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Лексико -грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Does Victor speak English?

2. Why can't his friends speak English?

3. Can he speak English better than his wife?

4. Who shows Richard the apartment?

5. How many rooms are there in the apartment?

Упражнение 2. Обратите внимание на сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных. Выучите их наизусть.

big — bigger — biggest             nice — nicer — nicest

small — smaller — smallest      tall — taller — tallest

large — larger — largest            light — lighter — lightest

Употребите вместо точек соответствующие формы прилагательных.

1. Vic's new apartment is... er than the old one.  (large)

2. Vic's old apartment is... er than the new one.  (small)

3. This room is... et than that one.                         (big)

4. This room is... er than this one.                         (nice)

5. This man is... er than that one.                          (tall)


1. Vic's apartment is the... est in the house.         (large)

2. Vic's old apartment was the... est in the house (small)

3. This room is the... est in the apartment.            (big)

4. That room is the... est in the apartment.           (nice)

5. He is the... est player in the team.                     (tall)

Упражнение 3. Напоминаем, что степени сравнения много-сложных прилагательных образуются с помощью слов more most (более, наиболее.)

Comfortable — more comfortable — most comfortable

Interesting — more interesting — most interesting

Difficult — more difficult — most difficult


Употребите вместо точек одну из форм, приведенных рядом прилагательных.

1. This apartment is more... than that one.  (comfortable)

2. This book is... than that one.                    (interesting)

3. This language is... than that one.             (difficult)

4. This is the most... apartment.                   (comfortable)

5. This is the... story.                                    (interesting)

6. This is the... language.                             (difficult)

Упражнение 4. Прочтите следующие прилагательные и заучите их наизусть. Употребите их в упражнении.

Good — better — best

Bad — worse — worst

Little — less — least

Many — more — most

Far — farther — farthest


1. Vera speaks English well. What about Victor? Victor speaks


2. Vera speaks English well, Vic speaks better, and Lucy speaks...

3. Lucy speaks English best of all. Victor speaks English... than she.

4. Grandfather knows some words in English. He speaks English... of all.

5. Vera doesn't know many English words. She knows...words than Mom.

6. Lucy lives far from the office. Victor's office is even... than hers.


Упражнение 5. Согласитесь выполнить просьбу.

Would you pass me the salt?

Could you repeat your question?

Would you get me a taxi?

Would you ask Mr. Johnson to wait?

Could you help me?

Would you send a letter for me?

Упражнение 6 . Откажитесь исполнить просьбу.

Could you come to the office at 5.00 p. m.?

Could you take me with you?

Would you give me that book?

Would you have dinner with me tonight?




Going to Moscow? Take the Red Arrow

Richard wanted to go to Moscow. He asked me to book for him. I didn't like the idea. On the one hand, planes are faster than trains. It takes only an hour to fly to Moscow. But it takes almost four to get to the airport in Leningrad and from the airport to Moscow. Sometimes they delay or cancel flights because of the weather end up wasting a lot of time. On the other hand, there are many from Leningrad to Moscow every day. But the best train is Red Arrow. You board it just before midnight, and at 8: 30 you're in Moscow. In the morning, after a good night's sleep, you feel nice and fresh. So if you're going to Moscow take the Red Arrow! That's if sleep on the train, of course. Some people can't. They feel worn-out after a night on the train. Well, they can take a day plane.

Richard changed his mind. I helped him (to) book a ticket Red Arrow.

Sightseeing in Moscow

Richard Johnson could stay in Moscow for only two days. He came back, I asked him about his impressions.

He told me he took the Red Arrow from Leningrad's to Moscow and arrived in Moscow in the morning. He slept well on the train. He took the metro to the center of the city. Then he walked to the American Embassy. It took him twenty minutes to get there, stayed in his friend's apartment.

In his free time he saw some of the sights of the capital, took a guided tour of Moscow. He liked the old part оf the city very much. The new housing developments didn't impress him at all. He thought (that) they were too uniform.

The next day his friend showed him the Kremlin. They started on Red Square. Richard looked at St. Basil's Cathedral. He saw the monument to Minin and Pozharski. Then his friend took him inside the Kremlin. Richard liked the old churches there. Some of them are more than 500 (five hundred) years old!

Some people like Moscow very much. But Richard liked Petersburg better than Moscow. At least that's what he said.



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