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Префикс dis- образует слова со значением, противоположным

корню: to appear -появляться to disappear исчезать

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие сочетания слов:

to continue – to discontinue, to organize – to disorganize, advantage – disadvantage

II. Запомните произношение следующих слов, назовите части речи и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

inhalation [, inhq’leiSqn], exhalation [, ekshq’leiSqn], respiration [, respi’reiSqn], rhythmical [‘riDmikql], accelerate [qek’selqreit], associated [q’souSieitid], total [‘toutl], diaphragm [‘dQiqfrqem], atmospheric [, qetmqs’ferik], regulation [, regju’leiSqn]

III. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

to accompany [q’kAmpqni] – сопровождать, сопутствовать

to observe [qb’zWv] – наблюдать, следить

to enable [I’neibl] – позволять, давать возможность

to exchange [iks’tSeinG] – обменивать(ся)

exchange - обмен

passage [‘pqesiG] – проход, проток

to breathe [brJD] - дышать

to breathe in - вдыхать

to breathe out - выдыхать

breath [breT] - дыхание

to increase [in’krJs] – повышать, увеличивать

to decrease [di’krJs] – понижать, уменьшать

depth [depT] - глубина

amount [q’mQunt] – количество


IV. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова из данных ниже. Глаголы поставьте в соответствующей форме:

1. On physical exertion the patient’s … became deep. 2. When the temperature is high a patient usually … deeply. 3. When one … the lungs dilate. 4. When one … the lungs contract.

breathe, breathe in, breathe out, breath

V. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

to accompany the process of respiration, to breathe in oxygen, through the air passages, to breathe out carbon dioxide, exchange of gases in the lungs, to increase the amount of leucocytes, to enable doctors, in deep breath, to observe new phenomenon, to decrease the patient’s temperature


VI. Раскройте скобки и прочтите предложения:

1. When we breathe out (ток крови) into the lungs (уменьшается). 2. One of the mechanisms of headache (связан) with the pressure made by a tumour on the ( черепные и шейные) nerves. 3. During the act of respiration the air enters the lungs through the air (ходы). 4. When the doctor was examining the patient he asked him (дышать) deeply. 5. The flow of blood into the lungs increases when one (вдыхают) and it decreases when one (выдыхают). 6. On physical exertion the (частота дыхания) and the (глубина) of respiration (увеличиваются). 7. (Количество) of the (жидкой части) of the blood called the plasma composes 60%.

VII. Прочтите, определите виды придаточных предложение и переведите их:

1. The treatment the patient had begun on the first of June was quite effective. 2. The condition of the patient we are treating has become better. 3. The methods of investigation the scientist had included in his research helped him to determine the origin of the pulmonary disease. 4. The faculty my brother in trains pediatricians. 5. We know well Servet was the first anatomist to describe the pulmonary circulation in the first half of the 16th century. 6. The phenomenon of the transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs Sechenov investigated is due to the law of diffusion of gas from the fluid into the air. 7. The vital capacity of the lungs many physiologists have studied changes in some cardiac and pulmonary diseases. 8. The great English anatomist W. Harvey found out the heart changed its colour during the contractions.

VIII. Прочтите и переведите текст:



Respiration consists of repeated inhalations and exhalations. The respiratory movements are rhythmical. An adult at rest makes 16-20 respiratory movements per minute, children make more movements (a newborn child makes up to 60 movements a minute). Physical exertion is usually accompanied by faster respiration. Accelerated respiration is also observed in many diseases. Sleep is accompanied by a slowing of respiration.

The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure. There are over 700, 000, 000 alveoli in the lungs. The lungs have many capillaries with the total surface of about 80 sq. m. This particular structure of the lungs enables the exchange of gases between the alveolar air and the blood. Elastic fibers of connective tissue composing the walls of the alveoli, alveolar passages and the visceral pleura enable the lungs to dilate.

When one breathes in the external intercostal muscles contract and lift the ribs. At this moment the diaphragm also contracts and goes down. The volume of the chest increases. The increase of the chest volume enables the lungs to extend. The pressure in the lungs becomes less and the atmospheric air enters the lungs.

When one breathes out the external intercostal muscles and the muscles of the diaphragm become relaxed. The ribs go down, the diaphragm goes up, the volume of the chest decreases and the lungs contract. The pressure in the lungs becomes higher and the air goes out of the lungs.

The vital capacity of the lungs in the male averages 3.5-4 litres and in the female 3-3.5 litres. The regulation of the vital capacity is of particular importance to the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide taking place in the lungs.

The respiratory rate and its depth depend on the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.


I. Translate the following word combinations:

ритмичные дыхательные движения; повторные вдохи и выдохи; учащенное дыхание; замедление дыхания; связанный со строением легких; общая поверхность капилляров; дает возможность осуществить обмен газов; соединительная ткань, образующая стенки альвеол; альвеолярные проходы; увеличение объема грудной клетки; мышцы диафрагмы расслабляются; жизненная емкость легких а среднем составляет; частота и глубина дыхания

II. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

1. Respiration consists of repeated inhalations and exhalations.

2. Children make less respiratory movements than adults.

3. Accelerated respiration is observed on physical exertion and in many diseases.

4. The lungs are the main organs of the cardiovascular system.

5. The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure.

6. When one breathes in the volume of the chest decreases.

7. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the lungs.

8. The vital capacity of the lungs is about 5-6 litres.

III. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. Everybody knows the lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system.

2. The physiology of the lungs we studied at the practical classes is associated with

their structure.

3. The particular structure of the lungs many scientists investigated enables the

exchange of gases between the alveolar air and the blood.

4. We know the volume of the chest decreases when one breathes out.

5. Physiologists found out the total surface of the capillaries in the lungs is about 80

sq. m.

IV. Describe the mechanism:

a. of inhalation

b. of exhalation



I. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

psychology [sQi’kOlqGi], process[‘prouses], basis [‘beisis], absorption [qb’sLpSn], salt[ sLlt], diffution [di’fjHZn], phenomenon [ fi’nOminqn]

(pl phenomena [fi’nOminq] )

II. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

to include [in’klHd] – включать, содержать в себе

to investigate [in’vestigeit] – изучать, исследовать

to isolate [‘Qisqleit] – отделять, выделять, изолировать

to combine [kqm’bQin] – соединять, объединять

able [eibl] - способный

to be able to – мочь, быть в состоянии

conclusion [kqn’klHZn] – вывод, заключение

to come to the conclusion – прийти к выводу

to draw a conclusion – сделать вывод

to accomplish [q’kOmpliS] – заканчивать, завершать

due [djH] – должный, соответствующий

due to – вследствие, из-за, благодаря, в результате

to be due to - обуславливаться

to estimate [‘estimeit] – оценивать, определять

solution [sq’lHSn] - раствор

to prove [prHv] - доказывать

transfer [‘trqensfW] – перенос, передача

III. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

prove [prHv] – to prove facts, to prove the idea, he proved that he was right, to be

able to prove

conclusion – [ kqn’klHZn] - the right conclusion, in conclusion, to come to the

conclusion that, to draw an interesting conclusion

accomplish [ q’kOmpliS] - accomplishment, to accomplish the observation, the

accomplishment of the respiratory process

due [djH] due to this disease, due to a high temperature, in due time, his condition was bad due to a high blood pressure, his condition was due to the illness

investigate [in’vestigeit] investigation, to accomplish the investigation, to

investigate blood cells

IV. Прочтите и переведите следующие пары слов:

inhalate – inhalation, accelerate – acceleration, associate – association, regulate – regulation, observe – observation, investigate – investigation, accomplish – accomplishment, estimate - estimation

V. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое главного и придаточного предложения:

1. The patient had had grippe before he was admitted to the hospital. 2. The doctor had observed an unusual case of a mitral valve disease before he reported on it at the conference. 3. The doctor stated that the patient had pneumonia. 4. The surgeon considered that the patient would feel well in two or three days. 5. The professor found out that the patient had had tuberculosis two years before. 6. The scientist had accomplished his investigation by the end of the year. 7. They came to the conclusion that the atmospheric pressure was an important factor for patients with cardiac diseases. 8. The scientists determined that the rate of heartbeat increased due to different emotions. 9. The surgeon was sure that the operation would be successful. 10. It was estimated that blood is a fluid tissue.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Мы знали, что он учится в медицинском университете.

2. Ученые сообщили, что они наблюдали новое явление.

3. Когда он закончил исследование, он описал его в своей научной статье.

4. Врач считал, что новый метод лечения будет успешным.

5. Я не знал, что И. М. Сеченов является основателем научной психологии.

VII. Прочтите текст B и найдите в нем все предложения с правилом согласования времен. Переведите эти предложения:


I. M. Sechenov (1829-1905) was a prominent Russian scientist, the founder of Russian physiology and scientific psychology.

The range of Sechenov’s scientific interests and the number of his research works are really great. 106 scientific works were written by him. In these works he included the findings which he had observed and determined before. Some of his research works were connected with the investigation of the blood gases and their role in the respiratory process.

I. M. Sechenov isolated the blood gases and found out the most of blood gases were combined with erythrocytes. No physiologist had been able to do it before Sechenov. On the basis of his observations Sechenov came to the conclusion that hemoglobin was that substance of the blood which accomplished the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the respiratory process. Physiologists of many countries who had worked on this problem before Sechenov could not estimate the role of hemoglobin in the act of respiration. So the accomplishment of the respiratory process is due to hemoglobin.

I. M. Sechenov investigated the process of absorption of carbon dioxide by the solutions of salts. When he had completed his investigations he proved only 2/3 of carbon dioxide were dissolved in plasma. The rest of carbon dioxide was combined with the red blood cells. The transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs was due to the law of diffusion of gas from fluid into the air. When Sechenov had investigated this phenomenon he was able to answer the question why oxygen passed into the blood from atmospheric gases during the act of respiration.



I. How do we call a person who:

1. discovers something? 2. founds some new theories? 3. investigates some new phenomena? 4. researches in some field of science? 5. observes some changes in the experiments?


II. Answer the questions:

1. What was I. M. Sechenov?

2. What was he the founder of?

3. How many scientific works did he write?

4. What did he investigate?

5. What conclusion did he come to?

6. What did Sechenov investigate the process of absorption of carbon dioxide by?

7. What is the transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs due to?

III. Translate text C using a dictionary:



When John and Jacqueline Kennedy lost their newborn son Patrick in 1963 most Americans had never heard of the disorder that took the life of the President’s child: hyaline membrane disease (HMD). The disorder is largely confined to prematurely born infants; in the USA it strikes 20, 000 “preemics” and despite improved treatment still kills more than 3, 000 of them.

HMD is related to the underdevelopment of the lungs of the infants. The air sacs of the lungs collapse causing rapid, difficult breathing and in many cases death by

suffocation. Underdeveloped lungs do not produce enough of a vital substance called pulmonary surfactant, a whitish, soap-like chemical that coats the lungs and keeps air spaces open. Without surfactant the air sacs in the lungs become stiff and collapse preventing inhalation, and the lungs become dense and hyaline or glass-like. The usual treatment of HMD involves the administration of oxygen-enriched air (sometimes with the aid of a respirator) until the lungs are mature enough to manufacture a sufficient amount of the chemical.



Тест для самоконтроля 4


1. Укажите русские эквиваленты английских глаголов.

a. to follow a. накачивать, выбрасывать

b. to increase b. увеличивать, повышать

c. to pump c. защищать

d. to estimate d. существовать

e. to exist e. наблюдать

f. to protect f. следовать, соблюдать

g. to accomplish g. оценивать, подсчитывать

h. заканчивать, завершать

2. Укажите существительные, подходящие по смыслу определениям.

a. pulse a. volume

b. fluid b. span

c. physical c. rate

d. life d. tissue

e. exertion

3. Вставьте в предложение соответствующий предлог.

Heartbeat may increase … physical exertion.

4. Выберете правильный вариант.

The accomplishment of the respiratory process is due to …

a. oxygen b. leucocytes c. hemoglobin d. platelets

5. Вставьте в предложение подходящее по смыслу слово.

The vital capacity of the … is about 3-4 liters.

6. Выберете правильный вариант.

When people … the lungs dilate.

a. breathe b. breath c. breathe in d. breathe out

7. Вставьте в предложение подходящее по смыслу слово.

It is known that … becomes oxygenated in the lungs.

8. Выберете правильный вариант.

The total blood … is from 7 to 10% of the body weight.

a. count b. feature c. volume d. passage

9. Укажите слово с отрицательным значением.

a. enable b. weakness c. considerable d. discontinue

10. Укажите сказуемое в Perfect Active.

a. was allowed b. will combine c. has accomplished d. is investigating

11. Выберете правильный вариант.

The doctor stated that the patient перенес pneumonia.

a. has had b. had had c. was had d. had

12. Укажите неопределенно-личное предложение.

a. It is necessary to perform the operation immediately.

b. It is this surgeon who saved the life of the patient.

c. It is my book and I want to take it back.

d. It is known that the pulse rate increases on physical exertion.


Грамматика: пассивный залог, Perfect Active, формы инфинитива,

модальные глаголы + перфектный инфинитив



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