Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Work in pairs. Tell your partner in short about the importance of the .discovery of telescopes and microscopes.

Brush up your Grammar: Present, Past and Future Simple


To be + 3rd form of the Verb

Change from Active into Passive:

They say Popov invented the radio; b) Columbus discovered America; c) She cleans the house every day.

Pick out sentences with the verbs in the Passive Voice from the text. Qfy IV. Auding: “How to be a successful inventor”




Grade: 8 а-б


The aims:

1) To enrich their knowledge concerning the theme, on the new words, to practice its pronunciation and teach them to use the words in their speech.

2) To enrich pupils interest to the new material to develop.

Their speaking and thinking abilities to consolidate the

Material with asking and answering the questions, to

Develop their memory on the learning English words.

 3) To raiser their interest to the English language widing.

Organization moment:

Good morning girl’s and boy’s!How are you?I’m glad to see you!Who is on duty today?

What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!


Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.


To checking up home work:

What was your home work?Are you ready?.

Do you understand me?Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you!Thank you!Sit down please!

Presentation new theme:

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.


Guess the meaning of the following words:

Mass media [mass'mi:dia],

important [im'poitent]

information [infa'meijn]

relax [ri'laeks] (v)

channel ['tfaenal]

television, satellite television

internet ['intanet]

programme f'prougram]

corruption[кэ'глр/эп] (n)

massive f'maesiv]

economic crizis [ika'nomik'kraisis]

diplomatic visits [dipb'mstik'vizits]

terrorism ['terarizml

traditions [tr3'dij(3)nz]

technologies [tek'nolic^iz]

Read the sentences to know how to use the words: viewer ['vju:a] (n) — someone who is watching television prog­rammes: The show attracted 2 million viewers.

FM [ef'em] frequency modulation — a system used in broadcasting radio signals of high quality.

to provide (v) — to give smb. smth. that they want or need: a taxi from the airport will be provided. Synonym: supply.

to supply [sa'plaij (v) — to provide someone or smth. with smth. that they need or want: Can you supply a list of books? They supplied me with food.

negotiation[nig3uji'eij(3)n] (n) (often plural) — formal discus­sion in which people try to search an agreement, especially in business or politics.

corruption[кэ'глр/эп| — dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or by people of power, especially when they accept money in exchange of doing things for someone: The bank was closed down because of the corruption of the officials.

coverage['клу(э)пс1з] (n) — news about smth. on television or radio or in the newspapers: The event was given wide media coverage. All the newspapers give full coverage of the World championship.

the Media ['mi:dia] (n) — pi. (medium)Radio, television newspapers, the internet and magazines are the Mass Media. Angolian media reported that an agreement had been reached.

to relax [ri'iasks] (v) — to rest and allow oneself to become calm: Sit down and relax.

Questions for discussions.

What belongs to mass media? (What is mass media?)

How do we get information that we need?

What information can be found in mass media?

What kind of programmes do Discovery Channels broadcast?

What Radio music programmes do you know? What do you think of them?

Why can one be lost in the information ocean of television?

What is your favourite TV Programme? Why?

What TV programmes do your parents prefer?

Do you think everyone should have a computer? Why?

What is the value of Internet?

III. Read the text and discuss it in small groups: part 1 — group 1, part 2 — group 2, part 3— group 3.

Mass Media

Mass Media has become an important part of our life. We all have already become listeners, readers, viewers. We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio. If

you want to relax, you can just switch on any FM station and enjoy music or you switch on your TV set, choose one of the music channels and have a fun. Nowyou can hardly imagine that years ago there were no FM radio in the state, no satellite television and internet at all.

Newspapers, with their different kinds of news can supply any kind of information. They carry articles that cover the latest international and national events, all kind of news, advertising, fun stories, biographies of well-known people, etc. You can find newspapers also with the radio and TV programmes, where a full coverage of commercial, financial and public affairs is given. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, fashion, etc. There are many advertising programmes now.

Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music program­mes (Europe Plus, Russian Radio, etc.).

Give the English equivalents to the following:

— Я думаю, что невозможно представить нашу жизнь без радио, телевидения и интернета.

— Радио и телевидение широко используются в современ­ном мире.

— Радио и телевидение информируют нас о текущих событи­ях, о новых достижениях в науке, о политических событиях и предлагают большое количество программ — образовательных и развлекательных.

— Моя любимая радиостанция — “Европа плюс”.

— Мои любимые телевизионные каналы — “Дискавери” и “Евразия”, потому что они удовлетворяют мои интересы луч­шим образом.


Grade: 8 а-б


The aims:

1) To enrich their knowledge concerning the theme, on the new words, to practice its pronunciation and teach them to use the words in their speech.

2) To enrich pupils interest to the new material to develop.

Their speaking and thinking abilities to consolidate the

Material with asking and answering the questions, to

Develop their memory on the learning English words.

 3) To raiser their interest to the English language widing.

Organization moment:

Good morning girl’s and boy’s!How are you?I’m glad to see you!Who is on duty today?

What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!


Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.


To checking up home work:

What was your home work?Are you ready?.

Do you understand me?Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you!Thank you!Sit down please!

Presentation new theme:

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.



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