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Situational mainhand weapons

Sage Before you even consider making a Nirvana, ask yourself these questions: ● Am I tired of dying in raids? ● Do I want to cheese Proto-Bahamut HL’s Hyper Dimension and other things that can kill my MC? ● Do I main Soraka in League of Legends? If you said “Yes” to all 3, make this and live your dreams and be a healer.
AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA The Xuanwu Shellfists is a mainhand of choice when it comes to a Fist weapon for water. While it does make you think of your team composition, its main draw comes in the form of giving Echo. You seldomly play Wrestler/Luchador in water however if you do and run...let’s say…Uno and Diantha together with Tag-Team shenanigans, you’re using a team dirtier than the Bullet Club. Auberon and Ancient Auberon are perfectly acceptable too. On Ougi, they give Mirror Image which help you protect your MC’s Hype stacks.
Hawkeye Bandit Tycoon Oliver is a Class Champion Weapon that is designed for all your...

...needs. If you only want to wanpan things, leave it at Wind. If you want to use it with your Water team, you have to element change it.

Holy Saber Spartan The element charged Guild War Spear is the best weapon for these two classes. Of course, like all Guild War weapons, they require a good amount of materials(stupid merits) to make. Starting out, Vergilius is okay as a spear placeholder. It is from the Cocytus Showdown. However, its ATK skill requires you to reach HL.


Elemental weapon grid

“I JUST DREW EUROPA. TIME TO DO EUROPA X EUROPA AND DO MINIMAL AMOUNTS OF FARMING!” Sorry to burst your bubble(ha). However, even if water finally got its 120% summon, duo elemental grids in water just can’t work out at this moment in time. First, these grids can get very messy since you aren’t specializing in a particular modifier. Next, because you aren’t specializing in any modifier, you have to spread your modifiers evenly. Finally, if it isn’t obvious by now, Water lacks UK Weapons. Maybe when Xeno Cocytus arrives, this may all change. For now, stick to either Magna grids or Primal grids(or Cocytus X Cocytus if you’re THAT new). If you want to break boundaries and go ahead with it anyways, make sure to use a calculator and do the math. Be my guest.

Primal weapon grid

Okay before we continue here, where we’re about to go to is one of the most complex grids of the game itself. That’s because there are many ways to play Primal Water, whether it’s “With Fimbuls”, “Without Fimbuls”, “Duo Varunas”, “Axe Water”, “Crit Water”...the list goes on. Thus, I present to you all two guides which can help.


It’s 2017 - Time to build your first Varuna grid: This page probably will tell you more in-depth about Varuna grids than I will. However do note that some data is a bit outdated.


Theorycrafting Fimbul and F2P Varuna Builds: For when you want to get “Mathier”.


As always, when in doubt or you wish to go “FULL E-SPORTS MODE”, you should probably use a calculator and take in all the other factors such as EMP skills, passives, etc. The advice I’m going to give you is on your basic, “cookie-cutter”, primal water build.


The Basic Grid


I present to you, the amalgamation, the Frankenstein’s Monster, the enigma known as the Primal Water F2P Grid.



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