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Shuka Goes To Simhala as the Envoy of Lord Kalki. Conversation Between Padmavati And Shuka.


Text 1

Shuka said: Thereafter, while surrounded by her relatives and companions, and herself highly astonished, Padmavati addressed one of her friends, named Vimala, while still remembering her husband, Lord Hari.

Text 2

Padmavati said: О Vimala, is it my destiny, dictated by providence, that any man who desires me will turn into a woman?

Text 3

I am extremely unfortunate and sinful. Just as sowing seeds on barren land is useless, my worship of Lord Shiva has proved futile.

Text 4

Will the Supreme Lord, Hari, the master of the universe, controller of all controllers, and husband of Lakshmi, ever accept me as His consort?

Texts 5-6

If the words of Lord Shiva prove false, and if Lord Hari does not accept me, I will certainly end my life by entering fire while remembering the lotus feet of the Lord. Alas, I am a lowly human being. How insignificant I am and how great is Lord Hari, the master of the demigods! The creator must be angry with me, otherwise why would Shankara, whose forehead is decorated with the mark of the moon, deceive me?

Text 7

I am still living, even after being rejected by Lord Hari. Who other tHari me would remain alive in such a situation?

Text 8

О Lord Kalki, when I heard these lamentations of Padmavati, whose character is spotless, I could not wait any longer, and so I approached You without delay.

Text 9

After hearing these words of Shuka, Lord Kalki felt elated He said My dear Shuka, you must go at once and pacify my beloved Padmavati.

Text 10

I consider you to be my best well wishing friend Please go to Padmavati as My messenger, and after describing my beauty and qualities to her, return to Me.

Text 11

Padmavati is very dear to Me Indeed, I am her eternal husband Our union has already been destined by providence Therefore, you act on My behalf so that we can meet one another.

Text 12

you are the knower of everything You know all the rules and regulations prescribed in the Vedas You also understand about the proper time and circumstances Therefore, pacify Padmavati with your nectarean words and then return to Me with her assurance.

Text 13

Being instructed by Lord Kalki in this way, Shuka became jubilant as his entire body became filled with ecstasy He offered his obeisance’s to the Lord and quickb, departed for Simhala.

Texts 14-16

Thus, Shuka, the great parrot, crossed the ocean Upon reaching his destination, he first bathed, drank some water, and ate many sweet and ripe fruit After that, he entered the king’s palace and sat at the top of a nagakesara tree, which was situated within the compound of the ladies’ quarters After some time, the magnanimous Shuka saw Padmavati approach, and so he addressed her in a human voice О beautiful lady with a most charming face, your eyes appear to be very restless. By seeing you, I feel that you are Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune.

Text 17

Your face resembles a lotus flower. The aroma of your body is like the scent of a lotus and your eyes are just like lotus petals. Your Hands are reddish, like lotus flowers, and you hold a lotus in your hand.

Text 18

О beautiful one with a charming face, you simply bewilder all living entities I think that the creator had made you after collecting all the beautiful objects of the world.

Texts 19-20

Upon hearing these sweet words of Shuka, Padmavati, whose navel resembled a lotus, smiled and said: Who are you? Where have you come from? Are you a demigod or demon who has taken the form of a parrot? Is it out of compassion for me that you have come here?

Text 21

Shuka said: I am the knower of everything, and so I know the intensions of everyone. I am well aware of the real purport of all scriptures. I am highly regarded in the assembly of demigods, Gandharvas, and saintly kings.

Text 22

I travel in outer space of my own free will. I have now come her just to see you. Although you are very learned, at present you are afflicted with grief, and thus you have given up all thoughts of enjoyment.

Texts 23-24

You have given up smiling, joking, speaking with others, the company of your friends, and all kinds of jewelry. By seeing you in such a pathetic condition, I feel morose and so I would like to hear your sweet voice, which defeats the song of a cuckoo. Only one who has undergone great austerities is able to hear the words that are produced by the combined effort of your teeth, lips, and tongue.

Texts 25-26

For you, the tenderness of a slrlsa flower and the brightness of the full moon are most insignificant. People always glorify the nectar and bliss of Brahman, but to you even this seems insignificant The pious exalted soul who will drink the nectar of your face while being held in the creepers of your arms does not require to perform any religious duties, such as performing penance, chanting mantras, and giving chanty.

Text 27

Anyone who once beholds your beautiful face decorated with marks of tilaka, curly hair, swinging earrings, and beautiful eyes, will no longer have to accept another material body.

Text 28

О daughter of King Brihadratha! О well-wisher of all! Please tell me the cause of your mental agony. You have no material attachment and yet you have become very weak because of mental distress. At present, you look like a golden deity covered by dust.

Text 29

Padmavati said: If Lord Hari is against someone then what is the use of beauty, opulence, and a prestigious lineage?

Text 30

My dear bird, if you do not know why I am suffering then kindly hear with attention. I engaged in the worship of Lord Shiva as a child, and also when I became a mature girl.

Text 31

As a result of my worship, Lord lva, whose head is decorated with the sign of the moon, appeared before me along with Parvati and said: О Padmavati, ask me for a benediction.

Text 32

When he saw me standing before him, my head hung low due to shyness, and my body fully covered, he assured me, saying, The Supreme Lord, Hari, will become your husband.

Text 33

Whether he is a demigod, Gandharva, asura, or any other creature, if a male looks upon you with lust in his heart, then he will immediately turn into a woman.

Text 34

Padmavati said to Shuka: Let me tell you about the procedure for worshiping Lord Hari that Lord Shiva described to me after awarding me that benediction.

Text 35

These companions of mine that you see here—they were all great kings at the time of my svayambara, which was arranged by my father.

Texts 36-37

These kings were very Handsome, highly skilled, and unhmitedly powerful After they had assembled here with a desire to marry me, I entered the arena of my svayamvara, holding a necklace of jewels in my Hands. Although these kings had been sitting at ease, as soon as they saw me, their hearts were pierced by the arrows of Cupid, and some even fainted, falling onto the ground.

Text 38

However, as soon as they stood up, having regained their composure, they where aghast to find that they had been transformed into women with rounded hips and heavy breasts.

Text 39

О parrot, upon seeing themselves in this way, the kings became highly embarrassed and afraid to look at one another At last, with broken hearts, they decided to follow me as my companions.

Text 40

Since that time, all these kings have been living with me as my companions. They are very talented women and are living under the shelter of my affection. Along with me, they also engage in worshiping Lord Hari, rending service unto Him, meditating upon the Lord, and performing austerities for His pleasure.

Text 41

After hearing this wonderful story from the mouth of Padmavati, Shuka continued to speak with her in a very pleasing manner, and then brought up the subject of Lord Hari’s worship.

Thus ends the translation of the sixth chapter of Shri Kalki-Purana




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