Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Сравнительные конструкции

As…as – такой же (так же)…, как

e.g.: He is as young as his brother.

Not so…as – не такой… как

e.g.: This text is not so easy as that one.

The (сравн. ст.)….the (сравн. ст.) чем…, тем…

e.g.: The more we train the stronger we are.

Than - чем

e.g.: This exam is more difficult than that one.

№ 10. Open the brackets and put the adjective in the correct form. Откройте скобки и поставьте прилагательное в нужную форму.

1. The rivers in America are much (big) __________ than those in England.

2. The island of Great Britain is (small) _____________ than Greenland.

3. What is the name of the (high) ___________________ mountain?

4. Russia is a (large) ____________ country.

5. St.Petersburg is the (beautiful)_________________________ city in the world.

№ 11. Insert as…as or so…as. Вставьте as…as или so…as.

1. Mike is _____ tall _______ Nick.

2. This book is not ________ thin _______ that one.

3. Nick’s English is ________ good _______ mine.

4. This child is ______ lazy _______you are.

5. Kate is not _______ small ______ her sister.

№ 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык.

1. Эта книга интересней той.


2. Эти люди более приятные, чем те.


3. Ты такой же умный, как твой брат.


4. Февраль – самый короткий месяц в году.


5. Эрмитаж богаче Русского музея.


Topics: “Country factfile”, “The Olympic Spirit”


Vocabulary Box:

Big – большой; cold – холодный; dry – сухой; fast – быстрый; high – высокий; hot – жаркий; low – низкий; old – старый; slow – медленный; small – маленький; wet – влажный; young – молодой; centigrade –по Цельсию; metre – метр; millimetre – миллиметр; centimetre – сантиметр; kilometre – километр; square kilometre – квадратный километр; horse riding – скачки на лошадях; climbing – восхождение на гору; windsurfing – виндсерфинг; skiing – катание на лыжах; hang gliding – скольжение по наклонной плоскости; cycling – велоспорт; popular – популярный; tiring –изнурительный; dangerous – опасный; exciting – волнующий.

It may be useful. Это может быть полезно.


Who speaks what where?


Country Nationality Language
Argentina Argentinian Spanish
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Britain British English
China Chinese Mandarin (also Cantonese)
Egypt Egyptian Arabic
France French French
Germany German German
Greece Greek Greek
Israel Israeli Hebrew
Italy Italian Italian
Japan Japanese Japanese
Korea Korean Korean
Mexico Mexican Spanish
Poland Polish Polish
Russia Russian Russian
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Arabic
Spain Spanish Spanish
Switzerland Swiss Swiss-German, French, Italian
The United States (USA) American English
Turkey Turkish Turkish


№ 13. Read and translate the text. Прочитайте и переведите текст


Canada is a vast country, bigger than the United States, bigger than the continent of Australia. It is in fact one of the world's largest countries. Its area is about 10 million sq km. As Canada extends for thousands of miles from the Arctic Ocean to the United States and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, all kinds of weather conditions and scenery are to be found there. The population of Canada is
29 million people. The capital is Ottawa; the main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

The word Canada comes from one of the Red Indian languages - "Kannata", meaning "a number of huts". Canada is often called the "Land of the Maple Leaf". The maple leaf is the national emblem of Canada.

The story of Canada goes back over 400 years. The French were the first settlers to this country. In 1759 Canada became part of the British Empire. In 1931 was Independence from Britain.

Today Canada is an independent federative state, consisting of 10 provinces and 2 territories. It is a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. The two official languages are English and French. But many other languages are spoken: Italian, Chinese, German, Polish and Greek.

Canada is a country with a very high standard of living. This country is particularly advanced in the areas of health, education, social protection and human rights.

Notes to the text:

To extend – простираться                   British Empire – Британская Империя

Scenery – пейзаж                                Commonwealth - содружество

A number of = a lot of = many – много, ср. The number of – количество

Maple – кленовый                               Particularly   – особенно (наречие)

A settler – поселенец

№ 14. Find the following words in the text. Найдите следующие слова в тексте.

1. Погодные условия ______________________________________________________

2. Пейзаж ______________________________________________________________

3. Национальная эмблема __________________________________________________

4. Независимое федеральное государство _________________________________________

5. Уровень жизни _______________________________________________________________

6. Права человека _________________________________________________________

№ 15. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why is Canada one of the largest counties in the world? ________________________________

2. How long does it extend? _________________________________________________________

3. What does the word “Canada” mean? ________________________________________________

4. Who were the first settlers to Canada? ________________________________________________

5. Characterize Canada as a state. _____________________________________________________


№ 16. Write the complete forms for these abbreviations.Напишите полные формы данных аббревиатур.

1. C _________________________

2. m _________________________

3. mm ________________________

4. kph ________________________

5. km _________________________

6. sq km _______________________

7. kg _________________________

№ 17. Complete the sentences with the correct abbreviation. Закончите предложения правильной аббревиатурой.

1. The average temperature in Thailand in January is 25 _____________.

2. The highest point in Great Britain is 1,343 ______________________.

3. The average annual rainfall in the UK is 600 ____________________.

4. The UK covers a land area of 242,429 _________________________.

5. The maximum speed on motorways in France is 130 ____________.

6. New York City’s coastline is 920 _______________ long.

7. One litre of water weighs 1 ____________________.

№ 18. Write a small description of your country. Дайте небольшое описание вашей страны.


№ 19. Translate the text from Russian into English. Переведите текст с русского на английский язык.

Новая Зеландия – независимое государство и член содружества. Новая Зеландия – горная страна. Климат теплый. В Новой Зеландии живет птица киви – птица, которая живет в лесу и не летает. Киви можно встретить только в Новой Зеландии. Киви – национальный символ страны.

Население Новой Зеландии составляет 3 млн человек. Народ Майори составляет всего 8 % населения. Они очень известны своими фольклорными песнями, музыкой, танцами.


№ 20. Read and translate the text. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Extreme sports

Speed… excitement… danger... You can find all these in different extreme sports that have become popular for the last 10 years. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fall, and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. In sky surfing you jump out of aero plane and use a board to "surf" the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! And extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous.

Winter sports have always an element of danger. For example, snowboarding, which has all the excitement of surfing but on snow, is more dangerous even than skiing. Probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports is snow rafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed – and you can’t control the boat!

Of course, water sports have always been fun. Ice diving is for those people who are absolutely crazy. You put on diving equipment and dive under a frozen lake. And, if that’s not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! One feels cold just thinking about it.

A lot of people are not fit nowadays. It’s a big problem today. If you want to feel fit you'd better go in for one kind of sport or another. I think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is above wealth. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. Doing sports a man become strong, healthy and gay. He begins to take care of his health.

Notes to the text

Excitement – волнение

Extreme sports – экстремальные виды спорта

A rope – веревка

A rubber boat – резиновая лодка

Equipment – снаряжение

To be fit – быть в форме

Good health is above wealth. – Здоровье – лучшее богатство

To take care of smth/smb – заботиться о ч-л/к-л

№ 21. Translate the second paragraph of the text in written form. Переведите второй абзац текста письменно.


№ 22. Answer the questions. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where can you find speed, excitement and danger?


2. What is it “sky surfing”?


3. Which is the most dangerous winter sport?


4. Are water sports always fun? Why? Why not?


5. What brings up Olympic spirit?


№ 23. Match words on the left with words on the right to form the name of a sport. Соедините слова в левой колонке со словами в правой колонке, чтобы образовать название видов спорта.

Hang                    surfing

Motor                   riding

Wind                   ball

Horse                  racing

Basket                gliding

№ 24. Choose an adjective to describe your opinion of each of the sports in Ex. 10. Выберите прилагательное для описания вашего мнения о каждом виде спорта из упр. 10.

Dangerous exciting boring fast difficult expensive fashionable tiring interesting  enjoyable popular safer


№ 25. Put the words for sports in two columns: team sports and individual sports. Распределите название видов спорта на 2 колонки: командные и индивидуальные.

Team sports:



Individual sports:



№ 26. Make a list of Olympic Sports. Напишите список олимпийских видов спорта.


№ 27. Translate the text into English. Переведите текст на английский язык.

Олимпийские игры – это фестиваль спорта, мира и дружбы. Лучшие спортсмены со всего мира принимают в них участие и соревнуются в различных видах спорта. Население всех стран с огромным вниманием и интересом следит за спортивными достижениями своих спортсменов.




№ 28. Do you know that… Вы знаете, что…

1. The White House receives approximately 6,000 visitors a day and has 6 floors (two are basements), 132 rooms, including 16 family-guest rooms, 1 main kitchen, 1 diet kitchen, 1 family kitchen, and
31 bathrooms.

2. The world-famous Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor was built in France. It was France's gift to the American people. Its designer was Brother Frederic A. Bartholdi (1834-1904) who conceived its design while on a visit to America. As his ship sailed into New York, Bartholdi had a vision of a woman standing on a pedestal, holding a torch and welcoming immigrants to a new life in a free land.

3. Business letter is a formal document typically sent externally to those outside a company but is also sent internally to those within a company. It is estimated that close to 100 million business letters are written each workday.

4. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows in Leonardo da Vinci's painting because during that time, a woman was considered more beautiful if she shaved her eyebrows.

№ 29. Read the proverbs and try to give their Russian equivalent. Прочитайте пословицы и попытайтесь дать их русские эквиваленты.

1. To know everything is to know nothing. _______________________________________

2. Healthful habits make healthy bodies. _________________________________________

3. God helps those who help themselves. _________________________________________

№ 30. Try to read this rhyme.

This is the house that Jack built. (Вот дом, который построил Джек.)

This is the house that Jack built.

This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt.

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt.

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat.

That killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.

Prof-Reading text.

№ 31. Read and translate the text paying attention to the notes. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на сноски.

How attention influences what is perceived.

Attention is very important in coping with everyday problems of living or for an adequate understanding of perception, learning and other crucial psychological processes. It is not difficult to find examples in psychopathology, mental retardation and education which demonstrate the necessity of adequate reception and use of information from the external and internal environments if we are to function as “normal” human beings. The ability to attend and its negative counterpart, distraction has been widely considered in the literature of psychology, psychiatry and pedagogy.

The number of outstanding people in psychology who have concerned themselves with the phenomenon of attention is rather impressive, including such names as E.B. Titchener, W. James, S. Freud, etc. It is unfortunate that interest in this process has waned in experimental psychology.

The lack of scientific studies of attention is partly caused by the complexity of the process which makes it difficult to cope with in the experimental laboratory.

Notes to the text:

To perceive – понимать, постигать

To copе with  – cправляться с

Perception – восприятие

Psychological  – психологический

Mental retardation  – задержка умственного развития

Counterpart  – аналог

Distraction – отвлечение внимания

Has been widely considered in… – широко рассматривалось... (Present Perfect Passive)

It is unfortunate – к несчастью


№ 32. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is important for normal functioning of the body and coping with everyday problems?


2. What are the two sides of attention?


3. Who studied the problem of attention?


4. Why is it difficult to study attention?


№ 33. Find the English equivalents for the Russian ones. Найдите английские эквиваленты для следующих русских выражений.

Адекватное понимание ______________________________________________________

Внешняя и внутренняя среда _________________________________________________

Концентрировать внимание___________________________________________________

Отсутствие научных изысканий _______________________________________________

Люди _____________________________________________________________________

№ 34. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык.

Внимание – характеристика психической деятельности человека. Оно направлено на осознание определенного объекта. Внимание является предметом изучения многих ученых. Очень важно уметь сосредоточить свое внимание.




Lesson 7


Progress Check


№ 1. Match the adjectives and their opposites. Соотнесите прилагательное с антонимом.

Cold – hot  light – dark

Heavy, large, light, long, round, short, small, square.

№ 2. Choose the correct word in these sentences. Выберите правильное слово в данных предложениях.

1. Is this my/mine pen? No, it’s my/mine.

2. Whose are these? They’re her/hers.

3. Where did you leave your/yours coat?

4. This isn’t their/theirs. It’s your/yours.

5. Have you got my/mine ticket?

6. These are my/mine gloves, not your/yours.

№ 3. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную формы следующих прилагательных (см. образец).

Large – larger – the largest

Good ____________________________________________________________________

Popular ___________________________________________________________________

Big _______________________________________________________________________

Ridiculous _________________________________________________________________

Healthy ___________________________________________________________________

Safe ______________________________________________________________________

Wet _______________________________________________________________________

№ 4. Complete these sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Закончите предложения, употребляя прилагательное в скобках в сравнительной форме.

1. France is _____________ than the USA. (small )

2. Parachuting is _________________________ than skiing. (dangerous)

3. Hang gliding is _________________________ than windsurfing. (expensive)

4. Winter in Norway is ________________ than winter in Brazil. (cold)

5. Football is _________________________ than boxing. (popular)

6. Cycling is __________________________ than hang gliding. (exciting)

№ 5. Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjective. Закончите предложения, употребляя прилагательное в сравнительной или превосходной степени.

1. Russia is a very large country. Yes, it’s the ___________________ country in the world.

2. Motor racing is very expensive. Yes, it’s ___________________________ sport I can think of.

3. Switzerland is quite a small country. Yes, it’s ________________ than Britain.

4. Swimming is a tiring sport. Yes, it’s _________________ than cricket.

№ 6. Write two words to complete the following sentences. Напишите 2 слова, чтобы закончить следующие предложения.

1. I feel ____________________________.

2. My ____________________ hurt/hurts.

3. I’ve got __________________.

№ 7. Complete the table. Закончите таблицу.


I my me mine myself
You   you   yourself
  his   his himself
She her her    
It     its itself
  Our   ours ourselves
They their them    


№ 8. Write the correct reflexive pronoun. Напишите нужное возвратное местоимение.

1. I made this cake myself.

2. John enjoyed _________________ at the party.

3. The students played the tape ________________________.

4. Sandra bought ________________________ some flowers.

5. You do all the housework ____________________.

№ 9. What do you think the person should or shouldn’t do? Что, Вы думаете, человек должен делать и не должен делать?

1. A. I don’t feel well.

B. You should go to the doctor.

2. A. I’m cold.

B. _____________________________.

3. A. I’m tired.

B _____________________________.

4. A. I’m too fat.

B. _____________________________.

5. A. I’m bored.

B. _____________________________.

№ 10. Choose two cities. Compare them, using adjectives from the list below. Give your opinion. Выберите 2 города. Сравните их, используя прилагательные из списка внизу. Дайте свое мнение.

Istanbul/London  Tokyo/Oslo    Munich/New York    Moscow/Mexico City

Big wet hot beautiful interesting dangerous crowded

1. London is bigger than Istanbul.

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________________

№ 11. Change the sentences using not as…as. Измените предложения, используя not as…as.

1.  Scotland is colder than England.   Scotland isn’t as cold as Scotland.

2.  Tokyo is bigger than Vienna. ______________________________________________________

3. Golf is more expensive than swimming. ______________________________________________

4. The sea is warmer in Spain than in Britain. ____________________________________________

5. French cheese is better than American cheese. _________________________________________

6. American pizza is tastier than European pizza. _________________________________________

№ 12. Write questions. Напишите вопросы.

1. Who do you buy gifts for?

I buy gifts for my family and best friends.

2. ________________________________________________________________________

Dave gives his wife flowers on Valentine’s Day.

3. _________________________________________________________________________

It’s Jim’s coat.

4. _______________________________________________________________________

It’s small and square.

5. _______________________________________________________________________

He should see a doctor.

№ 13. Find one or two words for each sentence. Найдите одно или два слова для каждого предложения.

1. I’ve got a headache.

2. My ____________ hurts.

3. I’ve got a sore _____________.

4. I feel ________________.

5. I’ve got a ________________.

6. I don’t feel ________________.

№ 14. Match the items with the correct word. Поставьте нужное слово.

Pair  bunch box bar packet bottle

1. a pair of shoes

2. a ___________ of jeans

3. a ___________ of coffee

4. a ___________ of chocolates

5. a ___________ of cough medicine

6. a ___________ of flowers

7. a ___________   of soap

8. a ___________ of biscuits

9. a ___________ of perfume

10. a ___________ of eggs

11. a ___________ of milk

12. a ___________ of bananas

№ 15.Which word is different? Какое слово неверно занесено в этот ряд?

1. Hang gliding climbing motor racing chess


2. Wettest highest faster heaviest


3. Hand toothache leg stomach


4. Medicine ill dizzy sick


5. Leather wood light paper


6. Square rectangular round larg



I rregular verbs . Таблица неправильных глаголов


V1 V2 V3 Значение
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 arise be bear become begin bend bind bite bleed blow break breed bring build burn buy cast catch choose come cost cut dig do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find flee fly forget get give go grow hang have hear hide hold keep know lead learn leave lend let arose was, were bore became began bent bound bit bled blew broke bred brought built burnt bought cast caught chose came cost cut dug did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found fled flew forgot got gave went grew hung had heard hid held kept knew led learnt left lent let arisen been born become begun bent bound bit bled blown broken bred brought built burnt bought cast caught chosen come cost cut dug done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flown forgotten got given gone grown hung had heard hidden held kept known led learnt left lent let подниматься быть, являться родить сделаться, стать начинать(ся) гнуть связывать кусать(ся) истекать кровью дуть ломать(ся) воспитывать приносить строить гореть, жечь покупать кидать ловить, схватывать выбирать приходить стоить резать рыть, копать делать тащить, рисовать мечтать, видеть во сне пить вести, гнать есть, кушать падать кормить чувствовать бороться, сражаться находить бежать, спасаться летать забывать получать, становиться давать идти, ходить расти, становиться вешать, висеть иметь слышать прятать держать держать, хранить знать вести учить(ся) оставлять, покидать давать взаймы позволять
V1 V2 V3 Значение
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 light lose make mean meet put read ride rise run say see sell send set shake shine shoot shut sing sink sit sleep smell speak spend spoil spread spring stand steal strike strive swear swim take teach tear tell think throw understand wear weep win wind write lit lost made meant met put read rode rose ran said saw sold sent set shook shone shot shut sang sank sat slept smelt spoke spent spoilt spread sprang stood stole struck strove swore swam took taught tore told thought threw understood wore wept won wound wrote lit lost made meant met put read ridden risen run said seen sold sent set shaken shone shot shut sung sunk sat slept smelt spoken spent spoilt spread sprung stood stolen struck striven sworn swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood worn wept won wound written зажигать терять, проигрывать делать значить встречать класть читать ездить верхом подниматься бежать сказать видеть продавать посылать помещать, устанавливать трясти сиять, блестеть стрелять закрывать петь погружаться сидеть спать нюхать, пахнуть говорить тратить портить распространять прыгать стоять красть, похищать ударять бороться клясться плавать брать обучать разрывать, рвать сказать думать бросать понимать носить, изнашивать плакать выигрывать, побеждать крутить, заводить (часы) писать


№ п/п Английское слово Русский эквивалент
1 Knowledge is power Знание – сила
2 To leave home уезжать из дома
3 To remain оставаться
4 To disappear исчезать
5 Trousers брюки
6 A T-shirt футболка
7 Trainers кроссовки
8 A fur coat шуба
9 Gloves перчатки
10 Mittens варежки
11 To put smth on одеть что-то на себя
12 To take smth off снять что-то с себя
13 To wear ( wore , worn ) носить (только об одежде)
14 To face smth столкнуться с необходимостью
15 To creat создавать, творить
16 Creative креативный, творческий
17 I ’ m hungry / thirsty Я хочу есть/пить
18 I prefer a cup of coffee Я предпочитаю чашечку кофе
19 Pass me the salt/the bread, etc Передайте, пожалуйста, соль/хлеб и т.д.
20 Can I have the menu, please? Дайте, пожалуйста, меню
21 Please , bring me … Пожалуйста, принесите мне …
22 The bill счет (в кафе, ресторане)
23 That ’ s all right Все в порядке
24 I ’ m sure of that Я уверен в этом
25 I see Понятно
26 I agree with you Я cогласен с Вами
27 I don’t agree with you Я не согласен с Вами
28 I have no idea Понятия не имею
29 It’s true Правда
30 You are wrong Вы не правы
31 To go shopping Ходить за покупками
32 To do the shopping Делать покупки
33 From time to time Время от времени
34 I want to buy… Я хочу купить …
35 I like (don’t like) it Мне это нравится (не нравится)
36 How much is it? Сколько это стоит?
37 Square квадратный
38 Round круглый
39 Rectangular прямоугольный
40 Heavy тяжелый
41 Light легкий
42 Glass стеклянный
43 Leather кожаный
44 Plastic из пластика
45 Wood деревянный



Рабочий учебник в соответствии с балансовым методом проектирования образовательных программ содержит:

45 – приведенных понятий;

8 – компетенций.






Reward + Prof.-Reading Texts (ELEMENTARY).



Ответственный за выпуск Е.Д. Кожевникова

Корректор Т.А. Борисова

Оператор компьютерной верстки В.Г. Буцкая


НАЧОУ ВПО "Современная Гуманитарная Академия"

*Учебные издания, на основе которых составлен тематический обзор.

*Полужирным шрифтом выделены новые понятия, которые необходимо усвоить. Знание этих понятий будет проверяться при тестировании.


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