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Упражнение 8. Прочтите. Употребите вместо точек слово-сочетания, данные справа.

Is he / she going to see...? Are you going to see...? I want to show you...? John isn't going to see... today. They aren't going to see... today. St. Isaac' Cathedral. St. Isaac's Square / Decembrists' Square. Central Park. The Hermitage museum / Russian museum. The Winter Palace. The Peter and Paul Fortress. The statue of Peter the Great.


Упражнение 9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. And where is your office?

2. Is it far from Nevsky?

3. Do you live far from the office?

4. Do you often take the metro?

5. Why do you take the metro?

Упражнение 10.Ответьте на вопросы, воспользовавшись схе-мами и под­сказками, данными справа.

-Excuse me, how do I get to the Pulkovo Hotel? - Excuse me, what bus do I take to the Pribaltiyskava Hotel? - I'm sorry, I don't know.   - Sorry, I don't know (where it is).

Упражнение 11. Ответьте на вопросы, воспользовавшись подсказками справа.

-What is the statue in the center? -What is across the river? -What is behind us? -What is there on the left? -What is that garden on the -What is behind the Field of Mars? - What is the large building in front? - Is it the Hermitage? -What's that column in the center? -Where is the river Neva? - Is it far from here to the Astoria Hotel? …a/the statue of Suvorov. …the Peter and Paul Fortress. …the Field of Mars. …the Marble Palace, Lenin Museum. …the Summer Gardens, right? …the Engineer's Castle. …the Winter Palace. Yes, … …the Alexander Column. …behind… No, …




Who are you waiting for?

It's Saturday at four p.m. I'm sitting in the lobby of Richard's hotel, smoking. My daughter Vera, sitting next to me, is reading a book. She's got a camera. Taking pictures is Vera's hobby. She wants to take some pictures today. Richard often sits here and waits for me, but today we're waiting for him. There he is! He's coming out of the elevator. Sometimes we walk to the office from the hotel. But we aren't walking to the office now. We're walking to the metro station.

Richard often asks me about myself. Now he's asking me about my family. How big is it? How old are they? What are their jobs? What are their hobbies? I have a large family and I show him our family tree.


Family tree:

Andrew F. Helen M. Kuznetsov Michael S. Basov

Nina L. Basov

born 1920 born Jan. 1, '29 born Feb. 23, '28

born Mar. 2, '31

died 1987 doctor retired army officer retired


  knitting gardening



Nick A. Kuznetsov Victor A. Kuznetsov Lucy M. Kuznetsov Mary M. Sokolov  
born Apr. 3 born May 11, '49 born June 10, '51

born July 12, '61



taxi driver engineer teacher


girls traveling foreign


billiards volleyball languages


Alex Kuznetsov Vera Kuznetsov


  born Aug. 20, '72 student born Sep. 31, '75 high school student

born Oct. 7, '84

  music music


  martial arts photography

computer games

We get to our house and take the elevator to the fifth floor. Richard keeps asking us questions. How much is the rent? Who owns our apartment? How many people share it? His last question is: do they speak English?



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