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I. Read the text using the Vocabulary. 1. Complete word combinations with following words

heat stroke – сердечный удар

to heat up - нагревать

to provide - снабжать

to pant – часто и тяжело дышать

to have a wild look in one’s eyes – иметь бешеный взгляд

to douse down – окунать в воду

a hosehipe - шланг

a groin - пах

to contract - сжиматься

Heat Stroke

Don’t leave a dog in a parked car. The shade moves and the car heats up fast and can kill. Don't exercise the dog in hot weather. Shade must be provided in the garden. When a dog over-heats, damage to internal organs may occur. The dog may collapse, pant, and have a wild look in his eyes. Douse him down with a hosepipe or plunge him into cool or cold water. Wet the groin. Ice will cause the arteries to contract and is to be avoided. The dog may lie on a wet towel, but don't cover him with the towel. It is better to allow the water to evaporate which has a cooling effect.


1. Play “snow ball”. Use words of the given vocabulary, word rose and your own vocabulary. You say a word, and your neighbor repeats your word and says his own, next student repeats your word, your neighbors and says his own and so on.


Answer the questions

a) Where can your dog get heat stroke?

b) What whether should you exercise your dog in?

c) Did you have such situation with your dog?

d) What are common remedies against heat stroke?

e) What can heat stroke cause?


Retell the text.

II. Read the text using the Vocabulary.

оbesity - ожирение

to be overweight – иметь лишний вес

to cripple – калечить, уродовать

to expend lots of energy – тратить много энергии

to loll – высовывать язык


    Obesity is a killer. Being overweight puts too much stress on the heart, the spine, and the legs. It can cripple. Take your dog for short walks each day and cut out table scraps. God intended for dogs to be constantly on the go, hunting for food. They often had to travel great distances to find food and expended lots of energy on the kill. Nowadays dogs loll around and get overfed. Most dog pellets are completely balanced and the dog does not need table food as well.


1. Complete word combinations with following words:

the owerweight, to cut out, to hunt, obesity, to expend, overfed, a distance, to kill, to loll.


Here are some answers. What are the questions?

a) This dog is overweight, because it is overfed everytime.

b) Dogs have capasity to hunt.

c) I must go out with my pet every day.

d) Dogs expended lots of energy by hunting.

e) Obesity puts too much stress on theheart.


Retell the text.


III. Read the text using the Vocabulary

to scratch - чесаться

an ear - ухо

a foul smell – неприятный(гнилой) запах

to be rectified – быть очищенным

drops - капли

to shake - трясти

itchiness – чесотка, зуд

gritty discharge – выделения в виде песка

a wax – воск, сера

ear drum – ушной барабан

vestibular disease – болезнь вестибулярного аппарата

dizziness - головокружение

nausea - тошнота

Ear complaints

If the dog is scratching its ear constantly, it could have an ear infection. Look for wet matter inside the ear, or a foul smell. It can usually be rectified with ear drops. If the dogs are shaking their heads constantly, they could have ear mites. Mites can breed inside dogs' ears  and cause itchiness. Mites leave a dark, gritty discharge in the ear. They can only be seen with a microscope. Mites can travel from pet to pet, so treat all your pets if one has mites. A little wax inside the ear is nothing to worry about. Don't poke things inside the ear as it may damage the ear drum.Walking with the head tilted to one side, or walking in circles, may indicate ear trouble, like vestibular disease, which causes dizziness,disorientation, and nausea. Restless eyeballs is another indication of this.


Translate in Russian.

To scratch ear constantly, to be rectified with ear drops, to have ear mites, a little wax, to travel from pet to pet, to damage ear drum, to indicate ear trouble, to cause dizziness and nausea, restless eyeball .


2. Fill in the table:

kinds of ear complaining what are ear complaints caused by



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