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So what does go into this grid?

Let’s get down to business...to defeat the Huns.

The Wand of Gabriel has a Normal Majesty skill attached to it. It gives you HP and Attack. It is your friend. It goes into your grid. It loves you.
Meet the Fimbul. You know how you see water teams on youtube with ridiculous amounts of HP such as 30,000 all the way to even 50,000? This is the reason for all those HP.   It comes with 2 skills. The first skill is Big Stamina. Stamina is basically “Reverse Enmity”, the more you are closer to full HP, the more damage you do. The second skill is Small HP which is always when you want more HP.   During the glory days of the Fimbul, water users would farm Fenrir Showdown and get around four of these or even more, they were even used in Magna grid because THEY WERE THAT GOOD.   However, due to KMR nerfing the Stamina modifier, lowering the initial damage(because “it isn’t risky” compared to Enmity) and changing the curve so that you get even lower damage the lower your HP goes, Varuna grids tend to run at least 1 and never more than 3.
The Rose Crystal Sword helps protect that sweet HP of yours. However, if you feel ballsy, feel free to use a SL15 Unknown weapon instead for more damage. The spot is versatile.
This is Gleipnir. It provides Big DA(augmented by Varuna) and Small ATK(also augmented by Varuna).   This thing doesn’t give TA nor has Trium! Sadly, that is true. Why should I use it? The goal of the grid is to hit 50% DA without going over the cap. Chances are with outside buffs, you’re probably having consistent DAs. Besides, your main source of damage comes from Fimbuls. Anyways, it boosts your DA allowing you to hit enemies more and gain Ougi meter more too. Multi-attack(even though it’s only DA) is always welcome in Primal grids and Water as a whole.
Auberon is a weird looking weapon. It is sometimes known as “Ecke Sachs’ cousin” as both have two pointy ends split apart and something you could use for a barbecue with. Except Ecke Sachs looks like a twig, this looks like a Halo Energy Sword.   This fist has 2 weapon skills, in fact you can say 3(or 4). First, it has Majesty like your friend the Wand of Gabriel. Next, it has Medium Crit. And then, it has Medium DA to boot.   How does Crit work you ask? At SL10 you have a 5% chance for 50% more damage. With 1 Varuna, that’s 11% and with two? 17%. Here’s the catch, it only works against Fire(hence as mentioned in the first guide: “F2P builds prioritize DA over Crit),
You still need a Magna modifier. Say hello to your buddy Leviathan Gaze Omega.
The Xuanwu Mace with all its Big Normal 2 ATK glory is a solid choice for Varuna grids. When in doubt and you don’t know what to put inside the grid, this is a safe choice.



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