Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Thank you, madam. Think you, Mrs. Hunt.

Thank you, miss. Thank you. Miss Hunt.

30. Passport please, miss? Ваш паспорт, мисс.

Обратите особое внимание на разницу в интонации между этим вопросительным предложением, обращенным к Шейле и точно таким же утвердительным предложением, обращенным перед этим к Джейн.

31. Have you got anything to declare? Есть ли у вac что-нибудь, о чём нужно заявить?

(букв. Есть ли у вас что-нибудь заявить? )

to declare - заявить

Вы уже знакомы с предлогом to. В этом предложении вы встречаетесь с глагольной частицей to, которая ставится перед глаголом в неопределенной форме. Вы, наверное, заметили ее в комментариях: to be - быть, to соmе - приезжать, и т.п.

32. Yes, I've got a bottle of perfume and a bottle of whisky. Да, у меня есть флакон духов

и бутылка виски.

33. One bottle of perfume? Один флакон духов?

34. And what's this? А это что?

a what's = what is.

б this — указательное местоимение это.

35. It's a botfle of whisky. Это бутылка виски.

Вы уже знаете, что местоимение it может употребляться вместо существительных, означающих неодушевленные предметы ( it's in the bag он в сумке — о паспорте). В предложении it's a bottle of whisky слово it означает это. Сравните: What's this? It's a bottle of whisky. Что это? Это бутылка виски.

Passport, please. It's in the bag. Паспорт, пожалуйста. Он в сумке.

36. All right. Хорошо.

Очень нужное и полезное выражение, означающее хорошо, ладно, все в порядке. Его нужно сразу же выучить наизусть.

37. Anything to declare, miss? Есть у вас что-нибудь заявить?

Сокращенный вариант для Have you got anything to declare, miss?

38. I've got a box of chocolates. У меня есть коробка шоколадных конфет.

39. Are they liqueur chocolates? Шоколадные конфеты с ликером?

В данном случае местоимение they, известное вам как они в приложении к людям ( they're coming from Geneva; they're going to the customs area ), употребляется для множественного числа неодушевленных предметов – для единственного числа, как вы уже знаете, используется местоимение it. При переводе на pvccкий язык в обоих случаях эквивалентом оказывается слово это.

It's a bottle of whisky. Это бутылка виски.

They're bottles of whisky. Это бутылки виски.

It's a liqueur chocolate. Это шоколадная конфета с ликёром.

They're liqueur chocolates. Эта шоколадные конфеты с ликёром.

40. No, they're peppermint chocolates. Нет, это мятные шоколадные конфеты

41. There's Peter. Вон Питер.

There's = there is.

42. Where's Peter? Где Питер?

Where's = where is.

43. Here he is. Вот он.

Обратите внимание на разницу в значении слов there - вон, там (дальше) и here - вот здесь (ближе). Интересно также отметить разницу в порядке слов: There is Peter, но there he is. Дело в том, что существительное ставится после глагола. а местоимение – перед:

There is Peter - there he is. Here is my passport - here it is.

44. How are you? Как вы поживаете?

Очень распространенное и полезное выражение, которое следует сразу же выучить наизусть. Одной из особенностей перевода является то обстоятельство, что в английском языке местоимение второго лица множественного числа you соответствует двум русским местоимениям — ты и вы.

45. I'm fine, thank you. Хорошо, спасибо.

Широко употребительная форма ответа на вопрос how are you?

46. Very well, thank you. Очень хорошо, спасибо.

He забывайте употреблять слова please — пожалуйста и thank you – спасибо, где только возможно. Англичане знамениты своей вежливостью и гордятся учтивыми манерами.

47. Fine, thank you. Хорошо, спасибо.

Сокращённая разговорная форма от I'm fine, thank you.

48. Peter, here are the children. Питер, вот дети.

а Отметьте еще раз для себя порядок слов: here are the children. Если бы вместо существительного the children нужно было сказать местоимение they, порядок слов был бы: here they are.

б the children дети

Единственное число этого существительного — the child —ребенок. Это слово является исключением из правила образования множественного числа для существительных. Вам уже попадались существительные во множественном числе: the Hunts, the passengers, the passports, the suitcases, chocolates. Как видите, все они образуют форму множественного числа согласно правилу — прибавлением окончания s. Обратите также внимание на артикли: определенный артикль the может употребляться перед существительным в единственном числе ( the passport ) так же, как и перед существительным во множественном числе ( the passports ). Неопределенный же артикль а, an, означающий один из, может, соответственно, употребляться только с единственным числом ( a chocolate ), во множественном же числе употребляется так называемый " нулевой" артикль, т.е. артикля нет вообще ( chocolates ).

49. This is Jane. Это Джейн.

This употребляется при представлении одного лица другому. Если вы сами представляетесь кому-то, говорите просто I'm X (помните прим. 3 к этому уроку). Если же вы представляете кого-то — This is X.

50. She's eighteen. Ей восемнадцать лет.

She она, местоимение для одушевленных лиц женского рода (см. прим. 26).

51. I'm tired. Я устала.

Поскольку в английском языке существительные не имеют категории рода, прилагательные не изменяются по родам. При переводе на русский нужно всегда помнить, о ком идет речь и соответственно употреблять русское слово: Jane is tired Джейн устала; Peter is tired Питер устал; Jane is English Джейн англичанка; Peter is English Питер англичанин.

52. How do you do, Sheila? Здравствуйте, Шейла.

Несмотря на вопросительную форму, это предложение — не вопрос, а просто приветствие и отвечать на него нужно точно таким же приветствием — How do you do? Так, например, маленький диалог:

A. How do you do? Здравствуйте.

В. How do you do? Здравствуйте.

A. How are you? Как вы поживаете?

В. Very well, thank you. Спасибо, хорошо.

53. Pleased to meet you. Рад с вами познакомиться.

Сокращенный вариант от I'm pleased to meet you.

54. Are you Swiss? Вы швейцарка? (см. прим. 51).

55. No, I'm English. Нет, я англичанка.

Шейла говорит English, а не British, т.к. Питера интересует её национальность, а не вопрос, живет ли она в Великобритании, является ли она британской подданной.

56. Here's a taxi. Вот такси. (см. прим. 43).

57. Where are Simon and Jane? Где Саймон и Джейн?

58. The Beardsley Hotel, please. Гостиница Бирдсли, пожалуйста.

С названиями гостиниц употребляется определенный артикль the.


Exercise 1


Where is the plane? It/he/they

Here... is.

Here it is.

Where is Peter? it/they/he

Here... is.

Here he is.


1 Where are Mr. and Mrs. Hunt? she/they/he

Here... are.

2 Where is the bottle? it/she/they

Here... is.

3 Where is Simon? she/he/they

Here... is.

4 Where are Sheila and Simon? he/it/they

Here... are.

5 Where is the suitcase? it/they/she

Here... is.

6 Where are the immigration officers? he/they/she

Here... are.

7 Where is Sue? she/it/he

Here... is.

8 Where is Stephen? he/she/they

Here... is.


Exercise 2


The taxi... coming from the airport.

The taxi is coming from the airport.

The passengers... arriving from Geneva.

The passengers are arriving from Geneva.


1 The plane... going to Geneva.

2 The children... opening the suitcases.

3 The immigration officer... looking at the passports.

4 Mr. Hunt... going to the customs area.

5 The children... looking at the hotel.

6 The customs officer... going to Heathrow Airport.

Exercise 3


Simon is fifteen.

He is fifteen

Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are going.

They are going.


1 Jane is eighteen.

2 The taxi is coming.

3 Jane and Peter are arriving.

4 Mr. Hunt is coming.

5 Jane is tired.

6 The plane is here.

Exercise 4


What's this? ... whisky.

It is whisky.

What's this? ...box.

It is a box

1 What's this? ... perfume.

2 What's this? ... taxi.

3 What's this? ... suitcase.

4 What's this? ... bag.

5 What's this? ... chocolate.

6 What's this? ... plane.

7 What's this? ... box of chocolates.

8 What's this? ... passport.

Exercise 5


Here is John. John and Peter

Here are John and Peter.

There they are. it

There it is.


1 Here is the customs officer. customs officers

2 There are the children. Mr. Hunt

3 There is the perfume. chocolates

4 Here are the passengers. immigration officer

5 Here it is. they

6 There they are. she

7 Here they are. she

8 There he is. it


Exercise 6


There is the suitcase. it

There it is.

Here they are. the planes

Here are the planes.


1 Here he is. Peter

2 There they are. the passports

3 Here are Jane and Sheila. they

4 There is John. he

5 There are the bags. they

6 Here is the customs area. it

7 Here they are. the children

8 There she is. Carol


I am Alex Sidorov. Alex is my first name and Sidorov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I've got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family.

My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair and green eyes. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.

My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new radio sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things. When he was small, he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that once my father tried to " repair" their kitchen clock. He managed to put all the wheels and screws back again — but the clock did not work. They had to give it to a repairman. But that happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not. He's got a few shelves where he keeps everything he needs. On the table there's always a radio in pieces.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books and films. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes " soap operas". My father is fond of tennis. My mother isn't interested in sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of me and my father. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.

My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a small business company. Her husband is a scientist. They've got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school.

My brother Boris is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a cosmonaut.

I want to become a student. I'd like to learn foreign languages. I think I take after my father. I'm tall, fair-haired and even-tempered. I always try to be in a good mood.

We've got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.



1. What is your first name? What is your surname?

2. How old are you?

3. When is your birthday?

4. Is your family large? How many are you in the family?

5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

6. What are your parents? Where do they work?

7. How long have your parents been married?

8. Do they have much in common?

9. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

10. What sort of things do you do together?

11. Do you go out with your parents?

12. Who runs the house in your family?

13. What are your household duties?

14. What is your father's hobby?

15. Can you describe your mother?




The Beardsley Hotel




Jane Hunt I'm Jane Hunt. I'm sitting outside the hotel. I'm tired. Mum’s not here. She's sitting inside the hotel. She’s tired, too. There’s the porter. He’s got the suitcases. He’s taking the suitcases out of the taxi. Dad’s paying the taxi driver. The porter’s taking the suitcases into the hotel. Simon and Sheila are looking at the hotel. They're standing outside the hotel. Dad's coming. He's helping the porter. We’re going into the hotel. I’d like a lemonade, a bath and a bed. I’m very tired.




Receptionist Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Hunt Good afternoon.

Is this the Beardsley Hotel?

Receptionist Yes, this is the Beardsley.

Mr. Hunt Good. I’m Mr. Hunt. We’ve got a reservation.

Receptionist Just a minute, please... Yes, you’ve got a reservation. It's for five people. It's for three weeks. Three single rooms and one double. Am I right?

Mr. Hunt No. You’re not right. We'd like two double rooms and one single room.

Receptionist I'm sorry. Two double rooms, numbers six and seven. One single room, number nine.

Mr. Hunt Where are the rooms?

Receptionist On the second floor.


The hotel rooms

Receptionist Please sign the register, Mr. Hunt. Jim, take the suitcases to the second floor.

Jim Yes, madam.

Mr. Hunt Here’s the register. How much are the rooms, please?

Receptionist A single room’s four pounds (£ 4). A double room’s six pounds (£ 6). Would you like a television in the room?

Mrs. Hunt Yes, please. Mr. Hunt and I would like a television. We’d like a telephone, too.

Receptionist Every room’s got a telephone.

Mrs. Hunt Have the rooms got bathrooms?

Receptionist Yes, every room’s got a bathroom.

Mr. Hunt Have the bathrooms got showers?

Receptionist Yes, every bathroom’s got a shower.

Mr. Hunt Good.

Receptionist Are you going to the rooms now?

Mr. Hunt Yes, we're going now. Send two cups of coffee to the room, please.

Jane And three lemonades.

Mr. Hunt Yes, two cups of coffee and three lemonades.

Receptionist Yes, sir. Here are the keys, Mr. Hunt. Jim, take the Hunts to rooms six, seven and nine.

Jim Come this way, please.



Mrs. Hunt Where's the dining-room?

Jim Here it is. This is the dining-room.

Mrs. Hunt When's breakfast?

Jim Eight o'clock (8.00) to ten o'clock (10.00).

Mrs. Hunt Good. We'd like breakfast in the room.

Jim Yes, madam. When?

Mrs. Hunt Nine o'clock (9.00), please.

Jim And the children? Would they like breakfast in the room, too?

Mrs. Hunt Yes, please.

Jim Certainly. Here’s the lift.



Where's the hotel?

Receptionist Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Smith Hello. Is this the Metropole Hotel?

Receptionist No. This is the Grand Hotel.

Mr. Smith Where’s the Metropole Hotel?

Receptionist It’s at the airport.

Mr. Smith Thank you.

Receptionist Good-bye.


We'd like a room.

Receptionist Good afternoon.

Mr. Phillips Good afternoon. We'd like a double room, please.

Receptionist Have you got a reservation?

Mr. Phillips No.

Receptionist Just a minute, please. Yes, we've got one room.

Mr. Phillips How much is the room?

Receptionist A double room's six pounds (£ 6).

Mr. Phillips Thank you. We’d like the room.

Receptionist Good. Here are the keys.


Where are the Scotts?

Head Waiter Where are Mr. and Mrs. Scott?

Receptionist They’re sitting in the dining-room.

Head Waiter Would they like breakfast?

Receptionist Yes, take the coffee into the room, please.

Head Waiter Where’s the coffee?

Receptionist Here it is.



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