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Vitasta, Malada, Manimanta, Brahmavalaka etc.

Narada said:

1-3. O descendant of Bharata, a man after having reached Vitasta, and after having offered oblations to the manes and deities, gets the fruit of (having performed) a Vajapeya sacrifice. In Kasmlra itself is the abode of Naga and also of Taksaka known as Vitasta and removing all sins. A man having bathed there would indeed obtain the fruit of (having performed) a Vajapeya sacrifice. Being free from all sins, he would go to the highest position.

4-6. Thence he should go to Malada which is well-known in the three worlds. At the time of the last evening prayer, O king, he should after having duly bathed offer an oblation of rice, barley and pulse boiled together1 to fire according to his capacity. The wise say that offerings made to the manes is inexhaustible. An offering of the oblation of rice, barley and pulse boiled together to Fire is superior to (the donation of) a thousand cows, or a hundred Rajasuya sacrifices or a thousand horse sacrifices.

7-8. Returning from there, O lord of kings, he should enter the abode of Rudra. Having gone to Mahadeva, he would obtain the fruit of a horse sacrifice. O king, a controlled and calm man having reached Manimanta and having stayed there for a night, would get the fruit of an Angistoma sacrifice.

9-11. Thence O best of kings, he should go to Devika wellknown in the world, where the progeny of brahmanas is heard (to exist), O best of the Bharatas, and where Shiva's abode is known in the three worlds. A man having bathed at Devika and having worshipped Mahesvara and having offered presents (to deities) according to his capacity, gets the fruit of a sacrifice rich in all desired objects.

12-14. There is Rudra's holy place called Kamakhya liked by gods and sages. O descendant of Bharata, having bathed there a man quickly gets liberation. Then going to Yajana and also to Brahmavalaka and having bathed at Puspanyasa, he would not be worried about death. The pious Devika liked by gods and sages is said to be half a yojana wide and five yojanas in length.

1. Caru: An oblation of rice, barley and pulse boiled for presentation to gods or manes.

15-17a. Then O righteous one, he should, according to the order, go to DIrghasatra where gods like Brahma, siddhas, great sages, getting initiated and controlled in vows, resort to a prolonged sacrificial session. O lord of kings, O you who control your enemies, by just going there a man obtains the fruit of Rajasuya and horse sacrifice.

17b-20a. Then restrained and with his diet controlled he should go to Vinasana, where Sarasvati concealed under the slope of Meru goes (i.e. flows). She is seen at Camasa, Sivodbheda and at Nagodbheda. He would obtain the fruit of Agnistoma sacrifice on bathing atCamasodbheda; a man having bathed at Sivodbheda would get the fruit of (having offered) a thousand cows. A man bathing at Nagodbheda would obtain (i.e. go to) the world of Nagas.

20b-24. Then O descendant of Bharata, O lord of kings, he should reach the excellent holy place Sasayana where Puskara is hidden in the form of a hare. They, O glorious one, O best of Bharatas, every year live there on the full moon day of Kartika and bathe in Sarasvati. O best among men, having bathed there he always shines like Shiva. O best among the Bharatas, he would obtain the fruit of (having offered) a thousand cows. O descendant of Kuru, having reached Kumarakoti and being controlled he engaged in worshipping gods, would bathe there. He obtains a myriad of cows and would liberate his own family.

25-31. Then being calm, O pious one, he should go to Rudrakoti, where, O great king, a crore sages were brought together. Overcome with rain they, desiring to see the god, (said: ) " I shall see Shiva first, I shall see Shiva first." Thus, O king, the sages started, O descendant of Bharata. Then, O king, the lord of the meditating saints, having resorted to deep meditation, created, for pacifying the distress of the pure sages, a crore Rudras who stood before the sages. They separately (i.e. each one of them) thought: 'I have seen Shiva first.' Mahadeva was pleased due to the great devotion of the sages of strong lustre and gave them a boon: " From today righteousness in you will increase." O best among man, a man having bathed there at Rudrakoti and (thus. III. being) pure, obtains (the fruit of) Asvamedha and would liberate his family.

32-34. Thence, O lord of kings, he should go to the confluence well-known in the world. He should worship the very meritorious Vishnu on (the bank of) SarasvatI where gods like Brahma, sages, siddhas and caranas go on the fourteenth day of the bright half of Caitra. Having bathed there, O best of men, a man would obtain much gold. With his soul purified of all sins he goes to Shiva's heaven. He would obtain the fruit of (having donated) a thousand cows if he dies there where the sacrificial sessions of the sages were accomplished.




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