Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

British and American Universities )

Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов первого курса



2012 г.


Рассмотрено и утверждено методической комиссией кафедры иностранных языков, протокол № 4 от 30.08. 2010


Авторы: Сергеева Елена Анатольевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Международного факультета управления ТГУ

           Солоненко Александра Владимировна - преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Международного факультета управления ТГУ


Рецензенты: Бельтюкова Н.П., доц., к. фил. н

                   Прокопенко Л.А., ст. преп. англ. яз.

                   Стуканова О.Б., ст. преп. англ. яз.

                   Швадленко И.А., MS, alumna of Muskie Program (USA)

                   Kate Willison, BA, Canada

                   Michael Howard, BA, Great Britain

                   Mark Ciavaglia, BT, Australia



Пособие знакомит студентов первого курса с реалиями высшего образования в России и за рубежом, на примере Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета и университетов Великобритании и США. Основу пособия составляют три раздела, знакомящие с историей, структурой, правилами поступления, традициями данных вузов. Каждый раздел содержит задания, которые носят творческий характер и ориентированы на развитие у студентов всех видов речевой деятельности, критического мышления, навыков сравнительного анализа и исследовательской работы и на использование ресурсов Интернета. Одной из целей работы с данным учебно-методическим пособием является обогащение вокабуляра по теме «Образование» и развитие грамматических навыков у учащихся. Пособие помогает студентам первого курса приобрести и развивать навыки автономного обучения и работы с информацией. Также оно знакомит с  перспективами обучения в британских и американских вузах. Также пособие содержит ценные дополнительные материалы: список ключевых слов по теме «Образование», тест на определение уровня знания языка студента первого курса, тренировочный лексико-грамматический тест по материалу пособия, памятка по подготовке устной презентации, полезная информация о Томске и студенческих традициях, список сайтов, содержащих полезную для студентов информацию. В целом, данное пособие отличает новизна, информативность, разнообразие содержания, законченность, оригинальность, что даёт богатый материал в помощь преподавателям иностранного языка, работающим с группами разного уровня владения языком.





Dean’s Word................................................................... 4

Manage Your Studies Card.......................................... .5

Part I Tomsk State University........................................ .6

Part II Oxford University………..……….……………....20

Part III American Universities....................................... 29

Appendix 1.................................................................... 41

Appendix 2.................................................................... 44

Appendix 3.................................................................... 49

Appendix 4.................................................................... 51

Appendix 5.................................................................... 52

Appendix 6.................................................................... 54

Appendix 7.................................................................... 56

Appendix 8.................................................................... 59

Appendix 9.................................................................... 63

Appendix 10.................................................................. 67

Bibliography and references......................................... 68





Dear students and teachers:     


 This textbook in English created by our teachers is a remarkable event in the life of our International Department of Public and Business Administration, due to the very important role that having a good command of foreign languages plays in the success of young specialists' professional activities.



The fast development of globalization in any profession and the intensively increasing mobility of specialists around the world, make knowledge of languages absolutely imperative. But it has not just purely practical significance. Language is not a means of communication only. It is much more – it is a way to see the world and understand it or, as the Germans say, it is “die Weltanschauung”.


For instance, people thinking in Russian and in English have different views on many things. Take the word управление . Did you notice how I translated the name of our department above? This is because in English there is no equivalent to the term управление. Управлять автомобилем – to drive a car; управлять ракетой – to guide a missile, страной – to govern, организацией – to manage, etc. My American friend told me that perhaps the nearest equivalent is operation, but its meaning is wider, it embraces any activity. 


Another language is another view of the world, and it makes life more interesting, and gives you additional possibilities in life. For instance, many interesting and very important events in my life have had happened solely due to my knowledge of English. I wish all of our students success in their studies of foreign languages.                                



Felix Tarasenko,

Dean of International Department of Public and Business Administration

Manage Your Studies Card


Unit: Discovering the University Community

Name   ______________________________________________________                           

Surname ______________________________________________________



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



# TOPIC Activities GRADES
1. Tomsk State University                                               part1 discussion  
2. Tomsk State University                               part 2 presenting TSU  
3. British Universities                            part1 listening  
4. British Universities                           part2    
5. American Universities                           part1 speaking  
6.  American Universities                          part 2 reading  
7. Visiting American Center questions  
8.  Test Preparation                 (oral section) writing a letter texts vocabulary * * *
9.  Test  Preparation                 (written section) test  
10. Test test *
11. Presentations presentation *

  Final Score


Part 1




· Word Harvest


In groups make up a list of words related to the topic ‘University‘. Exchange your words with another group. Write down new words and expressions.


· University Discussion


In groups choose  two questions to discuss from the list. Then talk about your group’s opinion.


1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘university’?

2. What would you like to study at university?

3. Do you think everyone should go to university?

4. Is university only for very intelligent people?

5. Do you think university today is different from one hundred years ago?

6. Is university life more about studying or having fun?

7. What universities would you really like to study at and why?

8. Should university education be free?

9. What is the difference between university and school?

10. Edward Hubbard, an English historian, said: “You can take a man to university, but you cannot make him think.” Do you agree?



· Surfing the University web site

Surf the official web site of Tomsk State University www.tsu.ru . Try to complete the following questionnaire

1. What is the name of the university Rector?


2. When was the University founded? Name the most important dates from the University history.



3. How many faculties are there at Tomsk University? Which is the oldest one?

4.  How many students study at the University?

5. What language versions are presented?

6. What is the name of the University newspaper? What does its name mean?

7. What is the latest news from university life on the site?

8. What foreign universities does TSU cooperate with?


Surf the official web site of International Faculty of Business Administration www.mfu.tsu.ru . Try to complete the following questionnaire

1. What are the names of the faculty dean and vice-dean?

2. When was the faculty founded? What was its original name?

3. What chairs exist at the faculty?

4. Find the names of any five teachers who work at this faculty.

5. What are the majors offered by the faculty?

6. Can you take a correspondence course at this faculty?

7. What is the name of the faculty newspaper?


Are these sites user-friendly? Do you have any ideas to make these sites better?

What were the most important/ interesting pieces of information you found? 




1. Read the following words

Far East

Siberia                                      physics                             chemistry

academia                                  philology                          technology  

academy                                   philosophy                       ecology

alumni                                                                                    biology



medicine                                   specialist

merchant                                  zoologist                          science

mathematics                             physicist                          scientific                             

museum                                    chemist



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