayu, I shall today take you to Yama."

Nahusa said:

7. I am standing in the battlefield. See, I have come to kill you. I shall kill you, a wicked-minded demon.

8-9 Speaking thus, he, taking a bow and arrows like the flames of fire, shone in the battle with an umbrella being held (over his head). He said these words to Matali, the charioteer of Indra: " Today you drive my chariot in front of Hunda."

10-12. Thus addressed by the hero, the quick-footed Matali drove the horses having the speed of a strong wind. Then the horses jumped as swans would fly in the sky. Reaching the sky with the chariot having a flag and with an umbrella having the moon's colour, the son of Ayu shone in the battle with lustre and valour as the sun shines (in the sky).

13-18a. Hunda too, even when he remained in the chariot, shone with his own lustre, was equipped with all weapons and remained in a hero's vow. O you very wise one, at that time the battle between the two heroes caused amazement to the gods, was fierce and caused fear. At that time Hunda struck the king between his two strong arms with well-whetted, sharp, excellent arrows with heron's feathers attached to them and with darts. When pierced on his large forehead with five arrows he got angry. The king wounded with arrows shone more at that time, like the rising ruddy sun with clusters of rays. With the golden arrows stuck into his body and with his body smeared with blood, the king shone like the sun in the sky in the morning.

18b-20. Seeing his valour, he said (these) words to the demon: " O demon, wait, wait for a moment; (just) see my dexterity." Thus speaking to the demon in the battle, he struck him with ten arrows. He struck him on the face, on the forehead. Due to that the very mighty (demon) fainted and fell down on the chariot, when gods from heaven were seeing.

21-24. Gods and bards and siddhas gave out cry of victory with joy. (iney cried: ) " Victory, victory, to you, O lord of kings; " (and) they blew conches repeatedly. That tumultuous noise made by the gods entered the cavities of the ears of Hunda who had fainted. Hearing it, he took his bow and an arrow like a snake, and saying, " Wait, wait, I am not dead though you have struck me in the battle", he endowed with quickness, struck Nahusa with twentyone arrows.

25-27. The demon pierced Nahusa with one arrow into his fist, with four sharp arrows between his arms; (pierced) his great horses with four sharp arrows, his umbrella with one arrow; (pierced) Matali with five sharp arrows, the interior of the chariot with seven sharp arrows and the staff of the flag with three sharp arrows. Seeing the wicked one's seizing and aiming and discharging (the arrow) and his quickness, the deities were amazed.

28. Seeing his valour, the king (said to) the best demon: " You are brave, you are learned, you are wise, and are clever in righting."

29. Speaking thus to the demon, the king, of sharp valour, stretched his bow, and pierced him with ten arrows.

30-33a. With three arrows he cut off the flag and it fell on the ground. With four arrows he knocked down his horses. The king of sharp valour cut off his umbrella; and with ten arrows sent his charioteer to Yama's abode. Having cut off his armour with ten arrows, he splithim. He pierced the lord of demons in all his limbs with thirty arrows. With his horses killed, he became chariotless.

33b-38. The archer, with arrows in his hand, and showering (Nahusa) with sharp arrows, ran to him. That demon holding a sword and a shield, ran to the king. The king cut off the sword of Hunda, who was (thus) running (to the king). The king cut off his shield with sharp arrows with sharp horse-shoe-shaped heads. Then that wicked-minded Hunda, seeing around, took a mallet and he of sharp valour, quickly discharged it. The king then saw it coming with the speed of the thunderbolt, and by his valour he caused to fall down that mallet making a sound, with ten sharp arrows and with sharp horse-shoe-shaped arrows. Seeing the mallet, fallen in ten pieces on the ground, he raised his mace and ran to the king.

39-43. With a sharp-edged sword he cut off his arm, which fell down on the ground, with the mace, armlets and bracelets. Then, making a great sound like the bursting of the thunderbolt, and with his body smeared with blood and running in the great battle, he, full of great anger, desired to destroy the king. He, I the irresistible one, came near the king. The demon, struck on his chest by Nahusa with a missile called Sakti, suddenly fell on the ground like a mountain struck with the thunderbolt. When that demon fell on the ground, other demons went (i.e. fled) away. Some entered inaccessible places, some resorted to the other world.

44-45. When the magnanimous Nahusa had killed that great sinner, gods, gandharvas, siddhas and caranas became very joyful. When the great demon was killed in the great war, all gods became very joyful; (and) Ayu's son (i.e. Nahusa) having obtained her, of a divine form and thriving with penance, became glad.



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