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Pihgatirtha, Narmada, Dvaravati, Timi etc.

Yudhisthira said:

1. Now tell me about other holy places described by Vasishtha, on hearing about which sins perish, O Narada. Narada said:

2-6a. O king, now hear about the holy places described by Vasishtha. A self-restrained man, with his senses controlled, obtains (the fruit of) the Agnistoma sacrifice on reaching the southern sea and gets into an aeroplane. A restrained man, having controlled his diet, having reached Carmanvati, and being allowed by Rantideva, would obtain the fruit of (having performed) the Agnistoma sacrifice. Then, O righteous one, he should go to Arbuda (i.e. mountain Abu), the son of Himalaya, where, O Yudhisthira, there was formerly a fissure in the earth. There is the hermitage of Vasishtha, well-known in the three worlds. Having lived there for a night, he would obtain the fruit of (having given away) a thousand cows (to a brahmana).

6b-9. O king, a restrained man, having bathed at Pingatirtha, would obtain the fruit of (having donated) a hundred tawny cows (to a brahmana). Thence he should go to (the holy place) called Prabhasa which is well-known in the world, O pious one; there Fire himself is always present. O hero, Fire, with Wind as his charioteer, is the mouth of the deities. A man, being pure and having controlled his mind, gets on bathing there the fruit of the Agnistoma1 and the Atiratra (sacrifices).

1. Agnistoma: Name of a protracted sacrificial rite extending over several days in spring and forming an essential part of the Jyotistoma sacrifice. Atiratra: An optional part of Jyotistoma sacrifice.

10-12. Going from there to the confluence of SarasvatI and the ocean, he, having obtained the fruit of (having donated) a thousand cows, is honoured in heaven. O best among the Bharatas, always shining like fire by means of his lustre, he, with his mind controlled, should bathe in the holy place of the king of waters; and living there for three nights, he should offer oblations to the deities in the form of the manes. He shines like Soma, and obtains (the fruit of) a horse-sacrifice.

13-14a. O best among the Bharatas, O Yudhisthira, thence he should go to the sacred place called Varadana where Durvasas granted a boon to Vishnu. A man having bathed at Varadana, gets the fruit of (having donated) a thousond cows (to a brahmana).

14b. Then being restrained and controlled in diet, he should go to Dvaravati.

15. A man having bathed at Pindaraka would obtain much gold.

16-20. O you who restrain your enemies, at that holy place, O great king, even now coins marked with lotuses are seen. That is a wonder. O you descendant of Kuru, lotuses marked with tridents are seen. O best among the Bharatas, Mahadeva also dwells there. O you descendant of Bharata, having reached the confluence of the ocean and Sindhu, and having, with a controlled mind, bathed there, and offered oblations to manes, gods and sages, he obtains, shining with his own lustre, Varuna's heaven. O Yudhisthira, the wise say that having worshipped god Sankukamesvara, he gets ten times the merit obtained by (the performance of) a horse sacrifice.

21-25. Turning to the right, O best among the Bharatas, O best among the Kurus, he should go to the holy place, well known in the three worlds, named Timi which frees (one) from all sins and where gods like Sakra and others worship Mahesvara. A man having bathed there and having worshipped Rudra, surrounded by hosts of gods, is freed from the sins committed from his birth. O best among men, here is Timi, praised by all gods. O best among men, having bathed there, he would obtain the fruit of (having performed) a horse sacrifice. O very wise one, formerly Vishnu conquered there Diti's son and, O king, made it pure by killing the nuisance (i.e. demons) to gods.

26-28. Thence, O you pious one, he should go to Vasudhara praised (by all); by just going there, he would obtain the fruit of (having performed) a horse sacrifice. A man having bathed there and with his mind controlled, should, O best among the Kurus, offer oblations to manes and gods. He is honoured in Vishnu's heaven. O best among the Bharatas there is also a great holy place of the Vasus. Having bathed there, and drunk (water from the place) a man is liked by the Vasus.

29. (Then there is) a holy place known as Sindhutama which destroys all sins. O best man. having bathed there (a man) would get much gold.

30-31. Being pure and with his mind controlled, he of good acts and free from passion, obtains (i.e. goes to) Brahma's world, on reaching Brahmatunga. For the maidens the holy place of Sakra is resorted to by siddhas. Having bathed there, O best of men, he would obtain (i.e. go to) Indra's heaven.

32-33. There only is the holy place of (i.e. sacred to) Renuka. A brahmana having bathed there would be pure like the moon. Then, being restrained and having controlled his food he, after going to Pancanada, obtains (i.e. performs) the five sacrifices which have been described in a sequence.

34-38. Thence, O pious one, he should go to the best place of (i.e. sacred to) Bhima. Having bathed there a man does not go into a womb (i.e. is not reborn). He would be the son of a goddess. There is Kundalavigraha. (There) he would get the great fruit of (having donated) a hundred thousand cows. Having reached Girikunja, well-known in the three worlds, and having saluted the Grandsire (there), he would obtain the fruit (of having given away) a thousand cows (to a brahmana). O righteous one, from there he should go to the excellent holy place (called) Vimala, where even now golden and silver fish are seen. O best of men, having bathed there, he would obtain the fruit of (having performed) a Vajapeya sacrifice; and with his soul purified of all sins he would get the highest position.




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