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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Read the text using the Vocabulary

to be host – быть хозяином паразитирующего организма

to weigh - взвешивать

a weight -вес

to become immune – приобретать иммунитет

to block intestine – блокировать кишечник

a rash - сыпь

a disturbance - вмешательство

a brain - мозги

to collapse – 1)ослабевать 2) рушиться

to shiver - трясти

a fear - страх

Worms .

Dogs are host to several types of worms. A tasteless worm powder or pill can be bought at the supermarket. It is mixed with the dog’s food. There are different strengths for dogs of different weights. To weigh your dog, first weigh yourself, then pick up the dog and weigh yourself and the dog together. The difference is the weight of the dog. If in doubt, let the vet deworm the dog. Worms may become immune if the same brand is always used. Your vet can supply you with different brands. Worms can block a dog’s intestine and some can be transferred to humans, especially children. Worms can cause an Allergy in the dog. This could take the form of a rash on the skin, which looks like Dermatitis. Skin rashes are not always caused by worms. They can be caused by allergy to many things— nylon carpets, heat, fleabite, etc.

Some worms secrete a toxin, which can cause a neurological disturbance in the dog’s brain. This causes a fit like an epileptic fit. The dog collapses and can’t move. It shivers with fear. Two minutes later it is OK.


1. Complete sentences with following wordcombinations:

to be host, a worm powder, to mix with smth., to weigh one’s dog, to deworm, to become immune, worms can be transferred, to be caused by, fleabite, to collapse.


2. Correct mistakes in following sentences:

a) Dogs have never worms.

b) A worm powder you should make by yourself.

c) You must weigh your dog only approximatly.

d) Worms can’ot be transferred to people.

e) Skin rashes are usually caused only by worms.


3. Fill in the table:

What are the symptoms  of worm’s having? What are worms caused by? What is to be done?


Make oral summary of the table.

Choose one student from your group and ask him about worms.


II. Read the text using the vocabulary

a tapeworm – ленточный червь

to be spread by – быть распространенным ч-л

a flea - блоха

to transmite - передавать

kennel - конура

bedding – место ночлега

to be treated – лечить ч-л

to become infected - заражаться

demodetic mange – чесотка

a mite - клещ 

to pose a problem – определять, устанавливать проблему

to thrive – процветать, прогрессировать

scabies - чесотка

a sрecial dip – специальное жидкое лекарство

to rinse off – вымыть, выполоскать

to set in - устанавливать

insecticide – средство от насекомых



Tapeworm is spread by fleas and can be transmitted to humans. Some dogs are allergic to flea bites and come out in a rash. Fortunately there are many products on the market to keep fleas at bay. The kennel and bedding need to be treated as well as the dog.



Mange is caused by mites. Bald patches may appear. The dog may scratch and break the skin which can then become infected. Sores may develop. The vet can take a skin scraping to determine which kind of mange it is. Demodetic mange is a mite that is transferred usually only around the time of nursing and weaning. The mite lives naturally on dogs (a similar mite lives on humans.) This mite rarely becomes a problem in adult dogs unless immune compromised.

Sarcoptic mange it is transmissible and may pose a problem to other dogs. It may also temporarily live on people where it will cause a skin rash but the mites don't thrive. (Sarcoptic manage that affects people is referred to as scabies can be transferred to other people)

The vet can supply a special dip to treat mange. The dip should not be rinsed off. The dipping may need to be continued for 5 weeks. Antibiotics may be required if infection has set in. A weekly antibacterial shampoo will help. Shampoo the dog on a different day to dipping. Use left-over dip to soak the dog bedding & to wash kennels. Kennels & bed can be sprayed with insecticide.


Translate into Russian.

Is spread by fleas, to transmite to humans, to be allergic to fleas bites, to keep fleas at bay, bald paches, the time of nursing and weaning, to be transmissible, to cause a skin rash, to wash kennels.


2. Correct mistakes in following sentences:

a) Tapeworms can be spread by humans.

b) Mange is caused by flea’s bites.

c) The vet must operate your dog to keep mange away.

d) The mite becomes in every case a problem.

e) The dipping must be continued for one month.



3. Fill in the word-rose



4. Complete dialogue with your neighbour. One of you is a vet; the other is owner of dog. Use following vocabulary:

What is the matter with your dog?

What is the problem?

to make an injection

to examine one’s dog

to give some recommendations.


Translate into English:

1.Ленточный червь может передаваться человеку.

2.У многих собак аллергия на укусы на блох.

3.Клещи вызывают чесотку.

4.Из-за чесотки собаки чешут себя и могут занести инфекцию.

5.По шрамам ветеринар может определить вид клеща.

6.Клещи могут перемещаться с одной собаки на другую.

7.Существуют специальные шампуни против клещей.

8.Купайте вашего питомца антибактериальным шампунем пять недель.

9.Обязательно обработайте место ночлега вашей собаки специальным антибактериальным шампунем.

10.Обращайтесь к ветеринару за советом.

Other dog’s diseases


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