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Prayers of The Kings To Lord Kalki


Texts 1

Suta Gosvami said Padmavati understood Lord Kalki to be non- different from Lord Hari, and thus she telt very shy. With a voice choked with affection, she began to offer prayers.


О husband of Lakshmi, You are the Lord ot the universe and the protector of religion О supremely pure Lord, I have now realized Your true position and so I take shelter of You, please protect me.


Although You are rarely attained, I have obtained Your lotus feet bY pleasing You with mY austerities, gifts of chanty, chanting of mantras, and observance of vows I believe that this is the cause of my great fortune.


Now, please order m e so that I can go home after touching Your soft lotus feet and inform everyone of Your auspicious arrival.


After speaking in this way, Padmavati, whose beauty w as matchless, returned home a n d informed her father through a messenger about t h e auspicious arrival of Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Lord Hari.

Text 6

When the king heard from Padmavati’s friends t h e news that Lord Hari had arrived with a desire to marry his daughter, he became merged in a great ocean of happiness.


The King and is ministers, priests, brahmanas, friends, and relatives hurriedly went to greet Lord Kalki in a festive mood with singing, dancing, and music By the king’s order, the entire city of Karumati wasdecorated with flags, gates, and auspicious articles.

Texts 9-10

When King Brihadratha approached the lake, he saw Lord Vishnu, the son of Vishnuyasa, the shelter of those without any shelter, and master of the universe, sitting on an altar bedecked with jewels The ornaments on the Lord’s blackish body appeared like lightning flashing in a daik cloud.

Text 11

The beauty of the Lord’s transcendental body defeated the pride of Cupid Indeed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of all kinds of beauty He was dressed in yellow garments having dark borders.

Texts 12-13

While gazing upon Lord Kalki, the embodiment of all transcendental qualities, the possessor of sublime characteristics, and the all attractive husband of Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, the happiness of the king knew no bounds. Tears of love incessantly flowed from his eyes. After respectfully greeting the Lord, the king said О Lord of the universe, just as Shri Krishna met the son of Mandhata in a dense forest, bv my good fortune, You are meeting me here today.

Text 14

After greeting Lord Kalki, the king worshiped Him with great respect and then brought Him to his palace, which had decorated pillars, gates, and residential quarters He then gave his daughter’s Hand in chanty to the Lord.

Text 15

Thus King Brihadratha had his daughter, Padmavati, whose eyes were like lotus petals, who had the fragrance of a lotus, and who was born at a place where many lotuses grew, married to the Supreme Lord, who possesses a lotus like navel.

Text 16

While being united with His eternal consort at the island of Simhala, Lord Kalki was praised by manv exalted personalities He decided to reside there for some time, because He wished to take a tour of the island.

Text 17

The kings who had been transformed into females and were residing in Simhala as Padmavati’s companions, rushed to see the Lord of the universe, Kalki.

Text 18

Upon seeing the Lord, they went and touched His lotus feet. Then, by the Lord’s order, they regained their original forms as men while bathing in the water of the Reva River.

Text 19

Padmavati’s complexion was very fair and Lord Kalki’s complexion was dark, like a rain cloud. In this way, they appeared to materialistic vision to be opposite one another. Princess Padmavati was dressed in blue garments, and Lord Kalki was dressed in yellow garments.

Text 20

Having witnessed Lord Kalki’s extraordinary influence, all the kings surrendered unto Him as eternal servants and began to offer prayers with unalloyed devotion and profound humility.

Text 21

The kings said: О Supreme Lord! All glories unto You! Influence of Your supreme potency, this variegated universe has come into existence. Indeed, this material world is but the effect ot Your external energy. When all objects within the three worlds were destroyed the water ofdevastation, and thus the Vedas were also lost, You appealed as the Matsya incarnation to protect the religious principles that were previously established by You.

Text 22

When the demons had defeated Indra, the king of heaven, and the greatly powerful Hiranyaksa, was about to kill him, just to vanquish the king of the demons and deliver the earth, You assumed the form of Lord Varaha. Now, please protect us.

Text 23

Long ago, the demigods and demons agreed to cooperate to chum the ocean of milk, for the purpose of producing nectar. They used Mount Mandara as the churning rod, but were unable to support its weight At that time, You accepted the form of Lord Kurma and supported Mount Mandara on Your back. О Lord, You assumed that form so that the demigods could drink the nectar of immortality Now, kindly be pleased upon these most fallen and wretched kings.

Text 24

When the greatly powerful Hiranyakasipu, who had conquered the three worlds, began to torment the demigods so that they lived in constant fear, just to protect them, you made up Your mmd to annihilate that king of the demons Because of the benedictions of Brahma, the demon was incapable of being killed by any man, demigod, Gandharva, Kinnara, Naga, or weapon He could not be killed in the heaven planets, on earth, or in the lower planets, nor could he be killed during the day or at night Still, You assumed Your form as the half-man half-lion incarnation of Lord Nisimhadeva, so as not to nullify the words of the creator As the demon attempted to bite You, You tore open his chest with Your sharp nails and thus sent him to the abode of Yamaraja.

Text 25

You appeared as the younger brother of Indra, assuming the form of a dwarf brahmana, Vamanadeva, and then went to the sacrificial arena of King Bali to deceive him You simply asked for three steps of land in charify He agreed but then failed to keep his promise because You assumed a gigantic form that covered the entire universe with just two steps finaly, you sent the king of the demons to reside in the lower planets, and to reciprocate his unalloyed surrender unto You, You remained with him as his door keeper.

Text 26

When the kings of the earth, such as Haihava, became puffed up due to their great prowess and disregarded religious principles, You incarnated as Parasurama, of the Bhrgu dynasty, to annihilate them In that incarnation, You became enraged at the ksatriyas for stealing your father’s wish-fulfillmg cow, so that You made the earth devoid of ksatriyas twenty one times.

Text 27

Later on, when the three worlds were being tormented b> the demoniac son of sage Visrava of the Pulastya dynasty, the ten headed Ravana, You incarnated as the son of King Dasaratha of the Surya

dynasty to destroy him You mastered the art of releasing arrows from the great sage Visvamitra and went to the forest in exile for fourteen years During that time, Ravana kidnapped your wife, Slta You thus became morose and then crossed the ocean by building a bridge with the help of Your monkeys soldiers and killed the lord of Lanka, Ravana, along with his family.

Text 28

Thereafter, You appeared as the moon-like descendent of Yadu, Baladeva, the son of Vasudeva. You diminished the burden of the earth by annihilating many demons. At that time, all the demigods and devotees worshiped Your lotus feet.

Text 29

Then, in due course time, You appeared as Lord Buddha and displayed hatred for the Vedic principles that had been prescribed by the creator. You instructed Your followers to give up their attachment for this illusory material world by renouncing all desires for sense gratification You rejected the Vedas, You never disregarded worldly ethics.

Text 30

Although recently, You appeared as Lord Kalki in order to eliminate the dynasty of Kali by destroying the Buddhists, atheists, and mlecchas, thereby protecting the true path of religion. What more can we say about Your causeless mercy?

Text 31

Whereas we are ordinary human beings who are afflicted by the arrows of Cupid as soon as we see a beautiful woman and thus are alw ays eager for sense gratification, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose glories are unknown even to the best of demigods, Brahma It is extremely difficult for people like us to attain shelter at Your lotus feet However, You are an ocean of mercy and we have taken shelter of You Kindly give us hope by allowing us to receive Your merciful glance.

Thus ends the translation of the tenth chapter of Shri Kalki Purana




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