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Alternative to Cosmos Guns

For various reasons, you may not be able to use a Cosmos Gun (e.g. too low level, already have a Cosmos weapon for another element). You can use these weapons in your weapon grid as alternatives to a Cosmos Gun.

The Fugudoku is the latest Wind Unkown to be added to the game. Being a Katana weapon instead of a Harp weapon, it has a higher max ATK stat and is the new Unknown of choice. This weapon is from the Grandblue Shodown collaboration event with Samurai Shodown. As such, it may be very difficult to obtain as there is no guarantee of a rerun of this event.
The Harp of Westerly Winds is the primary choice for a Cosmos Gun replacement, as it is a very powerful Unknown weapon. It does need to be lvl 100 however to obtain its ATK skill. This weapon is only available from the event Between Frost and Flame. This is part of the Four Knights event series, which is run every November/December. As such, it is very likely to be rerun so you can obtain this if you are patient.
The Qinglong Spear is the second best alternative weapon to use because of having a 4* FLB uncap which gives it a Normal II skill. The only downside is that this is also your premier Spear mainhand weapon, so it can’t always be used in the weapon grid. The Qinglong Spear is obtained from the Rise of the Beasts (a.k.a. Celestials) Event. This event comes around approximately every two months, so it is quite easy to obtain this weapon.
The Rose Crystal Knife is part of the Rose Queen Unknown weapon series. It is mediocre. Not something you’d really go out of your way to farm. It’s locked behind HL (Rank 101+), although there are no time restrictions on this. The second skill which lessens Earth damage is interesting, but as a Wind player you take less damage from Earth naturally due to type advantage.
The Froggly Bell is the only other Wind Unknown Weapon that has an ATK skill. It has less stats than the Harp of Westerly Winds though, so is less preferred. Also, the iDOLM@STER collaboration event that this weapon comes from has not been rerun in almost a year. So it’s currently not possible to obtain and there is no guarantee it will be possible to obtain either. Not a big loss though, since there are better alternatives.
Tiamat Bolts are so good that a legitimate alternative to a Cosmos Gun is just to use an eighth gun lol. This is especially true if you tend to play at low hp and can take advantage of the extra enmity. However, if you’re a new aspiring Wind memer, you’re probably not going to have enough guns to run an 8 gun grid before you’re thinking about the path to Cosmos anyway. Also, an 8th gun is a LOT of Wind Quartz and Gun Stones. Urgh.

Mainhand weapons

Wind has very few mainhand weapons it needs to farm because there are only a few Classes that matter for Wind.

Primary mainhand weapons


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