Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Rearrange these series of words to form sentences. 2. Fill in the table

a)sometimes, dog poo, can , to eat, to be, but, can, harmful.

b)some, can, nutritional, digest, to be, stuff, not.

c)you, the dog, must, to be, to get, enough, sure.

d)Gnawing, to satisfy, can, desire, dogs, to eat.

e)to be, important, it, to deworm, the dog.

f) Sprinkling, will, to put off, the dog, curry, to eat, powder, dogs poo.


2. Fill in the table:

What are the        dog’s coprophagia reasons? What is to be done in such cases?


Make a summary of the table.



III. Read the text, using the Vocabulary:

сonstipation - запор

stewed apples – тертые яблоки

pellets - пилюли

to strain – натягивать, растягивать

perineal hernia – грыжа промежности

to swallow - сглатывать

intestine – кишечник



Ask the vet for a high fibre diet food for the dog. If this does not work, here are some home remedies you can try mixing with the food: bran, pumpkin or other vegetables, apple sauce or stewed apples (not too much or it can make matters worse!) Try wetting the dry dog pellets. Make sure the dog has plenty clean water and gets lots of exercise. Constant straining can cause perineal hernia, which will need to be operated on. Straining can also be caused by a blockage in the intestine. The dog may have swallowed a stone, bone, or toy. Worms can block the intestine so try a dose of worm medicine.


1. Give Russian equivalents of following phrases:

high fibre diet food, to make matters worse, plenty clean water, constant straining, to need to be operated, to be caused by blockage, to swallow a stone, a dose of worm medicine.


2. Answer questions:

-When do dogs have constipation?

-What remedies do you know against constipation?

-When is operation urgen?

Summary work

Train each other the Vocabulary of topic “stomachdeseases”.

2. Business play. One of group is a vet, the other tells him/ she about dogs complains and he/she asks questions, determines diagnose and gives treatments. Use following phrases:

-What is the matter with your dog?

-I would like to take dogs temperature.

-I must feel the pulse.

-What did the dog eat the last time?

-It would be better for your dog to do smth.


Eye diseases

I. Read the text using vocabulary

to cure - лечить

ointment - мазь

eyelid - веко

irritation - раздражение

eyeball – глазное яблоко

to spread infection – распространять инфекцию

pimple – угорь, прыщ


Eye infection

If eyes get an infection, yellow matter might be seen coming from the eye. This can often be cured easily with eye ointment from the pharmacy. The matter might be a sign of something else, though, like worms, ticks, fleas or a cold. Wipe the matter off the eyes with wet cotton wool or soft tissue. Use a separate tissue for each eye to prevent the spread of infection.

It could also be caused by an irritation. Peel back the eyelids to see if there is a hair growing towards the eyeball, or a small growth like a pimple. A small op can save years of irritation and possible loss of sight.


1. Fill in the word-rose :




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