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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

You think will be around in 20 years’ time? Do you believe they will be still around in 50 years’ time? Why? Why not?

Digital music players Voice recognition mobile phones

Touch screen tablets

— DVD players

— Electric trains

— Hybrid cars

— Eye scanner

— Smart board

The interactive HD TV

The phrasal verbs with Keep

to keep up with (fashion, high-tech

Use the corresponding English equivalents:

Держаться наравне с кем-то (чем-то), держаться в отдале­нии; продолжать что-то, не вмешиваться; утаивать новости.

Translate into Russian:

Keep off the grass!

Keep away the medicine from the children!

He kept on reading when I came in.

We try to keep up with high-tech.

He kept back the news.

Use the appropriate phrasal verbs:

— Она старается не отставать от моды.

— Не ходите по траве!

— Не вмешивайтесь в их дела (affairs).

— Он утаил документы.

— Мы соблюдаем старые семейные традиции.

— Уберите лекарства от детей!

— Сейчас трудно держаться на уровне с технологиями: они быстро устаревают.




Grade: 8 а-б


The aims:

1) To enrich their knowledge concerning the theme, on the new words, to practice its pronunciation and teach them to use the words in their speech.

2) To enrich pupils interest to the new material to develop.

Their speaking and thinking abilities to consolidate the

Material with asking and answering the questions, to

Develop their memory on the learning English words.

 3) To raiser their interest to the English language widing.

Organization moment:

Good morning girl’s and boy’s!How are you?I’m glad to see you!Who is on duty today?

What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!


Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.


To checking up home work:

What was your home work?Are you ready?.

Do you understand me?Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you!Thank you!Sit down please!

Presentation new theme:

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.


I. Warm-up activity • О * 1. Let us speak about the history of inventions.

They say that the history of Mankind is actually the history of inventions. How well do you know history? Do you know about these discoveries and inventions? About their role for mankind?

— Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

— The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930.

— Braille, a system of writing for blind people, was invented in the 19-th century.

Who invented the radio?

Who invented the light bulb?

When was the computer invented?

What was invented in China?

What did Alfred Nobel invent?

Who discovered America?

3. Read the following words and say how you understand them:

“That’s one small step for a man and one giant leap for the mankind”.

(Neil A. Armstrong, an American cosmonaut after his flight to the Moon on Apollo II, in July 20, 1969)

II. Jigsaw Reading

The two stories below are jumbled up. Sort them out according to the titles:

How did the microscopes get invented?

The invention of the telescope.

— More than 400 years ago in Holland Zacharias Jansenn made lenses for eyeglasses. Some of his lenses made things look bigger. He found that he could put two lenses together to make things look a lot bigger. So, in about 1593 Zacharias built the first microscope (“micro” means “small”, “scope” means “to see”).

Several different people say they have invented the telescope. Many historians believe it was invented in 1608 by Hans Lippershey who made glasses in Holland.

He discovered that by placing two lenses inside a tube, distant objects seemed to be much closer.

After the 1-st telescope invention much more powerful telescopes have been developed: radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray telescopes helped us to learn about Solar System, the Milky Way and the universe itself.

The Great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564—1642) with the help of telescopes discovered Jupiter’s four largest satellites, spots on the Sun, hills and the phases of Venus.

The first microscope made things look 20 to 30 times larger than they are.

Another man who lived in Holland, Anton Leeuwenhoek made microscopes that could magnify objects up to 200 times. He was the first man to see bacteria!

The telescope is the most important tool for investigating astronomy.

Answer the questions.

— What does the word microscope consist of and what does it mean?

— Who and from what country was the inventor of a microscope? How did he do it?

— When was the first microscope built?

— What were the main characteristics of the first microscope made by Zacharias Jansenn?

— Who was the first man to see bacteria with the help of microscope? What were the main characteristics of his microscope?

— Who was the first inventor of the telescope? What do his­torians say?

— What were the main characteristics of the first telescope?

— What made it possible to do with powerful telescopes?

— What did the great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei discover with the help of telescopes?

— In what branch of science is telescope the most important tool?

— Have you ever used a telescope or a microscope? When? Why?


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