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The Procedure for Worshiping Lord Vishnu.


Text 1

Shuka said: О auspicious lady, you are certainly most glorious and pious, and thus you exhibit unalloyed devotion for Lord Shiva. Now I would like to hear about the procedure for worshiping Lord Hari as instructed by Lord Shiva.


It is my good fortune that I have met you here today. Please describe in detail the worship of Lord Hari, for by hearing such topics, I will be freed from having to endure life in the lower species.

T ext3

Worship of Lord Hari is a limb of pure devotional service, and it includes meditation upon the Lord and the chanting of His mantras. Discussions of Lord Hari are always very pleasing to the ears and heart.

Texts 4-5

Padmavatl said: The procedure for worshiping Lord Hari that was described by Lord Shiva is most sacred. By performing such worship, or even hearing about it with faith, one is immediately freed from all sinful reactions, even those for killing a spiritual master, cow, or brahmana. О parrot, hear attentively as I describe the procedure for worshiping Lord Hari that was instructed by Lord Shiva.

Text 6

Early in the morning, one should bathe and perform his other daily duties. He should then wash his Hands and feet, perform acamana, and sit on a proper asana to begin his worship of the Lord.

Text 7

With a controlled mind, one should sit facing east and then perform the various nyasas and other required rituals. Thereafter, one should place all the articles for worship, such as arghya, in their proper places.


Before beginning, one should think of himself as being qualitatively one with Lord Vishnu while displaying the kesava-kriti-nyasa Oneshould then invite Lord Harito be seated on a lotus asana within his heart.

Texts 9-10

One should then worship Lord Hari by offering Him various articles, including pddya, arghya, acamanya, snanlya, and ornaments. Next, one should meditate on the Lord, beginning from His lotus feet, gradually raising one’s attention to His face. The Lord should be meditated upon as being situated in one’s lotus-like heart He should be seen smiling as He fulfills all the desires of His devotees.

Text 11

One should then chant от пато narayanaya svdhd and recite the following prayer: I take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Hari, who is constantly meditated upon by learned mystic yogis He is the shelter of Goddess Lakshmi, and the bee-like devotees drink the nectar of the tulasi buds at His lotus feet. His reddish nails have colored the water of the Ganges.

Text 12

I meditate on the lotus feet of Lord Hari, which are decorated with varieties of precious jewels, which resemble the feet of a swan, and which are decorated with tinkling ankle bells. His cddara hangs to His lotus feet, and it appears like a flag flapping in the wind His lotus feet are adorned with three golden bangles.

Text 13

I meditate on Lord Hari’s lotus feet, which are the color of the blue sapphire worn by Garuda Just as the beak of Garuda is reddish, so the toenails of the Lord are tinged with a pinkish hue The Lord’s lotus feet thus increase the beauty of the lower portion of His body, and are very pleasing to the eyes of His devotees.

Text 14

I meditate upon Lord Hari’s knees, the beauty of which is enHariced because the end of His cddara, which is draped from His shoulder, resides there. The Lord’s carrier, Garuda, reveals His transcendental glories by singing narrations of His pastimes.

Text 15

I meditate on Lord Hari’s waist, which is decorated with the three modes of material nature in the form of colorful cloth, which is the shelter of Lord Brahma, Yamaraja, and Kamadeva, and which is the lestmg place of His marginal energy, the living entities He is seated upon the back of His carrier, Garuda.

Text 16

I meditate upon Lord Hari’s thin abdomen, which is decorated with three lines From His abdomen, a lotus flower sprouted that was the birth place of Lord Brahma and thus, the origin of the universe The Lord’s abdomen is the place of generation of the oceans, and is adorned with fine hair.

Text 17

Lord Hari’s chest is decorated with kunkuma from Laksml’s breasts, as well as a beautiful necklace and the effulgence of the Kaustubha gem It is also adorned by the mark of Shrivatsa, sandalwood paste, and a beautiful flower garland I meditate on the expansive chest of Lord Hari.

Text 18

I meditate on Lord Hari’s charming right arms, which are decorated with bangles and a source of great beauty, and are expert in killing sinful demons The Lord’s right arms shine brightly because they hold a club and disc.

Text 19

I meditate on Lord Muran’s left arms, which appear blackish like the trunk of an elephant The Lord’s left arms carry a lotus flower and conch shell, and are decorated with jeweled ornaments The reddish fingers of those long arms touch the Lord’s knees The enchanting Hands of the Lord are very pleasing to Goddess Lakshmi.

Text 20

I meditate upon Lord Hari’s beautiful throat, which is like the stem of His lotus-like face, which is decorated with three perfect lines, which is adorned with a flower garland, and which is like a stalk of delicious fruit in the form of mantras that award one liberation.

Text 21

I meditate upon Lord Hari’s lotus face, which is tinged with the color of a red lotus flower and has beautiful by red lips The Lord’s face appears even more enchanting when He smiles, thus revelling His teeth Nectarean words emanate from His face, which is pleasing to the heart, decorated with restless eyes, and enchanting to the mind.

Text 22

By the influence of Lord Hari’s eyebrows, one is relieved of entering the abode of Yamaraja Below the eyebrows are two enchanting nostrils, from which the creation, maintenance, and annihilation of the universes are enacted The Lord’s eyebrows are the impetus for many passionate pastimes They enHarice the beauty of the Iord’s face and they bring ecstasy to the heart of Lakshmi.

Text 23

I meditate on Lord Hari’s ears, which are adorned with fish-shaped earrings that swing to and fro on His cheeks and illuminate the four directions His ears appear slightly wrinkled due to carrying the burden of many ornaments.

Text 24

I meditate on Lord Hari’s forehead, which is decorated with marks of beautiful tilaka, which is very attractive, and which emits a very sweet aroma The Lord’s forehead is also adorned with beautiful leaves painted with cow’s urine that captivates the hearts of all women His forehead is the shelter of Brahma, decorated with a jeweled crown, and is pleasing to the eyes and hearts of all.

Text 25

I meditate upon Lord Hari’s long black curly hair, which His associates lovingly decorated with fragrant flowers, which breaks the chastity of Lakshmi, which trembles in the wind, which resembles the color of a dark monsoon cloud, and which is most enchanting.

Text 26

I take shelter of Lord Hari, who possesses a most attractive form, whose complexion is dark like a cloud, whose eyes resemble the moon and sun, whose eyebrows are charming like a rainbow, whose nose is long like the beak of a bird, whose eyes are broad like lotus petals, and whose yellow garments are the color of lightning.

Text 27

I am a fallen soul who is devoid of devotional service to You as prescribed in the Vedic literature My body is filled with smful propensities, and is a reservoir of misery I am under the control of greed, lamentation, and illusion, and thus overwhelmed by mental agony О Lord Vasudeva, kindly deliver me by Your merciful glance.

Text 28

Those exalted souls who diligently follow all the prescribed rules and regulations, who repeatedly bow down before the original Personality of Godhead, who worship Him and offer Him this garland of sixteen prayers with unalloyed devotion, will be purified of all sins and thus merge into the ocean of transcendental bliss.

Text 29

This prayer spoken by Lord Shiva to Padmavati is supremely pure, most glorious, and the giver of fame. It awards one a long duration of life full of peace and prosperity, and residence in the heavenly planets after death.

Text 30

Simply by reciting this prayer, a fortunate soul will achieve all four objectives of life, both in this world and the next.

Thus ends the translation of the seventh chapter of Shri Kalki Purana.




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