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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Topics : “ Mystery ”, “ Dates ”

Vocabulary Box

Successful – успешный; a writer – писатель; a detective story – детективный рассказ; mystery – тайна; marriage – замужество; unhappy – несчастливый; to leave home – покидать дом; to disappear –исчезать; a guest – гость; a husband – муж; to find – находить; divorced – разведенный; to kill – убивать; to tell – говорить, сказать.

№ 4. Read and translate the text.

Jack London

The novelist and short-story writer Jack London was, in his lifetime, one of the most popular authors in the world. He remained popular in many other countries for his romantic tales of adventure mixed with elemental struggle for survival.

In his writing career of 17 years, London produced 50 books and many short stories. He wrote mostly for money, to meet ever-increasing expenses.

The best books are the Klondike tales, which also include 'White Fang' (1906) and 'Burning Daylight' (1910). His most enduring novel is probably the autobiographical 'Martin Eden' (1909), but the exciting 'Sea Wolf' (1904) continues to have great appeal for young readers.

In 1910 London settled near Glen Ellen, California, where he intended to build his dream home, "Wolf House." After the house burned down before completion in 1913, he was a broken and sick man. His death on Nov. 22, 1916 was probably a suicide.

Notes to the text:

To remain – оставаться                                Expenses – расходы

A tale – рассказ                                            To include – включать в себя

Survival – выживание                                 Enduring – длительный

Most – превосходная степень от прилагательного much

Mostly – главным образом (наречие)

№ 5. Answer the following questions.

1. Was Jack London an English or an American writer?


2. How many books did he write?


3. Was his life difficult?


4. What were his best books?


№ 6. Answer TRUE or FALSE.

1. Jack London was a novelist.        ______________.

2. He was a rich man.                        ______________.

3. He lived in California.                  ______________.

4. He wanted to build his dream house.       ______________.

№ 7. Read and translate the text.


Arthur Conan Doyle was a great writer. He was born in Scotland in the family of Irish. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. His medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.

Conan Doyle was one of the first who started the fashion of detective stories. He created his famous Sherlock Holmes in 1885. Six years later this name became a name that everybody knew. “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” made him famous all over the world. He became popular because of his love for people. He died in 1930.

Words to help you

Knowledge – знания (употребляется только в форме единственного числа – Knowledge is power – Знание – сила).

To create – создавать, творить; creative – творческий.

Fashion – мода.

№ 8. Answer the questions.

1. Why was he a great writer?


2. What was he?


3. Why did he move to England?


4. Have you ever read Conan Doyle’s novels?


№ 9. Translate into English.

Конан Дойл – великий шотландский писатель. По профессии он врач. Именно эта профессия помогла Конан Дойлю стать отцом детективного жанра. Его книги известны во всем мире. Они переведены на многие языки. Главный персонаж его книг Шерлок Холмс.






А. Cardinal numbers

Количественные числительные

379 – three hundred and seventy nine, 5,084 – five thousand and eighty-four,

2,000 000 – two million, 2,567 – two thousand five hundred and sixty seven,

450,000 – four hundred and fifty thousand, 5,000,000 – five billion.

There is no plural after hundred, thousand, million and billion when they are part of a number. When we are talking more generally, they can be plural, e.g. thousands of people; millions of insects.

E.g.: There are thousands of books in the library. (B библиотеке тысячи книг.)

В . Ordinal numbers and dates

Порядковые числительные и даты

Порядковые числительные в английском языке образуются при помощи добавления определенного артикля – the – и окончания -th – к количественному числительному:

e.g. : six – the sixth, seven – the seventh.

Но следует запомнить следующие порядковые числительные:

One – the first, two – the second, three – the third, five – the fifth.

Оnе problem with dates is that we write them and say them in a different way.

Запомните, как произносятся даты в английском языке!

We write 4 January (or 4th January), but say the fourth of January or January the fourth. We write
21 May (or 21st May), but say the twenty-first of May or May the twenty-first. 1997 = nineteen ninety-seven 2003 = two thousand and three.


1993 – Nineteen ninety three

1903 – Nineteen oh three

2000 – The year of 2 thousand

2008 – The year of 2 thousand and eight

Fractions and decimals



1 1/4 = one and a quarter 1.25 = one point two five
1 1/2 = one and a half 1.5 = one point five
1 3/4 = one and three quarters 1.75 = one point seven five


Percentages Проценты

26 % is spoken as twenty-six per cent.

More than 50 % of something is the majority of it; less than 50 % is the minority.

Больше 50 % чего-либо - это большинство, менее 50 % чего-либо – это меньшинство.

Arithmetic Арифметические действия

There are four basic processes. Notice how they are said when we are working out (= calculating) the answer.


+ = addition сложение e.g 6 + 4 = 10 (six plus/and four equals/is ten)
– = subtraction вычитание e.g 6–4 = 2 (six minus four equals/is two)
´ = multiplication умножение e.g 6´4 = 24 (six times/multiplied by four equals/is twenty-four)
: = division деление e.g 8:2 = 4 (eight divided by two equals/is four)


Some people are not very good at mental arithmetic (= arithmetic in your mind without paper) and often get stuck (= have a problem) if they have to work something out. The easiest way is to use a calculator. (= small electronic machine for working out numbers)

Некоторые люди не умеют считать в уме и часто испытывают в этом трудности. Самый легкий способ – воспользоваться калькулятором.

Saying '0' Как произносить ‘0’

This can be spoken in different ways in different contexts:

Telephone numbers: 567 23 03 – five six seven two three oh three.

Mathematics: 0.3 – nought point three.

5.03 – five oh three =five point nought three.

Temperature: –5 degrees = five degrees below zero = minus five degrees;

+ 5 degrees= five degrees above zero = plus five degree.

№ 10. Match the words with the numbers.

Eighth, eleventh, fifth, first, ninth, second, seventh, sixth, tenth, third, twelfth

1st, 2nd, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th





№ 11. Write the words for the following numbers.

13th _____________________ 17th _______________________20th _____________________

21st ________________________ 22nd __________________________ 23rd ________________

_______ 27th _________________________ 30th ______________________________________

№ 12. Write about things you did or have done.

1. last week ______________________________________________________________

2. three weeks ago _________________________________________________________

3. this night ______________________________________________________________

4.on Saturday ____________________________________________________________

5. today_________________________________________________________________


№ 13. Do you know that

1.  10 % of the world population speaks English as their mother tongue (Chinese 21 %, Spanish 6 %, Russian 6 %, Malay 4 %, Hindi 4 %, Japanese 3 %, Arabic 3 %, Portuguese 3 %, French 2 %, German 2 %).

2.  The word "Christmas" comes from the Old English, "Cristes maesse" which means "Christ's mass" on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is traditionally a celebration of family and children.

3. The modern Christmas tree tradition came from western Germany, from a medieval custom, as a paradise tree – a tree decorated with apples, wafers (or cookies), and candles representing the Garden of Eden, the host, and Christ.

4. The alarm clock was not invented by the Marquis de Sade, as some suspect, but rather by a man named Levi Hutchins of Concord, New Hampshire, in 1787. Perversity, though, characterized his invention from the beginning. The alarm on his clock could ring only at 4 am. Rumor has it that Hutchins was murdered by his wife at 4:05 am on a very dark and deeply cold New England morning.

№ 14. Read English proverbs and give Russian equivalents:

When in Rome – do as the Romans do.


Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.


Wash your dirty linen at home.


№ 15. Try to read this tongue-twister.

Mary Mac's mother's making Mary Mac marry me.

My mother's making me marry Mary Mac.

Will I always be so merry when Mary's taking care of me?

Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?

№ 16. Read this funny story.

Helen was a tall rather slim girl with dark hair and blue eyes. But Helen’s eyes were not very good so she usually wore glasses. But when she was 17 and began to go out with a young man she never wore her glasses when she was with him. When he came to the door to take her out she took her glasses off but when she came home again she put them on.

One day her mother said to her:” Helen, why do you never wear your glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to beautiful places in his car but you don’t see anything.”

“Well, Mother,” said Helen. “I look prettier to Jim when I’m not wearing my glasses and he looks better to me too.”

Prof-reading text

Translate the text into Russian using the notes below.

What is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web (often shortened to WWW or W3 or just the “Web”) is the good-looking part of the Internet. As you have discovered, the Internet is really just a collection of computers linked together across the world. The WWW is a way of ensuring that the information stored on all computers can be accessed by just about anyone.

The WWW has done for the Internet what Microsoft Windows and the Macintosh did for personal computers – it has given the Internet a graphical front-end that can be navigated with a mouse and that is easy to use and understand. Now, information stored on the computers around the Internet is stored in the form of pages. Each page can contain graphics, texts, animations, video, and even sound clips. You can access a page: if you know its address and click on text or buttons to another linked page.

In order to view these pages, you will need a WWW browser application. This software runs on your computer and decodes the HTML instructions to display the formatted page.

To summarize, the WWW is a way of arranging information into individual pages that can be hyper-linked (a button or keyword on one page links to information on another page. The individual pages can have graphics, video or animations embedded together with colour and text formatting (these are defined by the designer using special codes). The user views a WWW page using a browser that will decode these marks to display the finished page.


World Wide Web (WWW)   – Всемирная компьютерная сеть

Just                                        – зд. просто, наречие Just – только что

A mouse                                – «мышка»

A page                                   – «страничка»

Graphics                                – графическое оформление, дизайн

A browser                              – браузер

№ 17. Answer the following questions.

1. What is WWW?


2. What has WWW done for the Internet?


3. In what form is various information stored in WWW?


4. What is a page?


№ 18. Provide the correct Russian equivalent.

1) graphical front-end ________________________________________________________

2) to install software _________________________________________________________

3) Internet service provider ____________________________________________________

4) Internet user ______________________________________________________________

5) leased line _______________________________________________________________

6) mailing list _______________________________________________________________

7) private web page __________________________________________________________

8) to send electronic mail messages ______________________________________________

9) a server __________________________________________________________________

№ 19. Translate the following passage into English.

Основная услуга компании – предоставление доступа в сеть и обеспечение высококачественной связи. Сегодня абоненты нашего оператора могут воспользоваться разнообразными сетевыми, сервисными и дополнительными услугами.

Мы предлагаем новое поколение мобильной связи в стандарте GPRS с мобильным Интернет–протоколом, что дает нам возможность предоставить более широкий спектр услуг.

Теперь при помощи сотового телефона можно получить постоянный доступ к мобильному Интернету.






Phonetics . Звук [ ¶ ]. Звуки [ S , Z ]. Звук [ ³ ]


Звук [¶]

При произнесении английского звука [¶] кончик языка касается альвеол (бугорков за перед-ними верхними зубами). Если вы поставите кончик языка на альвеолы и произнесете русский звук «ч» (чай, часто), то получите английский звук [¶]Этот звук произносится отчетливо и слитно и не смягчается перед гласными. Типичной ошибкой является неотчетливое звучание [¶]. Для преодо-ления этой ошибки кончик языка следует дольше задержать у альвеол, продлив звучание [¶].

Английский звук [¶]звучит в следующих английских словах:

[di¶] ditch – канава;                         [¶ik] chick – цыпленок;

[ei¶] age – возраст;                           [¶ein] chain – цепь;

[ri:¶] reach – достичь;                      [‘ben¶iz] benches – скамейки;

[ben¶] bench – скамейка;                 [‘mi¶il] Mitchell – Митчелл;

[¶i:z] cheese – сыр;                           [‘pik¶e] picture – картина;

[¶est] chest – сундук;                       [‘ti:¶er] teacher – учитель.

Звуки [S, Z]

При произнесении [S, Z] кончик языка поднят к альвеолам, но не касается их. Звук [S] – глухой, поэтому он произносится отчетливо, особенно в конце слов. Звук [Z] напоминает русские сочетания в словах: «шить», «жить». Вот так звучит [S]в английских словах:

[Sip] ship – корабль;                        [‘finiS] finish – финиш;

[Si:p] cheep – овца;                          [‘treZə] terasure – сокровище;

[Seip] chape – форма;                                [‘meZə] measure – мерка;

[Sou] chow – показ;                         [‘pleZə] pleasure – удовольствие;

[Sai] shy – робкий;                           [viZn] vision – видение.

На письме звук [S] передается буквосочетанием sh: ship, shelf, shut, fish, finish. Этот звук также звучит в суффиксах -tion, sian: vacation, Russian.

Звук [Z] не имеет буквенного соответствия. Он произносится лишь в суффиксах: -sure, -sion: pleasure, measure, vision.

Звук [³]

Звук [³] артикулируется так же, как [¶], но произносится звонко. Оба элемента звука следует произносить слитно, не отрывая кончик языка от альвеол. Английский звук [³] звучит в следующих английских словах:

[³im] gym – спортзал;                                 [vili³] village – деревня;

[³ein] Jane – Джейн;                                    [kei³] cage – клетка;

[³il] Jill – Джил;                               [le³] ledge – выступ;

[³u:n] June – июнь;                                      [si:³] siege – осада;

[‘dein³ə] danger – опасность;                     [‘pei³iz] pages – страницы;

[‘ei³iz] ages – долгий срок;                        [in’gei³mən] engagement – помолвка.

На письме звук [³] передается:

– буквой j: Jill, Jane, June;

– буквой g – перед гласными e, i, y: Gem, cage, gym; исключение составляют слова: get [get], give [giv], gift [gift].

В английском языке согласный различаются по звонкости-глухости. Поэтому не следует смешивать звонкий [³] и глухой [¶], так как это приводит к путанице слов:

[¶in] – [³in]    –     chin – gin   –     подбородок – джин;

[¶ein] – [³ein] –     chain – Jane –     цепь – Джейн;

[¶est] – [³est]; –     chest – jest –     сундук – шутка;

[¶u:] – [³u:]    –     chew – Jew –     жевать – еврей;

[ri¶] – [ri³]     –     rich – ridge –     богатый – горный хребет.




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