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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the text and reconstruct its logical structure by putting the paragraphs into correct order.



A.   Concentration programs or majors, leading to Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees, enable students to specialize in one area in great depth. With over 2, 500 courses available each year, undergraduates choose electives that allow them to explore their interests more broadly. Students may opt to join a faculty in research through the College Research Opportunities Program, or they may design their own research projects.


B.  As one of the world’s great universities, the University of Chicago has been shaping higher education and the intellectual lives of undergraduates for over a century. A private institution charted in 1890, Chicago’s 203-acre campus on the shores of Lake Michigan has been home to 73 Nobel laureates, the largest number affiliated with any American university. The University of Chicago scholars were the first to split the atom, to measure the speed of light, and to develop the field of sociology.



C.  The typical student admitted to the University of Chicago, in addition to being academically promising, shows a desire for a liberal arts education, a keen sense of curiosity, a willingness to question standard assumptions, and a taste for theoretical discussion. These aspects of the successful Chicago applicant are usually reflected in the high courses a student has taken, grades earned, and standardized test scores, as well as the way in which the application is completed.



D.  Carrying on this tradition of innovative and provocative thought, Chicago’s 4, 000 undergraduates from the community of learners discover the pleasure of exploring, taking risks, immersing themselves intellectually, and determining the direction of their own education. They choose Chicago because they want an undergraduate liberal arts curriculum taught by a faculty of renowned scholars and teachers. They seek small classes and spirited discussions. They participate in opportunities on and off campus that take their professional and recreational interests to a higher level.


(Source: American Colleges and Universities // The Magazine for International Students and Their Parents. – 2002).



Roommate Questionnaire

Once a student has been accepted to a university, he or she often has to fill out a roommate questionnaire before arriving at the university. The university staff uses the answers to decide which students to put together in rooms in the dormitory.



What kinds of factors would be important in matching roommates? In your group, write your own roommate questionnaire to be given to new students. To get you started, here are some questions:


 - Do you smoke?

 - What time do you usually go to sleep?

 - What time do you usually wake up?

 - Do you listen to music when you study?



What other questions would you ask? Be creative!


Revision Task


What is the English for?   условия зачисления подавать анкету поступать в университет студент-первокурсник сосед по комнате в общежитии требования к поступающим достижения выдающийся баллы за тест What is the Russian for?   curriculum application fee admission committee GPA to fill in an application form unrefundable payment waiting list dormitory SAT


B) Translate into English .


1. Комиссия по зачислению требует с абитуриентов специальную плату за обработку регистрационных форм, но потом её не возвращает.

2. Среди требований для желающих поступить в Чикагский университет является обязательным предоставление результатов ЕГЭ.

3. Мой сосед по комнате может похвастаться многими достижениями, но главное – он выдающийся футболист.

4. Моих баллов для зачисления было недостаточно, поэтому я в списке ожидания.

5. Ты можешь помочь мне заполнить анкету абитуриента? Я должен подать её уже сегодня.


Final Task


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