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Listen and learn the new words.

Guess what these words mean: school yard ['sku:l ja:d], n portrait ['po:trit], n computer [kgm'pjuita], n classroom ['kla:sru:m], n discussion [dis'kvfn]

Look up the following words in your dictionary: ground ['graund], n, adj cloak-room ['kbuk,ru:m], n assignment [эsainment], n famous l/feimss], adj topic ['topik], n

Read the sentences to know how to use the words:

ground['graund], n. — Ground is the surface of the earth. The branch of the tree broke and fell to the ground. A football ground is always green.

locate['lsu'keit], v. — To locate means to fix or set in a certain place. They decided to locate their new house in the country. The school is located near the river;

floor[fb:], n. — 1. The surface on which one stands indoors. There were many toys on the floor of the room. 2. A level of a building, storey. The office of the bank is on the 5-th floor. I live on the ground floor and every day see many people passing by in the street. The ground floor means the floor level with the street;

gymnasium [d3im'neizi3m], n. — Gymnasium is a hall for sport exercises. Many of our secondary schools have their own gymnasia.

during ['djusrir)], prep. — He swims in the nearest river every day during the summer. We’re open from 10 o’clock until 6 o’clock during a week

topic ['topik], n. — Topic is a subject for talk, conversation or writing. An ordinary topic for talking is weather or current events.

computer [k9m'pju:t9], n. — Computer is an electronic calculating machine that can store and recall information and make calculations at very high speed. More than 3 000 secondary schools in our country have computer classes.

wide [waid], adj. — Large distance from side to side, covering a large space or range of things. There are many wide streets in our town.

widespread ['waidspred], adj. — found, placed or used in many places. Such animals as foxes and wolves are widespread on the lands of our country. The Internet is becoming a wide-spread technology in our country. English is the most wide-spread language in the world.

Translate the following sentences into your native language.

There is a football ground near our school but it is not green. The pupils of the primary classes like running about the school playground.

Our house is located in the centre of the town.

Children like to play on the floor of a dining room.

— live on the ground floor but my friend lives on the first floor.

— The home assigneinent in maths was very difficult and no one could do it.

— If you can name 7 national famous writers it means that you know something about literature.

— Do you often do sport exercises in the gymnasium of your school?

— When it rains we do not play outside during the breaks.

— If you can work with a computer you can send and receive different information.

— English is the most widespread language in the world.

V. Listen and read the text. While reading the text try to compare the school described in the text with your school.

Our school

Our school is large. It is located not far from the centre of the city. If you come to our school you will see a wide school-yard around it and a sports ground behind the school. We usually have Physical Training lessons there when the weather is fine.

Our school has got three floors. There are several classrooms for the pupils of the primary school on the ground floor. There is a cloak-room, a dining room and a library there too. In the library you can find many interesting books. Our pupils often go there when they want to find something interesting for their home assignment or out-class activity. If you look around the library hall you will see many portraits of famous English, Kazakh and Russian writers on the walls.

When you enter and go to the right along the corridor you will see the dinning room, where teachers and pupils have their dinner. Near the dining room you will see the Gymnasium. The pupils like to go there because many of them like PT lessons.

The classrooms for secondary forms and computer rooms for all pupils are on the first and the second floors. There we have two Kazakh class-rooms, English, Russian, Physics, Geography and other class-rooms. Every pupil of our school learns one of foreign languages: English, German or French. We learn English because at the present time it is the most widespread language in the world. At the English lessons we learn new words, grammar, poems, read texts, ask and answer questions. Most of all we like to speak English. During the English lessons we also do many exercises with video and smart board.

VI. Suppose your friend is going to come to your school. Tell him what will happen if...

If you come to our school...

If you come to our library...

If you look around the library hall...

If you go along the corridor...

If you want to find some interesting books...

If you go to the sports ground behind the school...

If you come to our computer rooms...

If there is a Physical Training lesson...

If it rains during the breaks...

If you look into a classroom ...


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