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Find in the Internet the most important facts about famous anatomists of the past and make very short presentation.


Суффикс –able (-ible) образует прилагательные от основы глаголов.


I. Прочтите и переведите:

comfortable, considerable, changeable, eatable, variable, responsible, extensible

II. Прочтите следующие слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

total [‘toutl], ton [tAn], emotion [I’mouSqn], regulate [‘regjuleit], cardiac [‘kRdiqk], cycle [sQikl], systole [‘sistqli], diastole [dQi’qestqli], cardiovascular [kRdio’vqeskjulq], phase [feiz], pressure [‘preSq], role [roul]

III. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

to pump [pAmp] – накачивать, нагнетать, выталкивать, выбрасывать

pump - насос

rate – частота, скорость

pulse rate – частота пульса

respiratory rate – частота дыхания

to beat [bJt] (beat, beaten) – бить(ся), ударять(ся)

beat – удар, толчок

to depend (on) [di’pend] – зависеть (от)

wave – волна, колебание; зубец

to follow [‘fOlou] – следовать, соблюдать

exertion [ig’zWSn] – напряжение, усилие, нагрузка

on exertion – при нагрузке

to prolong [prq’lON] - продлевать

prolonged - длительный

to discharge (from) [dis’tSRdZ] – выписывать (из больницы)

to discharge (out) – выделять, выбрасывать

discharge - выделение

to estimate [‘estimeit] – определять, оценивать, подсчитывать

to serve [sWv] - служить

to send (sent, sent) – направлять, посылать

considerable [kqn’sidqrqbl] - значительный

to increase [in’krJs] – увеличивать, повышать

possibility [, pOsi’biliti] - возможность

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

on physical exertion, to be discharged from the hospital, prolonged period, to follow the diet, to follow the doctor’s instructions, to discharge out blood, pulmonary circulation, to estimate the number of cells, to pump blood through the blood vessels, the total body weight, the period of rest, to increase the number, to have the possibility, to serve as a pump, waves of the cardiogram

V. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The human heart begins to beat and pump blood quicker than usual during the emotional stress. 2. The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute. 3. On physical exertion the heart has a short period of rest and the diastole becomes less. 4. The heart acts as a pump discharging out the blood to peripheral and pulmonary systems. 5. Ten tons of blood are pumped through the heart daily. 6. John Floyer, an English doctor (1649-1734), was the first scientist to find out the varying pulse rate in men.

VI. Найдите в каждом ряду глагол во временах группы Perfect:

1. will call, has called, is called, is calling

2. was determined, should determine, had determined, was determining

3. is pumping, must pump, is pumped, will have pumped

4. does not bring, is not bringing, has not brought, was not brought

VII. Прочтите, обратите внимание на употребление наречий, переведите предложения:

1. He has never been to London. 2. The patient has already restored his health. 3. The students have j ust passed the exam in anatomy. 4. We have not learnt the structure of the heart yet. 5. Have you heard about the conference yet? 6. Have you ever used this method of treatment?

VIII. Вставьте в предложения наречия already, yet:

1. Physiologists have described the functions of the human heart. 2. The doctor has not discharged the patient from the clinic. 3. The students have completed their work in the laboratory. 4. Have you participated at the scientific conferences? 5. He has not published the report on his discovery. 6. The scientists have introduced this term.

IX. Раскройте скобки:

1. The nurse already (to take temperature). 2. The doctor (not to use) this method of treatment yet. 3. The scientist just (to begin) his new experiment. 4. You (to take) ever this medicine? 5. I never (to read) books by this writer.

X. Найдите предложения со сказуемыми в Perfect, прочтите и переведите их:

1. The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure.

2. When the doctor was examining the patient he asked him to breathe deeply.

3. We have got some interesting findings of our experiments.

4. The lungs have many capillaries.

5. The patient has restored his health by the end of September.

6. Patient’s health will be restored soon.

7. These corpuscles have great elasticity and flexibility.

8. Scientists have called this phase of contraction – ventricular systole.

9. The patient had to call in a doctor because his condition was very poor.

10. The total blood volume is divided into circulating and reservoir volumes.

11. The researchers have not found out the origin of the disease.

XI. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос:

1. What did the scientists find out?

a. The scientists find out the total blood weight.

b. The scientists found out the total blood weight.

c. The scientists have found out the total blood weight.

2. What is the rate of the heartbeat regulated by?

a. The rate of the heartbeat was regulated by two groups of nerve fibers.

b. The rate of the heartbeat has regulated by two groups of nerve fibers.

c. The rate of the heartbeat is regulated by two groups of nerve fibers.

3. What has the physician used?

a. The physician has already used the new method of treatment.

b. The physician is already used the new method of treatment.

c. The physician already used the new method of treatment.

4. How many phases does each cardiac cycle consist of?

a. Each cardiac cycle consist of three phases.

b. Each cardiac cycle is consist of three phases.

c. Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases.

XII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимания на выделенные наречия:

1. Я часто посылаю письма своим родителям. 2. Я только что отправил письмо своим родителям. 3. Вчера я отправил письмо своим родителям. 4. Вчера я отправил письмо своим родителям до того, как пошел на лекцию. 5. Я отправлю письмо своим родителям в следующий понедельник. 6 Я отправлю письмо своим родителям к концу недели. 7. Сейчас я отправляю не письмо, а фотографии.


XIII. Прочтите и переведите текст:


The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one. The contractions of the heart pump the blood through the arteries to all parts of the body. Scientists have determined that the total weight of the blood pumped by the heart daily is about ten tons. The rate of heart contractions is regulated by two groups of nerve fibers. It varies in different persons and at different age.

Physiologists have determined that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 80 beats per minute. In children the rate of heartbeat is much higher. Research work of many scientists has helped to determine that the rate of heartbeat increases depending on different emotions.

Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest of the cardiac muscle. Each wave of contraction and a period of rest following it compose a cardiac cycle. Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria – the atrial systole. They have called the second phase of a more prolonged contraction of both ventricles – the ventricular systole. The period of rest of the cardiac muscle is called – the diastole.

During the systole of the ventricle the blood is pumped from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. When the right ventricle has pumped the venous blood into the pulmonary artery it enters the pulmonary circulation. The blood is brought to the lungs. In the lungs the venous blood discharges out carbon dioxide. When the blood has discharged out carbon dioxide it takes in oxygen in the lungs. The blood which has become oxygenated passes from the pulmonary veins to the left atrium of the heart.

Under the pressure of the left atrium the arterial blood which the pulmonary veins have brought to the heart is pumped into the left ventricle. During the prolonged contraction of the left ventricle the arterial blood is pumped into the aorta – the main artery of the vascular system. When the left ventricle has pumped the arterial blood into the aorta it is carried through the arteries to all the parts of the body.

Prolonged research work of many physiologists has given the possibility to estimate the role of the ventricles which serve as the main pump. The atria act as receiving chambers.



I. Translate the following word combinations:

общий вес крови, частота сердечных сокращений, две группы нервных волокон, 60 ударов в минуту, частота сердцебиения возрастает, в зависимости от различных эмоций, период расслабления сердечной мышцы, сокращение обоих предсердий, более длительное сокращение желудочков, кровь поступает в малый круг кровообращения, кровь выделяет углекислый газ, под давлением, главная артерия сосудистой системы, возможность оценить роль, служить в качестве основного насоса, принимающие камеры

II. Make up questions to the underlined words:

1. In the adult the heart makes 60-80 beats per minute.

2. Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest of the cardiac muscle.

3. Each wave of contraction and a period of rest following it compose a cardiac cycle.

4. Physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria – the

atrial systole.

5. Under the pressure of the left atrium the arterial blood is pumped into the left


III. Answer the questions:

1. What is the total weight of the blood pumped by the heart daily?

2. What is the rate of heart contractions regulated by?

3. What does the rate of heart contractions depend on?

4. What is the atrial systole?

5. What is the ventricular systole?

6. What is diastole?

7. What does the blood discharge out in the lungs?

8. Where does the blood take in oxygen?

9. What is the aorta?

10. What is the role of the ventricles?

11. What is the role of the atria?


IV. Describe how blood circulates in the body:


I. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

fluid [fluid] - жидкость

place [pleis] - место

to take place – происходить, иметь место

platelet [‘pleitlit] – кровяная пластинка

generally [‘Genqrqli] – вообще, обычно

to exist [ig’zist] - существовать

to count [KQunt] – считать, подсчитывать

count – счет, количество

to protect [prq’tekt] – защищать, охранять

life span – продолжительность жизни

node - узел

mental [mentl] – умственный, душевный, психический

mild [mQild] – слабый, легкий, мягкий

to range [reinG] – колебаться.

range – ряд, область, предел

meal [mJl] – еда, прием пищи

feature [‘fJtSq] – черта, особенность

average [‘qevqriG] - средний

volume [‘vOljum] – объем, емкость

to state – заявлять, сообщать, утверждать

state – состояние


II. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

fluid tissue, fluid substance, to take place in the brain, to exist in nature, not to exist, red blood cell count, to count the number of platelets, to protect patients’ health, life span of cells, lymph nodes, on mental exertion, mental impairments, mild symptoms, mild pain, wide range of interests, to range greatly, characteristic features, main features, the average weight, the average volume, blood volume, general state, state of health


III. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. It is known that blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs. 2. They say that he is a very skilled surgeon. 3. One knows that pulse rate becomes rapid on physical exertion. 4. It is estimated that the body weight considerably decreases during the prolonged disease. 5. One can say that this drug is very effective. 6. It is not known when the patient is discharged from the hospital.


IV. Переведите следующие неопределенно-личные предложения, используя различные способы перевода:

1. Известно, что красные клетки крови имеют две физические особенности.

2. Можно сказать, что это очень сложная проблема.

3. Установлено, что кровь это жидкая ткань.

4. Считается, что такие операции не опасны.

5. Доказано, что жизнь не может существовать без кислорода.

6. Нельзя принимать лекарства без назначения (administration) врача.

7. Необходимо изучать английский, чтобы читать научные журналы.


V. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

corpuscle [‘kLpAsl], erythrocyte [I’riTrqsQit], leucocyte [‘ljHkqsQit], thrombocyte [‘TrOmbqsQit], lymph [limf], lymphocyte [‘limfqsQit], elasticity [, elqes’tisiti], flexibility [, fleksq’biliti], reservoir [‘rezqvwR], hemoglobin [, hJmou’gloubin], maximal [‘mqeksimql]


VI. Прочтите и переведите текст:


Blood is a fluid tissue with many various functions. Not only important physiological process takes place in the blood but it determines the activity of body cells. Blood is composed of plasma and the corpuscular elements which are called red corpuscles or erythrocytes, white corpuscles or leucocytes and blood platelets or thrombocytes.

About 65 per cent of all white cells are leucocytes. The function of leucocytes primarily that of protection against infection. Their life span is short from 4 to 12 days. It is generally considered that no sex differences exist in the count of leucocytes. The count of leucocytes in the blood of a healthy person is 4, 500 to 9, 500 per cu mm (cubic millimeter). If the number of white blood cells (WBC) is counted after mental or physical exertion or meals it may increase to 10, 000 or more per cu mm. The cells that comprise about 35 per cent of the white cells are lymphocytes. They are produced in lymph nodes.

It is estimated that the erythrocytes are the most numerous cellular elements ranging from 4, 000, 000 to 5, 000, 000 per cu mm. The red blood cell count (RBC) may change with age. When the red blood cell count is done after physical exertion or emotions it may increase.

One knows that red corpuscles have two physical features which are very important in the function of respiration. They have great elasticity and flexibility. These features give them the possibility to pass through very small capillaries.

The most important part of the red cell is its red colouring substance or hemoglobin which on an average forms about 36 % of its mass.

The total blood volume is divided into circulating and reservoir ones.

The average human blood volume is not less than 7.5 % but not more than 10% of the body weight. It is generally stated that the circulating volume averages smaller in the females than in the males. The circulating volume of the blood depends on the changes of the air temperature.



I. Complete the sentences:

1. Blood is a …. 2. Blood is composed of …. 3. About 65% of all blood cells are … 4. The cells that comprise about 35% of the white cells are …. 5. Blood platelets are …. 6. The most numerous cellular elements are …. 7. The red corpuscles have two physical features …. 8. The most important part of the red cells is …. 9. The … is about 7.5 to 10% of the body weight.

II. Combine the adjective in A with the noun in B:


fluid volume

blood temperature

corpuscular elements

healthy tissue

mental surface

physical features

maximal exertion

air person


III. Use the proper prepositions:

1. Important physiological process takes place … the blood.

2. Blood is composed … plasma and corpuscular elements.

3. If the number of white blood cells is counted … mental or physical exertion it may


4. The number of red blood cells ranges … 4, 000, 000 … 5, 000, 000 per cu mm.

5. The red blood cell count may change … age.

6. Elasticity and flexibility give erythrocytes the possibility to pass … very small


7. The circulating volume of the blood depends … the changes of the air temperature.


IV. Translate the sentences:

1. Известно, что кровь это жидкая ткань.

2. Установлено, что 65% белых клеток – лейкоциты, а 35% - лимфоциты.

3. Считают, что половых различий в количестве лейкоцитов не существует.

4. Доказано, что эритроциты имеют две физические особенности.

5. Известно, что общий объем крови составляет 7.5-10% общего веса крови.

6. Установлено, что гемоглобин образует примерно 36% массы эритроцитов.

V. What do you know in general:

about leucocytes

about erythrocytes

about blood



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