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Wait, but all of those weapons can basically be farmed for free and most are regular magna drops.

Wind meme-ing 101


This document is not meant to be an all-in one overview of everything there is to know about Wind. Rather, it is intended to be a general reference that is useful for new players looking to play Wind. Maybe it might also have some useful information for more experienced players too.

If you’re reading this in the future, some things might become out of date as Cygames changes things and if I’m too lazy/busy to edit this document. Caveat emptor.

I recommend you turn off Print Layout for the best reading experience. You can do this via the top menu bar > View > Print Layout

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has helped by contributing, proofreading, and putting up with my massive overdose of salt these past month. You’re all


Why play Wind?

Wind is one of the premier F2P elements because most of its power can be unlocked for free. It’s also a very competitive element, keeping up in damage even well into the late game.

Here are a list of some (but not all) of the advantages Wind gets over other elements. If you’re new, some of these things might not mean much at the moment but you’ll appreciate how great they are later.

● Most SSR Summons are locked away behind the gacha paywall/lucksack barrier, and uncapping them is terribly hard but Anat is a gacha-tier summon available completely free in the casino with an ATK call similar to super rare summons like Lucifer/Bahamut;

● Because nearly everyone has (or SHOULD have) an Anat Summon, you can nearly always find a good +80% elemental aura sub-summon while most other elements have to refresh to find one;

● You get a free on-element Carbuncle from the Pinboard missions;

● You get more free Wind ‘Buncles from the casino;

● You get more free Wind ‘Bucles from the shop;

● The Tiamat Omega Magna raid (which you want to farm a lot for weapons) has one of the lowest hps out of all the magnas and the mechanics to the fight aren't very difficult since she has no HP triggers;

● Your on-element fight versus Yggdrassil Omega is also pretty simple, and she also has one of the lowest HP of all Omega magnas so it's easier pendant farming than other elements will have;

● The SSR Magna Tiamat Gun weapon is easily the best magna weapon in the game outside of the Chev Sword, but can be farmed without too much difficulty and will carry you through even end-game content;

● Wind Support characters are some of the best in the game (including the premier character Korwa who is so good she's even used in other element); and

● You don’t have team building restrictions the same way other elements do (hi Tezcat) when you’re looking to maximise dps.

Wind weapon grids

The final Wind grid looks something like this:



Wait, but all of those weapons can basically be farmed for free and most are regular magna drops.


So I literally get to go straight to an end-game grid immediately?


Starting out

For the new player, you won’t have a full grid of SSR weapons yet. However, by doing Tiamat Normal and Hard showdowns, you will receive SR weapons which have a Wind ATK boosting skill. Use these as placeholders in your grid while you farm your way to the SSR grid. You probably won’t want to level the skills on these weapons too high, since they’re just placeholders. You can use them as fodder to increase the weapon skills on your SSR weapons however. If you’re a cheapskate, then you can stop at Skill Level (SL) 2 since it’s neutral in fodder (use 2 SRs to get 2 SR worth of fodder). It’s not uncommon for people to go a bit higher if they feel a need. Going above SL4 or 5 though is probably too much though.

More dakka

Your mid game pretty much consists of one goal - get as many Tiamat Bolts as possible for the pewpewpew. When you read the weapon skills on the guns, you’ll notice something - they have both an ATK up skill and an Enmity skill. This is the true strength of Wind. By double-dipping attack skills, you get extremely powerful weapons (just like Chev Swords). Also, because it’s a gun type weapon it has one of the highest attack stats in the game. Just cause, you know, they weren’t already good enough. The only “downside” is that when you’re low HP, you become conditioned to think “Yay more dps!” instead of “Wait I could actually die next turn”. If you even call that a downside. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Get your base grid of 0* guns first, and then focus on uncapping them one at a time. This is so that once you hit HL you can start immediately 4* FLB uncapping your guns. If you ever need to take out a weapon in your grid (e.g. for Flohrenberk) then it’s also easier to take out a 0* gun when you’ve been MLB’ing guns one by one than taking out a 1* gun from a grid of all 1* guns.  
As you farm Tiamats, you will come across Tiamat Gauntlets. These also have an ATK up skill. However, they lack the dual offensive skill of Guns which makes them a worse weapon overall. While you are still getting started however, they’re a perfectly fine weapon grid filler. You’ll also want one fully uncapped Fist for the Wrestler Row IV class anyway, so it’s worth having a fully skilled and uncapped Fist lying around.


Do not bother trying to leech Nezha or Garuda for Tiamat Weapons. The specialty SSR weapons aren’t useful for you, and you miss out on being able to gain SSR Tiamat Summons (also known as “selfies”). You need those Summons to uncap for your own MLB Tiamat Summon, and eventually you will reduce extra Summons for Wind Quartz to uncap your guns.

You need 200 Quartz per FLB, and you run 7 Guns. That’s 1,400 Wind Quartz. It sounds like a lot. It is. Unless you are a whale, your main source of Quartz will be reducing selfies. This is why selfies are good for you even though you grumble under your breath.

Cosmos Guns

Because the main Wind grid is so heavily gun based, running a Cosmos Gun is very effective. All Cosmos weapons come with a skill type. The tier-list for Cosmos Guns is as follows:


1 BAL Most of the best Wind characters are BAL type. The increased defence and double attack is amazing. Your #1 choice. Also used in Light gun grids. If you farm Azure Feathers/Heavenly Horns to trade in at the shop for a Cosmos weapon, make it a BAL Gun.
2 SPEC Your best SPEC characters in Wind doesn’t actually have any debuffs, so half of the passive is useless. However, it does help your main character when playing SPEC classes such as Dark Fencer. A decent weapon if it drops from a crew Grande.
3 HEAL or DEF You generally won’t find much use for the passives on these weapons. But they don’t have drawbacks either. So still a acceptable weapon if it drops from a crew Grande.
4 ATK ATK Guns have a HP penalty associated with them. If you ever run an ATK character, they take a massive HP hit. That makes them the worst Cosmos type to get for any weapon type and element you play. If this drops in a crew Grande raid and you don’t use ATK characters, it might be worth considering. But reduce it for a better Cosmos Gun later. Actually, if no one else in the crew wants it, you can also take it and reduce it for Gun Stones. They’re hard enough to come by and you need a ton for 4* FLB uncaps for your weapons anyway.


Alternative to Cosmos Guns

For various reasons, you may not be able to use a Cosmos Gun (e.g. too low level, already have a Cosmos weapon for another element). You can use these weapons in your weapon grid as alternatives to a Cosmos Gun.

The Fugudoku is the latest Wind Unkown to be added to the game. Being a Katana weapon instead of a Harp weapon, it has a higher max ATK stat and is the new Unknown of choice. This weapon is from the Grandblue Shodown collaboration event with Samurai Shodown. As such, it may be very difficult to obtain as there is no guarantee of a rerun of this event.
The Harp of Westerly Winds is the primary choice for a Cosmos Gun replacement, as it is a very powerful Unknown weapon. It does need to be lvl 100 however to obtain its ATK skill. This weapon is only available from the event Between Frost and Flame. This is part of the Four Knights event series, which is run every November/December. As such, it is very likely to be rerun so you can obtain this if you are patient.
The Qinglong Spear is the second best alternative weapon to use because of having a 4* FLB uncap which gives it a Normal II skill. The only downside is that this is also your premier Spear mainhand weapon, so it can’t always be used in the weapon grid. The Qinglong Spear is obtained from the Rise of the Beasts (a.k.a. Celestials) Event. This event comes around approximately every two months, so it is quite easy to obtain this weapon.
The Rose Crystal Knife is part of the Rose Queen Unknown weapon series. It is mediocre. Not something you’d really go out of your way to farm. It’s locked behind HL (Rank 101+), although there are no time restrictions on this. The second skill which lessens Earth damage is interesting, but as a Wind player you take less damage from Earth naturally due to type advantage.
The Froggly Bell is the only other Wind Unknown Weapon that has an ATK skill. It has less stats than the Harp of Westerly Winds though, so is less preferred. Also, the iDOLM@STER collaboration event that this weapon comes from has not been rerun in almost a year. So it’s currently not possible to obtain and there is no guarantee it will be possible to obtain either. Not a big loss though, since there are better alternatives.
Tiamat Bolts are so good that a legitimate alternative to a Cosmos Gun is just to use an eighth gun lol. This is especially true if you tend to play at low hp and can take advantage of the extra enmity. However, if you’re a new aspiring Wind memer, you’re probably not going to have enough guns to run an 8 gun grid before you’re thinking about the path to Cosmos anyway. Also, an 8th gun is a LOT of Wind Quartz and Gun Stones. Urgh.

Mainhand weapons

Wind has very few mainhand weapons it needs to farm because there are only a few Classes that matter for Wind.

Primary mainhand weapons

Warlock Hawkeye Bandit Tycoon Dark Fencer The element changed Guild War Dagger is basically the best dagger for all classes that use Daggers regardless of the element you play. Get one ASAP.
Bishop Sage Holy Saber Spartan The Qinglong Spear is the spear of choice for Wind and easy to obtain. Excellent for enabling Double Trouble III raid-wide DA/TA buffs.

Bahamut Weapons

The ideal Bahamut Weapon is the Bahamut Dagger. Most Wind teams are comprised of Humans and Erunes, so the Bahamut Dagger is the perfect fit. Just be aware that it only has the dual-race skill post-HL. (Your main character counts as all races though)
The Bahamut Gun is a choice some people make when trying to min/max as much as possible in a Cosmos Gun grid. It only affects Humans and Harvins however, so it is less useful if you run Erunes. (Korwa in particular really appreciates the HP from HL Baha Dagger)
It’s not uncommon to run a majority Erune team when you’re starting out due to the number of Wind Erune characters. Also, they’re super cute and fuffy. Pre-HL, the Bahamut Dagger won’t help your Erune team. As such, it may be worth thinking about getting a Bahamut Spear for the boost to Erunes. This requires some extra work to obtain the extra Bahamut Horn. And you will eventually replace this with the Bahamut Dagger so don’t bother skilling it up. But it is a very noticeable boost when you’re still starting out if you run lots of Erunes.


Seraphic Weapons and you

The third anniversary update brought us a new unique weapon designed specifically for on-element fights. For Wind, we were given the Ring of Raphael (aka Raphael Bow). If only Cygames made this a gun-type weapon...

The Seraphic weapons are unique in that their unique Blesing skill not only increases your damage when fighting on-element, it also increases your damage cap when fighting on-element. This is amazing for Wind, since your weapon grid is naturally capable of hitting the damage cap naturally. So both parts of this skill are very useful for you.

The Majesty skill is nice for some extra HP, although you should see this more a a bonus. The Blessing skill is the big draw here.

So how do you fit this into your grid?

The SSR Ring of Raphael should always be used in your grid when fighting on-element. The on-element damage boost is absolutely ridiculous, and busting through the damage cap is great. Assuming you have your full WInd grid completed (or at least fully MLB), you can drop either your Cosmos Weapon/Cosmos proxy or the 7th Tiamat Bolt in your grid. On the whole, the dps difference between dropping the two weapons is broadly similar. So most likely your decision will be based on other factors. (e.g. whether you have an immediate enmity activator such as Zooey, how many BAL characters you run, if your plus marks are on your Cosmos weapon, etc.)
The SR Ring of Raphael is an okay weapon. Unless you are doing 2-turn fights with Zooey or something, the small increase to damage cap in the SR state is not worth the loss in damage compared to a straight up Tiamat Bolt. The breakeven point is approximately around a 0* or 1* Tiamat Bolt. The loss in stats and the weaker skill on the SR Seraphic weapon is just too much. But if you are just doing 2-turn fights with Zooey, it is a nice bump. Just don’t expect too much.

Xenos Weapons and you

Cygames has confirmed that they will release a Xenos weapon in every element in 2017. So what does this mean for Wind? (Please let it be a gun)

Firstly, to farm a Xenos weapon reliably you’re going to need a Fire team due to the elemental resistance in Xenos content. So once you’re done with your Wind grid, starting thinking about a Fire grid. This is somewhat awkward going backwards around the element wheel, but them’s the breaks.

Secondly, assuming that the Xenos Sagittarius weapon will be broadly similar to the current Xenos weapons released, you probably will only use one Xenos weapon in your main weapon grid.

That’s right, Tiamat Bolts are so good that even a Xenos level Unk weapon doesn’t revolutionize your grid.

Strictly speaking, a second Xenos weapon is better a higher HP levels, with your breakeven at around 50%. However the difference is so marginal and the upside from enmity so high that you may not consider it worth it going through the slog that is Xenos Clash to get a second weapon.

(Although you might consider a second weapon for mainhand. Just… do yourself a favor and stop at two.)

Wind Characters

Wind is fortunate enough that it has very few team building restrictions compared to other elements. Nearly all of its SSRs are quality characters too (with some being more quality than others). This means that pre-HL/lategame you can probably get away with a party of almost any 3 SSRs or quality SR characters and be perfectly fine. You might not be the most optimal, but you can still be fine.

Also, playing with your favourite waifu/husbando is really the whole point of Grindblue Fantasy.

Character notes

Below are some general notes about Wind SSR and three notable SR characters. The purpose of this is just for new players to get a feel for what their characters do, and to see if there are any characters they might enjoy playing with. If you need a comprehensive explanation or unbiased evaluation of them, you might be better off reading Great Sundome/Gamewith/asking people on Reddit or Discord.


5* SSR Characters

Note: 5* characters require a TON of grinding to get them to max lvl. Going from lvl 80 to 100 is like grinding out lvl 1 to 80 more than twelve times all over again. But the bonuses are sweet. They also get shiny new Ougi animations too!

Gawain A unique character in that he comes with a free 70% dmg cut at max level. This lets you run a more selfish class on your main character while still being able to hit the crucial 100% damage cut with Athena/Buncles on demand for things like Proto-Bahamut. His second nuke skill also has an Enmity component that stacks with your Tiamat guns. Damn. Don’t be fooled by the fact that the game classifies him as a DEF type character. He still does the damages. Gawain is voiced by Tomokazu Seki, who you may know as that dude from Doraemon, or the main character of Escaflowne, Full Metal Panic, Nodame Cantabile, or that smug person from Fate/Stay Night who owns his own gate, Kanji Tatsumi from Persona, the event character Nicholas in the Robomi cross-over, and Luche Lazarus in Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive. His 5* Fate episode is also kinda sad.
Bird Man A character with 100% selfish buff skills and 0 nukes or party buffs. His importance in Wind teams has also slowly fallen due to general power creep and the release of other strong characters. And yet, he is still an excellent character because he performs his job of punching people in the face repeatedly very well. Break Assassin also allows him to go beyond the damage cap, and gives a really good ATK boost to enemies in Break state. Just be aware that he’s a massive glass cannon before max level. The passive giving a slight increase to triple attack for the whole party at lvl 95 is nice though! Also, no one knows how to truly spell Nezahualhilligillitillijillivillisilliwillipilli’s name. Bird Man is voiced by Jurota Kosugi, who is a snarky tiger in Hayate no Gotoku, the Japanese voice for James Bond, and a main character in the original run of some hipster series you’ve never heard of called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Regular SSR characters

Korwa When she was released Korwa, was so good that she basically completely broke the game. She was emergency nerfed about 24 hrs after release because players were capable of solo’ing raid content that should have been challenging even for teams of HL players. And yet even after these nerfs, Korwa is regularly used in multiple other elements not called Wind because her buffs are so amazing. So you know you’re in for some OP bullshit. But congrats! You play Wind! So not only do you get an amazing Support character, she’s also on-element so still does the dps. There is a separate section about how to use Korwa later on in this document. Korwa is voiced by Ayumi Fujimura. She is known for being a two-faced student in Kaichou wa Maid-sama, a secret princess in Gundam Unicorn, kendo girl in Seikon no Qwaser, Fi from The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Zelda in A Link Between Worlds remake, and a secret closet rotten girl who has read too many visual novels in Hayate no Gotoku (just like Korwa!).
Petra Petra is a support character, who competes for attention in an element with so many other strong support characters. Her Refresh passive really pays off in long drawn out fights, and having an elemental damage boost gives you an additional buff that stacks on top of other buffs available in Wind. The main downside is that her Elemental buff has a short up time compared to other supports. Petra is especially good with characters who are squishy or don’t like being hit like Bird Man or Seofon due to Illusion. Petra is voiced by Houko Kuwashima. You may know her as sports girl from Azumanga Daioh, kick-your-ass-girl from Clannad, tragic girl from the original Fullmetal Alchemist series, I-don’t-need-magic-to-kick-your- ass girl from InuYahsa, still-kicking-your-ass girl in Soul Eater, and both kicking-your-ass-in-a-giant-mech girl and tragic girl in Gundam SEED.
Arriet Arriet is a less commonly used support, but she comes with her own special buffs. In particular, she increases charge bar speed generation, which Korwa really appreciates. Plus the ATK up buff is nice. Arriet is voiced by Chinatsu Akasaki. You may know her as best girl from Chuunibyou/Chuu2, one of the Hestia Familia in “Can you really do that with a piece of string”?, the chihuahua in Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba sugiru, Aki-main character from Selector Infected WIXOSS, Alice from “Food makes your clothes explode”, and Akane Hino from IM@S.
Lennah Lennah is one of the Wind supports that gets overlooked a lot because she doesn’t have party-wide buffs to turn them into monsters. However, she has niche uses thanks to her heals and clears. Lennah is voiced by Mamiko Noto. She has played saw girl from Black Rock Shooter, violin girl from Clannad, the Founder of the Fairy Tale guild, miko girl from a Certain Magical Index, the Soviet pilot from Muv-Luv Alternative, the absolutely endearing main girl from Kimi ni Todoke, the Untouchable Queen from Freezing, Fuuka Yamagishi from Persona 3, and a TON of other roles.
Yuisis The newest Wind SSR is a mafia Erune who will beat your ass six ways to Sunday if you double-cross her. While at first glance she has a complicated skillset, it’s actually quite straightforward. Get stacks, Ougi, and then take your sword and start breaking people’s kneecaps. In her first form (Heavensbane), she has a substitute skill which is useful for playing bodyguard and tanking single target skills to protect squishier members of your team. You might want to watch a video of she works in practice if you find her skills confusing. Yuisis is voiced by Rika Tachibana who is the princess who wants to know more about commoners and marry them in Shomin Sample, and Sae Kobayakawa from IM@S.
Metera Metera’s skillset is straightforward - nuke things. That being said, her nukes also provide some utility. You can set up some fun combinations with Dark Fencer thanks to double Delay and being able to control the timing of enemy boss Charge Attacks. Her recent EMP passive skill echo is nice, however it’s only ~10% damage so don’t expect miracles. Metera is voiced by Ryouka Yuzuki. You might know her as the Princess of the True Ancestors from the Fate/Stay Night universe, Satsuki-sama from Kill la Kill, one of the princesses in Princess Lover!, I’m-too-cool-for-a-jacket girl from Trinity Seven, and the homeroom teacher in Oregairu.
Melissabelle Melissabelle has an even simpler skillset than Metera. Just press you nuke buttons as much as you can and try and blow things up. As you use the nukes in battle, they do more and more damage. Her Ougi lowers her cooldowns to nuke things even more. Her first skill fills her charge bar to Ougi immediately, as well as lowering her hp which enables enmity. Unfortunately… this kind of skillset isn’t exactly something Wind is in the market for and she is quickly outclassed as you approach the later stages of the game. July update: Cygames has buffed her giving her a new unique Corn buff that grants +ATK every time she uses a nuke skill. However, this buff stacks very slowly and her animations are still quite long. Still fun to use however! Melissabelle is voiced by Shiori Mikami. You will best know her as Akariiii~n! From Yuru Yuri, but she has also been Earth Fairy and accountant from Amagi Brilliant Park, secret royalty in Attack on Titan, and other supporting roles.
Carmelina Carmelina falls into the category of characters who try to pretend they can replace the Dark Fencer role in your team. But 99% of the time you’d rather just run Dark Fencer on your main character than run her. Also, she’s the only Wind SSR Draph character. Her buff in early 2017 have made her a much stronger character now. The Mirror Image on Ougi help preserve your hp when taking advantage of Enmity, and her debuffs no longer last 30 sec. A much better character. However, being a Draph character means it’s harder to optimize your Bahamut weapon choice. Carmelina is voiced by Misato Fukuen. She’s played Sakura from Street Fighter, the Turtle Commander in Girls Und Panzer, one of the Precures, the main character Yoshika in Strike Witches, city girl in Non Non Biyori, Motoe twins from Blood-C, Yami and her creator Tearju from To LOVE-Ru, and one of the Yozakura Quartet.
Feena Feena is one of the few (only?) Wind characters with a -DEF debuff that should stack with Miserable Mist. (It does only have a 60 second duration instead of the typical 180 seconds for most debuffs.) She comes with own steroids to increase her damage too, so is a useful character if you can't get or don't like Bird Man. Getting Passive Stacks also lets you set up for ridiculous Burst turns when you chain Ougi. She eventually become outclassed, but she’s still a fine character pre-HL. Plus, she can make cakes with her drill! Insert your own Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann joke here.  She has FOUR Triple Attack EMP skills. FOUR. This Drill just got a serious upgrade. July Balance update: Cygames continues to buff Feena with damage cap increase and damage increased from Crushed stacks. Wew. Feena is voiced by Haruka Tomatsu. You will probably know her as Asuna from Sword Art Online. However, she has also voiced Lala from to LOVE-Ru, Morigana from Magi The Labyrinth of Magic, Haruka from Sakura Trick, the Untouchable Empress from Zettai Karen Children, one of the Precures, I-talk-foreign from Hanasaku Iroha, Anaru from AnaHana, Haru Okumura in Persona 5, and Keita Amano from Youkai Watch.
Christina Christina is unique in that she is an SSR character you can get for free in the Casino rather than needing to roll the Gacha. She does cost 77,777,777 casino chips however, so it might take some time to unlock her depending on how willing you are to grind casino. She’s a brilliant character for those of you looking to get in touch with your M side, and she is a decent character if you don’t have a full SSR team yet. Her Heal has a Clear attached to it, which is really neat. That being said, she gets outclassed pretty quickly although you can still run her late-game for the Treasure Hunt stacks. Christina is voiced by Marina Inoue. You may know her as Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan, Armin from Attack on Titan, German eyepatch girl from Infinite Stratos, I-see-dead-people from Kyoukai no Rinne, Yozora from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, the titular character from Minami-ke, another Precure, I-have-a-giant-sword from Date A Live, and the sadistic novelist from Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou.

Limited SSR characters

Note: Can only be obtained during certain Legfest gacha periods

SSR Rosetta Rosetta is the Queen of solo play. In Ch 61 of the story, you get a taste of what her SSR upgrade feels like. It’s pretty bullshit. Go read the buffs Rose Barrier gives on her wiki page. Sheesh. Way better than her SR story version. If you have her as a new player, prepare to get yourself carried well into HL and beyond. Standard Rosetta play is to just use Imrryr and activate the Rose Barrier Turn 1, then just wait for 5 stacks, release the barrier, pop Iron Maiden, and then watch things melt. In her spare time not cosplaying as a young girl, Rosetta is voiced by Rie Tanaka. You may know her as glases girl from Azumanga Daioh, a one word speaking girl from Chobits, definitely still a 17 yr old maid in Hayate no Gotoku, a pop idol princess from Gundam SEED, a christmas cake in Toradora, an amnesiac from Futari wa Precure, and Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3.
SSR Lecia The other Wind SSR story character. Lecia follows in the footsteps of Eugen by showing that all it takes to become an amazing SSR character, all you need is a badass jacket. Lecia is primarily used for her Order buffs. The full table of what they are and what they do can be found on her wiki page. Her first skill is also a nuke with enmity, and gives her more enmity that stacks on top of your weapon grid. Unlike most Wind characters, Lecia requires you to build around her to get the most out of her. Her 3rd skill is also gated behind Ch 75 of the main story, which means she’s not very newbie friendly. A more in-depth look at Lecia will be given later on in this document. Lecia is voiced by Ayako Kawasumi. She is known for being Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, and Saber Lion. She has also voiced the titular character of Nodame Cantabile, and main character roles as in Shakugan no Shana, Seikai no Senki, Ladies vs Butlers!, Ichigo Mashimaro, Queen’s Blade, Leona in League of Legends, and the #1 destroyer of dreams of low-angle shots at a certain Brilliant Park.
Anchira The character that sparked off monkeygate, Anchira has an incredible skillset that does a ton of things. Part of that is an all-in-one buff with 75% uptime that boosts Attack, Defence, Debuff Success Rate, Double Attack, and Triple Attack. That stacks with everything in the game. Oh, plus a shield and the only 100% max hp party-wide emergency reset button heal in the game. Yeah. The shield has a hostility redirect, which allows you to cheese certain single target OHKO moves (e.g. redirect them into a counter or evade) which can be useful. Anchira is no longer in the gacha pool, but may return in 2018. Details to be confirmed. Anchira is voiced by Aya Uchida, who has been Miniami Kotori from Love Live!, Miniami Kotori from Love Live! Spinoffs, and Miniami Kotori from various music videos. Oh, and some emotionless girl from Trinity Seven.
Summer Zooey Summer Zooey is a character on par with Korwa. So you know you’re in for some serious bullshit. Read what her second skill does. Read what enmity does. Realise your weapon grid has 7 sources of enmity. Have fun! Zooey is voiced by Ami Koshimizu. She has played Kallen Stadtfeld in Code Geass (Season 3 hype?!), Sailor Jupiter in the most recent series, Holo the wise wolf in Spice and Wolf, Ryuuko Matoi in Kill la Kill, Noddochi in Saki, Anemone in Eureka Seven, our airhead protagonist in School Rumble, I’m-not-actually-a-yankee girl from Oregairu, a nun who discovers the power of money in the Fate/Stay universe, Yukiko Amagi in Persona 4, Agnès Oblige in Bravely Default, Oshawott in Pokemon Mystery Dugeon Gates to Infinity, Maiko Shimazake from Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, and Mai Shiranui in King of Fighters.

Guild War characters

Note: Getting a GW characters requires a lengthy process to upgrade a Revenant Weapon. The wiki page about them contains the steps needed to get one.

Seofon/Siete The two Guild War characters fill different roles, and might influence which character you might want more. However, it is important to make clear that both of the Wind GW characters are quality characters in their own right (unlike other elements cause #WindPriviliges). There is no “wrong” choice. Seofon is a dedicated attacking character. If you get Seofon, unless you’re trying to make a specialised team for certain solo content, you will probably use him in most content you do. Short fights will end pretty quickly when you use back-to-back Ougis due to Cuore Di Leone. In long fights, the ability to perma-triple attack and his passive increasing Ougi damage can make up for not having Korwa participate for a 4-chain burst. He’s also great for setting up really big Strike Time vice-MVP snipes. There are some people that argue that Siete falls off in end-game content and is therefore a wasted character. This is only partially correct. Seofon is a monster at letting you clear mid-game and non-HL content. This is, to be honest, the majority of what you will ever play in this game. Even once you reach HL, you life is not really that much more different except now you have more raids you need to do every now and then. If you are looking to do really end-game content like trying to MVP race in HL Proto-Bahamut, sure, you can make arguments that Seofon might not be the most optimal choice depending on circumstances. But this is like worrying that in the future, your luxury yacht might not have a personal landing pad for your aircraft because you bought a private jet instead of a helicopter. If you ever get to that stage in life, are you really going to care? Seofon is voiced by Junichi Suwabe. Befitting of Seofon’s smug face, this is the same person who did Archer in Fate/Stay Night. He has also played Viktor from Yuri!!! on Ice, Mine from Kuroko no Basket, the Prince King of Tennis, Freed from Fairy Tail, Space DANDY~, long hair boyband dude from Uta no Prince-sama, Relius Clover from Blazblue, and Jakob from Fire Emblem Fates.
Niyon/Nio Niyon is one of the key contenders for the Wind full support dream team. Also the only character in the game to apply unique debuffs such as Tuning and Sleep to enemies. Her importance has fallen following the release of Anchira because over Wind’s glut of quality support characters you can mix and match. However, unlike all-in-one support characters like Korwa or Anchira, her buffs do not require time to scale up and she has utility CC on the side. She is also still a popular choice because of how adorable she is. Afterall, what’s the point of playing Grindblue Fantasy if you don’t get to play with your favourite waifu or husbando? Because she is a Harvin, she does not benefit from the Bahamut Dagger which most players will have. However, she does benefit from the Bahamut Gun for players who are min/max-ing. If you do get Niyon, be aware that you won’t be able to take maximum advantage of everything she has to offer until you’re closing in on a full weapon grid. If you just want a GW character to help mash the faces of Omega-level content faster, Seofon can do that job better. Niyon is voiced by Yukana. In addition to voice the pizza loving C.C in Code Geass (Season 3 hype?!) she has also voiced Nanasaki from Amagami SS, Tessa from Full Metal Panic, Tears Grant from Tales of the Abyss, English Princess from Infinite Stratos, Kanna from InuYasha, Kazehana from Sekirei, and is another one of the Precures.

Notable SR characters

Sutera has a 5* uncap, which means she basically has SSR level stats and power. Deceptively durable thanks to her Ougi heal and 2nd skill invulnerability, she also has two nukes. Her AoE nuke is especially useful for clearing out trash mobs or Angel Halo farming. Sutera is voiced by Shizuka Itō. She has voiced Morishima Haruka senpai from Amagami SS, Hinagiku from Hayate no Gotoku, drunk oneesan from Working!, the main love interest in xxxHOLiC, the Queen from High School DxD, one of the cheerleader trio from Mahou Sensei Negima, the lucksack student council president from Saki, the sensible onee-chan from To Heart 2, Wilhelma from Shakugan no Shana, Salvare000 from A Certain Magical Index, red headband girl from D-Frag, Ahri in League of Legends, and Luvia from Fate/Kalied liner Prisma Ilya loli dance.
An unrepentant playboy, Helnar is a useful SR attacker if you’re lacking one. He seems mediocre at first glance, and probably will be for a bit. But once you hit that 5th Star uncap and he gets SSR level stats it all changes. Read that second skill. Yep, that's Break Assassin for your entire team. (Only 15% which is less than normal BA, but also increases damage cap as well.) Now read the third skill. Free TA for your entire team. Sheesh. With the new 5* Ougi, if you stack waifus and run Djeeta you get a free 50% ATK boost as well. Whew. Now watch things explode once they Break mode. Helnar is voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki. He has inspired many a rotten girl as Mako-chan from Free!, Takao from Kuroko no Basket, Hiroomi from Kyoukai no Kanata, cool bishi prince from Owari no Seraph, cool glasses boy from Sora no Otoshimono, Ban from Nanatsu no Taizai, and Noctis from Final Fantasy XV.
Sen is a Limited Christmas character and not available in the regular gacha. She is basically Fire Sen. But in Wind. Cause Wind needed more good characters. She’s super adorable. Nyaa~ Welcome to the new age of SEN. Sen is voiced by Ryō Hirohashi. You may know her as Yamada from Working!!, but she has also voiced Alice from Aria The Animation, Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad, Chane from Baccano!, and the cat from Sailor Moon at one point. Nyaaa~


GW 5* Characters

The release of the final 5* uncap for GW characters has significantly changed how many of them play out. Characters that were previously considered fairly “meh” such as Uno are now pretty darn good.

The Wind GW characters however, did not receive the same level of upgrades to their kit however. But they’re still good!


Seofon/Siete Seofon was already a good character. If you take a good character and give him upgrades, he’s obviously even better! His Swordshine stacks faster and does more, he can Ougi more often, and his fourth skill lets you do some pretty meme-y 24m Chain Bursts (if you have the time to set up). However, Seofon’s focus is on demolishing mid-game content. He does that very well. His 5* form lets you demolish that even harder, and also makes him stronger in end-game content as well (especially when on-element). But it’s not the kind of upgrade that Esser or Uno got.
Niyon/Nio Niyon’s upgrade turns her second skill buff into a mini-Korwa buff. (in fact, they don’t stack with Korwa). If you Ougi, you even extend the buff duration by 3 turns, just like a max Fil Korwa Ougi! Her new 4th skill is basically Ferry’s 3 skill on a 10 turn CD. Just for fun, her 3rd skill now basically gives your team a damage reduction bonus if the enemy is Tuned and also a shield to play around with for enmity. Wew. This is actually quite interesting, because 5* Niyon means you are no longer completely locked into using Korwa as your support du jour. While her Harmonics buff is not as strong as 10 Fil Korwa, it’s still really good and much lower maintenance. In fact, you can even run her with Korwa for the Noir et Blanc and feel less worried about what to do when Korwa buffs fall off. It also means you can be much more liberal with your Col usage. The biggest downside is that typically WInd does not run Harvins. So if you only have a Bahamut Dagger, you’re going to need to work around this. Then again, if you have a GW 5* character, getting another Bahamut Weapon is not a big deal.


The issue with GW 5* characters is the significant cost involved in obtaining them. You need to ask yourself "Is getting 5* Siete a better use of my materials and time versus getting another Eternal to 5*, or getting two other Eternals instead?"

Considering how hard some of the GW 5* characters were pushed, this may be a difficult decision for you.

That being said though, if you absolutely love a certain character then just do it. Granblue is about having fun and playing with your favorite characters. And if you’re seriously looking at getting a GW 5* character, you’re at the stage where you basically can do whatever you want for fun.


Using Lecia

Lecia fulfils a similar role as Anchira, where she is a Support that helps your team do the damages while having an emergency heal button. However, Lecia is a more complicated character to use because she imposes team-building restrictions on you. Don’t let that discourage you though.

Lecia’s primary purpose is firing up Stalwart Command and then giving big buffs for your team.

She also has one the lowest CD Clear in the game on her Heal skill. Don’t underestimate how useful that can be, even if it’s single target. (Xeno Vohu Manah comes to mind) The shield is nice, but it’s not very strong so don’t rely on it too much.

What Orders do I use?

I recommend you read Lecia's wiki page, but below is a screenshot of the most important thing about her.

This looks like a lot to remember. However, the fact of the matter is that the majority of the time you will only be using Attack Order. Read what it does. Love what it does. Rejoice about the fact that if you’re already at end-game max damage cap, Lecia is now a way to push past that with both a cap increase as well as an echo. Lecia can add stacks to Attack Order herself, so the challenge of getting to 5 stacks is not as difficult as it seems.

When Lecia was first shown as a Trial character, most people picked up on the fact she had Veil. The reality however, is that when playing as Wind you just don’t actually have enough Heals to stack Heal Order enough to matter.

You also don’t really run enough Debuff characters to make Debuff Order work. If you ever need debuffs in solo-play you typically just run a Dark Fencer or put Miserable Mist on another class. And in raid content there are enough people with better debuffs that these don’t matter.

Buff Order is interesting, however crit stats will only be useful for you when playing against Earth. Crit is not compulsory in order to cap your auto-attacks in Wind, unlike in other elements so this is less interesting than it normally would be. Furthermore, the increase in damage when playing versus Earth has to compete against Attack Order. Buff Order is definitely easier to trigger however.

The debuff resistance is okay but not something to highly prioritise. The fights where you really don’t want to get debuffed, you generally bring Veil or ask the raid for Clears anyway. However, it does provide two turns of debuff immunity which is useful in some pub raids (e.g. HL Tiamat). The DEF buff might be useful for players taking on content, however the uptime is not enough to reliably and consistently facetank damage. SSR Rosetta is better for that sort of thing.

Using Stalwart Command

Her Stalwart Command skill can be started but then held indefinitely. In other words you can activate Stalwart Command, start stacking Command Orders, and then just sit on those Command Order stacks until you're ready to release them. If you don't have enough nuke skills to stack Attack Order all the way to 5. You can just keep sitting on an active Stalwart Command and wait for your next cooldown cycle to add more stacks.

For example, use Rain of Arrows/Armor Break Turn 1 to apply debuffs as well as count towards her Attack Order stacks, but just keep Stalwart Command active since not ready to activate it yet. (e.g. waiting to set up that big Break Assassin turn)

Secondly, her Command Order category is chosen by the next skill that is immediately used after Command Order is used. Be careful how you queue your skills! (i.e. Use Miserable Mist -> Command Order -> Rain of Arrow)

Using Attack Order

If you want to use Attack Order, you need to have nuke skills. This should be extremely obvious. However, because this gives Echo, you also want to have a source of multiattack to ensure you can take full advantage of this.

In theory, Lecia can have 50% uptime on her buffs. However, most nukes skills have a 6+ turn CD which means it’s very unlikely to can achieve this without major sacrifices. As such, you may not want to always try and aim for 5 stacks of Attack Order. Echoes are already very powerful (especially given that Wind has so many ways to increase multiattack rate as well) that going for regular 3 or 4 stacks is still very potent.

Something to be aware of is that skills are coded as Attack/Buff/Debuff/Heal based on the color of the icon indicator in each character’s profile.

Teambuilding with Lecia

Below are several notable characters you want to keep in mind when building your Lecia team.  

Korwa One of the most important characters you need for actually being able to hit the damage cap in the first place. Her multiattack buffs are especially good for ensuring you can take full advantage of the echo.
Seofon/Siete Seofon is very useful because he is able to ensure consistent guaranteed triple attacks during your Echo turns. He also contributes a nuke that counts towards Lecia’s Attack Order. The main downside to running Seofon is that he otherwise doesn’t contribute team-wide auto-attacking buffs. For longer fights, you will need to use someone with a source of party-wide multiattack up.
Metera Metera is a pure nuke character. Having this many nukes gives you a decent amount of flexibility in how you stack Attack Order buffs. Her Delay also gives you some utility in timing and lining up when you use your burst versus the enemy’s charge diamonds. However, she has no innate multiattack.
Gawain Two nukes, one of which has an enmity component just like Lecia. Again though, no innate multiattack. Also, as a DEF character he can’t benefit from your BAL Cosmos weapon. However, if you’re making a Lecia team to solo content like Titan then the damage cut might prove useful.
SSR Rosetta The Queen of solo play comes with a ton of buffs including multiattack buffs, and has a nuke skill. She really has a lot of things going for her. She is a limited SSR character, but then again so is Lecia anyway.
Melissabelle A character literally dedicated to nuking, and can try to shorten the CD on her nukes. Just be aware that she still has drawbacks of having absolutely no utility at all.
Summer Zooey Cause Zooey. She also has two nuke skills btw.
Warlock The Warlock Row IV class is incredibly useful for enabling Lecia straight away while ensuring big burst turns in both solo and raid play. Running Splitting Spirit (Mystic EX skill) lets you immediately Turn 1 Ougi with a GW Dagger to activate multiattack on your entire party. Taking Armor Break or Rain of Arrows (in conjunction with Dark Haze) means that combined with Lecia you already have 3 immediate Attack stacks. Round out your team with whatever you want. Something like Summer Zooey for enmity abuse can let you potentially kill Yggdrasil Omega in 2 turns.
Luchador Knifehand Strike surprisingly counts as a nuke skill, which is nice. But the real strength here is using Tag Team for all your party to attack during an Echo turn.

Korwa 101

If you’re not a Wind memer, you’re probably reading this document for this section.

Korwa is a very straight forward character. The ideal is that you press her skills once, and never press them again.

Several things you need to know before we get started:

● Korwa relies on Fil. If you don’t have Fil, you can’t use her skills and her Ougi is literally useless.

● Korwa starts a battle with 3 Fil. She naturally gains 2 Fil per turn. However, if she is hit during a fight (and takes damage) then she gains an additional +2 Fil (for 4 Fil total). Being hit multiple times does not give you more.

● Because her Ougi does not do damage, it does not count towards your Chainburst. This means you can only ever hit a max Chainburst of three if you run Korwa.

● You want to have Korwa at level 75+ for the reduced Fil costs to use her skills.

How to use Korwa

The standard Korwa rotation is as follows:

  1. At the start of the battle, just autoattack through. Assuming she doesn't get hit though, it takes 4 turns to reach max 10-Fil.
  2. At 10 Fil, use Des Vetements (red skill).
  3. Next turn, use Noir et Blanc (black skill).
  4. Wait to hit max Fil.
  5. OUGI

This setup takes ~7 turns total. And yes, it’s really that simple.

You will note, however, that Korwa is not suited for fights that end very fast because she won’t have time to charge up.

Sometimes you may vary the first Ougi pattern. If you're in a fight where the enemy multiattacks a lot (e.g. Yggdrassil Omega), you can try using some skills earlier and hope to make up the difference later from being hit. Using Ougi at 8 Fil is okay too.

Typically Korwa is placed in the 4th position in your team to benefit from being fed Ougi meter from the rest of your team. You can also place her second so that on the turn she Ougis, everyone later will benefit from the increased Fil effects. However, this only matters for the first Ougi (since all subsequent Ougis will just be extending buff duration) and generally you won’t use Korwa in short fights.

Wind meme-ing 101


This document is not meant to be an all-in one overview of everything there is to know about Wind. Rather, it is intended to be a general reference that is useful for new players looking to play Wind. Maybe it might also have some useful information for more experienced players too.

If you’re reading this in the future, some things might become out of date as Cygames changes things and if I’m too lazy/busy to edit this document. Caveat emptor.

I recommend you turn off Print Layout for the best reading experience. You can do this via the top menu bar > View > Print Layout

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has helped by contributing, proofreading, and putting up with my massive overdose of salt these past month. You’re all


Why play Wind?

Wind is one of the premier F2P elements because most of its power can be unlocked for free. It’s also a very competitive element, keeping up in damage even well into the late game.

Here are a list of some (but not all) of the advantages Wind gets over other elements. If you’re new, some of these things might not mean much at the moment but you’ll appreciate how great they are later.

● Most SSR Summons are locked away behind the gacha paywall/lucksack barrier, and uncapping them is terribly hard but Anat is a gacha-tier summon available completely free in the casino with an ATK call similar to super rare summons like Lucifer/Bahamut;

● Because nearly everyone has (or SHOULD have) an Anat Summon, you can nearly always find a good +80% elemental aura sub-summon while most other elements have to refresh to find one;

● You get a free on-element Carbuncle from the Pinboard missions;

● You get more free Wind ‘Buncles from the casino;

● You get more free Wind ‘Bucles from the shop;

● The Tiamat Omega Magna raid (which you want to farm a lot for weapons) has one of the lowest hps out of all the magnas and the mechanics to the fight aren't very difficult since she has no HP triggers;

● Your on-element fight versus Yggdrassil Omega is also pretty simple, and she also has one of the lowest HP of all Omega magnas so it's easier pendant farming than other elements will have;

● The SSR Magna Tiamat Gun weapon is easily the best magna weapon in the game outside of the Chev Sword, but can be farmed without too much difficulty and will carry you through even end-game content;

● Wind Support characters are some of the best in the game (including the premier character Korwa who is so good she's even used in other element); and

● You don’t have team building restrictions the same way other elements do (hi Tezcat) when you’re looking to maximise dps.

Wind weapon grids

The final Wind grid looks something like this:



Wait, but all of those weapons can basically be farmed for free and most are regular magna drops.



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