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Nahusd's Consecration

Kunjala said:

1-10. Nahusa with his wife and Rambha came in that excellent, divine chariot of Indra to the city called Naga which was endowed with all beauty, divine auspicious objects, which was adorned with mansions, which possessed golden portals, which was beautified with banners, and with the sounds of many musical instruments, and with panegyrists and bards. It was also adorned with auspicious men resembling gods in form, with women of divine forms and with elephants, horses and chariots. It was full of many auspicious sounds and sounds (of the recitation) of the Vedas, the sounds of music and musical instruments, and of flutes and lutes. He entered the best city full of all (kinds) of beauty. The hero honoured with the auspicious Veda recitation by brahmanas saw his father and very meritorious mother. Being full of great joy, he saluted his father's feet. That beautiful Asokasundari devoutly saluted the feet of both of them again and again. That Rambha also saluted them and expressed her affection (for them). The prince having saluted his father and having talked to him inquired about the health of his mother and father. With horripilation due to joy the illustrious one (i.e. Ayu) spoke thus: Ayu said:

11-12. On seeing you, O son, today only all (my) ailments have disappeared; both (my) grief and sorrow have gone (away); the world is delighted with great satisfaction. When you of a great prowess were born, I became blessed. Emancipating your race you have also emancipated me. Indumatl said:

13-14. O illustrious one, as when the full moon and the new moon (day) arrives, the great ocean, seeing the lustre of the moon increases, similarly I have grown (with joy) on seeing you. I am glorified; I am very glad; I am full of joy. O you, destroyer of the pride (of your enemies), O you very wise one, on seeing you I have become blessed.

15-16. Then that auspicious queen Indumatl, having spoken like this to that son, embraced that excellent son, having smelt him on his head, as a cow smells her calf, and having greeted that son of the form of Nahusa, honoured him with blessings. Sitta said:

17-19. Then that very glorious son narrated to his mother, the auspicious queen Indumatl, the account of his being kidnapped, the birth and acquisition of his wife, his battle with Hunda, and the destruction of Hunda. He himseif told in brief all that account giving delight, to his mother and father.

20-24. The mother and father, having heard about the valour and exertion of their son, were full of great joy and their hearts were full (of delight). Taking his bow and (seated) in Indra's chariot, Nahusa conquered the earth spreading over the seven islands along with towns. He presented the earth, full of wealth, to his father. Always giving joy to his father by means of good acts, he made his father perform sacrifices like Rajasuya. Ayu's son made his parents rich by means of great sacrifices, gifts, vows, restraints and curbs, glory, meritorious and very prosperous sacrifices.

25-30. Then the gods having come to the excellent city called Naga consecrated the noble Nahusa, the destroyer of heroes. The sages possessing great faculties and king Ayu consecrated him on his throne with Shiva's daughter. The very glorious and pious king Ayu, united with his wife, went with his own body to heaven, well honoured by gods and siddhas. Leaving the place of Indra he again went to Brahma's world. Then well-honoured by sages and gods he went to Shiva's heaven. Due to his own deeds and the great lustre of his son the great king went to Vishnu's heaven, and the king lived (there) due to his religious merit. O illustrious one, men should produce such excellent merit by (performing) meritorious acts like this, not by other acts causing grief.

31-33. I have told you all the account of that king, as to how that pious Nahusa became the emancipator of his father, the supporter of the entire family, and very learned. O my son Kapinjala, tell me what other things I shall tell you. The man who listens to such pious, pure account, endowed with glory, of Ayu's son, enjoys pleasures and obtains the place of Vishnu.



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