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THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Суффикс -ness образует существительное от прилагательного.


Суффикс -ness образует существительное от прилагательного.

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

redness, weakness, tiredness, readiness, sleeplessness, breathlessness, thickness


II. Назовите причастие II (III форма глагола) от следующих инфинитивов и переведите их:

to treat, to discuss, to finish, to translate, to listen, to give, to take, to make, to write, to read, to find, to know


III. Назовите сказуемое в пассивном залоге:

1. was discussed, is discussing, has discussed

2. is taking, is taken, will take

3. has finished, will be finishing, was finished

4. will not be making, does not make, will not be made

IV. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

1. I am asked questions at every lesson.

2. The lecturer was listened to very attentively.

3. Next week this report will be discussed by the students.

4. This article was translated into English by me.

5. Will this work be finished in three days?

6. Were you given a very difficult task?

7. Was the diagnosis made by the doctor?

V. Измените залог предложения по модели:

Model: The doctor treated the patient.

The patient was treated by the doctor.

1. My friend made a report.

2. This Professor delivers interesting lectures.

3. The scientist will carry out a new experiment.

4. I did not finish the work.

5. The doctor will not examine you tomorrow.

6. Students do not perform operations.

VI. Прочтите предложения, найдите и определите в них сказуемые и переведите предложения:

1. The surgeon has just performed the operation.

2. The patient has already restored his health.

3. Physiologists have already described this phenomenon.

4. I have never felt pain in the heart area.

5. The doctor has not discharged the patient from the hospital yet.

6. Have you ever used this method in practice?

VII. Найдите предложения в Perfect Active, прочтите и переведите их:

1. The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure.

2. When the doctor was examining the patient he asked him to breathe deeply.

3. We have got some interesting findings during our experiments.

4. The lungs have many capillaries.

5. The patient had restored his health by the end of September.

6. This patient’s health will be restored soon.

7. These corpuscles have great elasticity and flexibility.

8. Scientists have called this phase of contraction ventricular systole.

9. The total blood volume is divided into circulating and reservoir volumes.

VIII. Определите залог и группу следующих инфинитивов:

to treat, to be taking, to have made, to be given

IX. Прочтите следующие предложения, обратите внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и инфинитивов, стоящих после них:

1. He cannot do it. He cannot have done it. Can he have done it?   2. He may perform operations on the heart. He may have performed an operation on the heart . 3. You must deliver a lecture. You must have delivered a lecture. Он не может это сделать. Не может быть, чтобы он это сделал. Неужелион сделал это?   Он может быть (возможно) делает операции на сердце. Он может быть (возможно) сделал операцию на сердце.   Вы должны прочитать лекцию. Вы должно быть (вероятно) прочитали лекцию.


X. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The infant is quiet now. Mother must have fed it. 2. The blood pressure may have decreased after taking this drug. 3. Can the scientist have made this discovery after a number of experiments.


XI. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте русские эквиваленты:

constant [‘kOndstqnt], nerve [nWv], electrical [I’lektrikql], react [ri’qekt], impulse [‘impAls], actually [‘qektjuqli], agent [‘eiGqnt], terminal [‘tWminql], energy [‘enqGi], process [‘prouses]. inhibition [, inhi’biSqn], cortex [‘kLteks], stimulus [‘stimjulqs] (pl. stimuli [‘stimjulQi])

XII. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

brain [brein] – (головной) мозг

spinal cord – спинной мозг

to transmit [trqenz’mit] – передавать, отправлять

to refer [ri’fW] – приписывать, объяснять, относиться

to happen [‘hqepqn] – случаться, происходить

to travel [trqevl] – двигаться, перемещаться, распространяться

each - каждый

each other [‘JtS’ADq] – друг друга

by means of [mJnz] – с помощью, посредством

to touch [tAtS] – касаться, соприкасаться

close – близкий, тесный

to reach [rJtS] – достигать, доходить

to transfer [‘trqensfW] – передавать, перемещать

sleep - сон

to fall asleep [fOl] - заснуть

delicate [‘delikit] – тонкий, хрупкий

tired [tQiqd] - усталый

to be tired - уставать

to allow [q’lQu] – позволять, разрешать

area [‘Fqriq] – область, пространство, поле

to provide [prq’vQid] – обеспечивать, снабжать

smooth [smHT] – гладкий, ровный

to supply [sq’plQi] – обеспечивать, снабжать, питать

food - пища

to feed - кормить

purpose [‘pWpqs] - цель

XIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

to happen [‘hqepqn] – What happened? It happened with us. When did it happen?

each other [‘JtS’ADq] – to be connected with each other, to depend on each other, to ask each other, close to each other

by means of [mJnz] – by means of a new method, by means of examination, by

means of operation, by means of adequate treatment

close [klous] – close friends, close connection, close association, close meaning,

close to the text

delicate [‘delikit] – delicate cells, delicate operation, delicate health

to allow [q’lQu] – to allow patient to walk, not to allow to be tired, to allow to do

hard work, not to allow to work late

area [‘Fqriq] – in the area, heart area, in the brain area, different areas of the human body, numerous areas of the spinal cord, tired areas, inhibited areas

smooth [smHT] – smooth surface, smooth work, smooth muscles

to supply [sq’plQi] – to supply with energy, to supply with feeding substances, to

supply with oxygen, blood supply

purpose [‘pWpqs] – for this purpose, the purpose of the research, the purpose of the lecture, the purpose of the experiment

XIV. Прочтите и переведите текст А:


The scientists have found out that a constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through the nerve fibers in the spinal cord. The spinal cord consists of millions of nerve fibers which transmit electrical information to the brain and back to each part of the body. The brain and the spinal cord are referred to as the Central Nervous System (CNS), while the nerves connecting the spinal cord to the body are referred to as the Peripheral Nervous System (PNC).

All parts of our body are connected by nerves. The nerve cells with their fibers make up the nervous system. The physiologists have not determined yet what happens when a nerve reacts to a stimulus but something travels from one nerve to another. The nerve cells send impulses to each other by means of the fibers at their ends. These fibers do not actually touch but are so close to each other that an impulse can travel from one fiber to another. Thus all nerve cells are connected with each other. So a stimulus from any part of the body can reach any other part of it. Physical agents become stimuli for nerve terminal by transferring from the external world to the nerve terminals.

The nervous cells of the cortex are the most delicate of all the cells of the human body. At the moment of tiredness of the cortical nervous cells the process of inhibition begins to act. This process does not allow new stimuli to pass to the tired areas of the brain. Though the stimuli continue to come to the brain the inhibited cortical cells do not react to them. To provide the smooth work of the brain the nervous cells must be well supplied with oxygen and feeding substances. And for this purpose any human being must have regular complete rest, i.e. sleep. Numerous investigations and experiments have shown that sleep is more necessary for the human being than food. One can live longer without food than without sleep.


I. Combine the word in A with the word in B:

A constant spinal nerve external delicate human inhibition tired smooth feeding complete B fibers rest areas substances body process flow cells cord work world

II. Translate the following word combinations:

постоянный поток раздражителей, нервные волокна в спинном мозге, передавать информацию, относиться к центральной нервной системе, реагировать на раздражитель, посылать сигналы друг другу, посредством волокон, фактически не соприкасаться, располагаться близко друг к другу, достигать другие части тела, нервные окончания, передавать сигналы из внешнего мира, нервные клетки коры головного мозга, самые хрупкие клетки, процесс торможения, проходить в уставшие области мозга, заторможенные клетки коры, обеспечивать гладкую работу, снабжать кислородом и питательными веществами, для этой цели, полный покой и сон

III. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

1. Stimuli come into the brain through the nerve fibers in the spinal cord.

2. The brain, the spinal cord and the nerves connecting the spinal cord to the body are

referred to as the Central Nervous System (CNS).

3. The physiologists have already determined what happens when a nerve reacts to a


4. These fibers do not actually touch but are so close to each other that an impulse

can travel from one fiber to another.

5. The process of inhibition does not allow new stimuli to pass to the tired areas of

the brain.

6. To provide the smooth work of the brain the nervous cells must be well supplied

with carbon dioxide.

7. Food is more necessary for the human being than sleep.


IV. Read text B without a dictionary and retell it:

Text B

One of the research institutes carried out an interesting experiment. Six young persons – four men and two girls did not sleep for 124 hours. They were under the constant observation of the doctors who took their cardiograms, determined the pulse and blood pressure, and carried out many other investigations.

Not to fall asleep they were allowed to do physical exercises, dance and play, but they were not allowed to take any stimulants. Vision, hearing and various reflexes were often examined during the experiment.

The experiment was successful. Its findings showed that prolonged sleeplessness increased the amount of sugar in the blood, decreased the level of vitamin B1 and B2, produced considerable increase of white blood cells and decreased the amount of iron in the blood.




Грамматика: Perfect Passive, усилительная конструкция It is … that




-ancy (-ency) - суффиксы существительных.

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

1. insufficiency, urgency, persistency, emergency, deficiency, efficiency,

dependency, infancy

II. Распределите сказуемые по группам:

a. Continuous Active в. Perfect Active с. Perfect Passive d. Simple Passive

1. is carried out

2. will be reading

3. has been discovered

4. was controlled

5. will have found out

6. had treated

7. were determining

8. have been operated

9. had had


III. Прочтите предложения, определите в них сказуемые и переведите предложения:

1. The new methods of research had been included into the work. 2. The course of treatment has been prolonged by the cardiologist. 3. The structure of the pancreas will have been described in the article. 4. The direction of the nerve fibers has already been established experimentally. 5. Several new medical schools have been founded in our country. 6. The exact amount of the blood in the experimental animal has just been estimated by the researcher.


IV. Найдите, прочтите и переведите предложения в Perfect Passive:

1. The doctor has treated the patient with pneumonia. 2. My brother has been treated in this clinic. 3. The group of researchers are working on a new drug for cancer. 4. The professor has just delivered the lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs.

5. Tomorrow from 10 till 15 the students of our group will be taking the exam in chemistry. 6. I has already been asked this question.

V. Переделайте предложения по модели:

e.g. The students have translated the text. – The text has been translated by the


1. My friends have completed the work.

2. The scientist has proved the important findings.

3. The laboratory worker has counted the number of leucocytes.

4. The doctor will have discharged out the patient by 12 o’clock.

5. The students have just listened to the lecture on the functions of the brain.

VI. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

mechanism [‘mekqnizm], motor [‘moutq], centre [‘sentq], communication [kq, mjHni’keiSn], summarize [‘sAmqrQiz], analyze [‘qenqlQiz], emotion [I’mouSqn], hypothalamus [, hQipO’Tqelqmqs], sphere [sfiq], hemisphere [, hemi’sfiq]

VII. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

to complicate [‘kOmplikeit] – усложнять, осложнять

directly [di’rektli] – прямо, непосредственно

ear [iq] - ухо

eye [Qi] - глаз

sense – чувство, ощущение; смысл, значение

pain - боль

smell - запах

feeling – чувство, ощущение

order [‘Ldq] - - приказ, порядок

in order to – для того, чтобы

to move [mHv] - - двигать(ся), шевелить(ся)

medulla [me’dAlq] – продолговатый мозг

cerebrum [‘seribrqm] – головной мозг, большой мозг

cerebellum [, seri’belqm] - мозжечок

stem - стовол

forebrain [‘ fLbrein] - передний мозг

to receive [ri’sJv] - получать

to hear [hiq] - слышать

hearing [‘hiqriN] - слух

vision [viZn] - зрение

memory [‘memqri] - память

pressure [‘preSq] – давлени

thought [TLt] – мысль, мышление

to control [kqn’troul] – контролировать, купировать (боль), управлять,



VIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

the most complicated mechanism; the weight of the human brain; to be connected directly and indirectly; the system of communication; constant flow of stimuli; sense organs; to send orders through the nerve fibers; to control vision and hearing; physical movements and emotions; motor cortex; to become tired rapidly; blood pressure; portion of the spinal cord; to be divided into two hemispheres; a thick band; thought, memory and feeling; to make muscles work; breathing and heartbeat

IX. Раскройте скобки:

the pain can (be discharged, be estimated, be controlled)

the area can (be extended, be published, be pumped)

the smell can (be covered, be entered, be felt)

the vision can (be breathed in, be investigated, be complicated)

hearing can (be received, be ordered, be examined)

blood pressure can (be complicated, be decreased, be taken)

memory can (be moved, be felt, be improved)

X. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. It is in the alveoli that the respiratory metabolism takes place. 2. It is hemoglobin that carries oxygen to different tissues of the human body. 3. It was not until 1628 that blood circulation was described by William Harvey.


XI. Используйте усилительную конструкцию для выделения членов предложения:

1. Prof. Lesgaft understood well the importance of physical culture. 2. During the systole both ventricles of the heart contract. 3. In 1538 Andreas Vesalius published his six volume work “Tabulae Anatomicae”.


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