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Topics: “Eating out”, “Can I help you?”


Vocabulary Box

Coke – кола; French fries – картофель фри; ice-cream – мороженое; salad – салат; pizza – пицца; apple pie – яблочный пирог; cheesecake – пирог с сыром; risotto – ризотто; juice – сок; chocolate mousse – шоколадный мусс; coffee - кофе; mayonnaise – майонез; strawberry – клубника.

Useful expressions:


I have no appetite today. У меня сегодня нет аппетита
I'm hungry/thirsty. Я хочу есть/пить
I feel like eating something. Я бы что-нибудь съел
When did you have breakfast? Когда Вы завтракали?
Tell me what you want to eat? Скажите, что бы Вы хотели на обед, завтрак и т.п.
Do you like tea or coffee? Вы будете пить чай или кофе?
I prefer a cup of tea Я предпочитаю чашку чая
Do you take sugar/milk in your tea? Не хотите ли положить в чай сахар/добавить молока
Pass me the salt please Передайте мне, пожалуйста, соль
Won't you have some more coffee Не хотите ли еще немного кофе
Yes, please Да, пожалуйста
No, thank you. I've had enough Спасибо, нет. Мне достаточно
No, thank you. I'm not hungry Нет, спасибо. Я не голоден
What are we going to have for dinner today? Что у нас сегодня на обед?
I hope this seat isn't taken? Надеюсь, что это место не занято?
Waiter, can I have the menu? Официант, дайте мне, пожалуйста, меню
Have you made your choice? Вы уже выбрали?
What would you like to eat? Что бы Вы хотели на обед?
Bring me ... Принесите мне ...
I'll take the same Я закажу то же самое
What do you want for dessert? Что бы Вы хотели на десерт?
Bring me the bill, please Дайте мне, пожалуйста, счет


№ 4. Read and translate the text. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

We eat to live but not live to eat

In this fast-moving world it is necessary to watch what we eat – it should be healthy food, not junk one, which has become very popular. Eating too much junk food can cause overweight and as heart-disease. For example, it is much better to eat an apple or a banana than to eat a double hamburger with ketchup and mayonnaise. You will feel full in both cases, but a fruit or a vegetable is healthier.

Today there are a lot of different restaurants and cafes where you can eat delicious and not really expensive food. A service is usually excellent and friendly waiters help you to relax and enjoy your meal fully. You can eat any types of food in restaurants – you can try homemade cakes, beefsteaks, pasta and others. For the main course you can order fish, meat or chicken with some rice or potatoes, also you can ask for pasta and salad. You can eat a bowl of ice-cream, pieces of apple pie, and strawberries with cream or something like that for desert. For drink you can order a glass of water or juice, a cup of coffee or tea.

Eating habits are different in different countries. For example, Brazilians never eat with their hands – they always use a knife and a fork, even when they eat hotdogs. Finns like to eat hot sausages and drink beer in the streets; many Philippines prefer to eat with their hands. Also they think that it is polite to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal.

Well, as for me I do respect their eating habits and like to eat different countries’ food such as Italian Pasta, Japanese rice with sushi or Indian spicy meat. But anyways whatever you like you should remember words of wisdom which say that we eat to live, but not live to eat.

Notes to the text

Overweight – лишний вес, to weight – весить

Delicious – очень вкусный

A Waiter – официант, a waitress – официантка

Homemade cakes – домашние пироги, home + made – сложное слово

Pasta – макаронные изделия (любые)

A bowl – миска, зд. креманка

To prefer – предпочитать

To ask for smth – просить что-либо, to ask – спрашивать

№ 5. Answer the following questions. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Why is it necessary to watch what we eat? _________________________________

2. What is healthy food? _________________________________________________

3. What kind of food can we eat in restaurants? _______________________________

4. How often do you order the main course? _________________________________

5. Are eating habits different in different countries? ___________________________

№ 6. Complete the sentences with words from the list. Закончите следующие предложения словами из списка.

Course coffee menu waiter tip reservation starter order dessert service

A. When you arrive at the restaurant a _______________ shows you where to sit.

B. The waiter brings you the __________ at the end of the meal.

C. There is often a _______________ charge but some people leave a _______ as well.

D. The first course or _______________ is usually something light, a salad, for example.

E. After the dessert you can have a ____________.

F. Before you go to the restaurant, it is a good idea to make a ____________________.

G. He brings you the _________________ and leaves you to choose.

H. This is followed by the main ______________ and finally the ________________.

I. He comes and takes your _________________.

№ 7. Learn the expressions which you can use. Выучите выражения, которые Вы сможете использовать.

Выражение согласия


Yes Да
Yes, indeed Да, действительно
Yes, that's true Да, верно
That's right Верно
That's all right Все в порядке
I'm sure of that Я в этом уверен
I'm absolutely certain of that Я в этом абсолютно уверен
I see Понятно
O.K. Хорошо
Very well Очень хорошо
That's a good idea Это хорошая идея
I quite agree with you Я с Вами полностью согласен
There's something in that. В этом что-то есть
Of course Конечно


Выражение несогласия, отказ


No Нет
Certainly not Конечно нет
That isn't true Это не так
No, I can't tell you Нет, я не смогу сказать Вам
I have no idea Не знаю
I think you're wrong По-моему, Вы ошибаетесь
That's not the question Не в этом дело
I can't see much sense in it Не вижу в этом смысла
I object to that Я против

№ 8. Which is the odd word out? Какое слово лишнее в данном ряду?

1) burger Coke juice coffee;

2) apple pie cheesecake ice cream pasta;

3) pizza pasta steak risotto;

4) French fries chocolate mousse salad mayonnaise.

№ 9. Choose the correct answer. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Would you like a drink?

a) No, I don’t like a drink; b) No, thank you.

2. What would you like to eat?

a) I’d like a pizza;           b) I like pizza.

3. Would you like some coffee?

a) Yes, please;                 b) Yes, I like some juice.

4. Do you like pasta?

a) Yes, please;               b) Yes.

№ 10. Write a paragraph describing the last time you went to a restaurant.

Опишите свой последний визит в ресторан.


Useful words Полезные слова

Shops and Shopping

аптека                                      chemist’s/pharmacy

бакалея                                     grocer’s

беспошлинный магазин         duty – free shop

булочная                                  baker’s

бытовая техника                     household appliances

газетный киоск                      newsstand

гастроном                               food store

деликатесы                             delicatessen

зоомагазин                              pet shop

канц. товары                          stationary

книжный магазин                  bookshop

кондитерская                         candy store/confectioner’s

мясная лавка                          butcher’s

овощи–фрукты                    greengrocer’s

пассаж                                    arcade

подарки                                  gift shop

рыбный магазин                    fishmonger’s

мелкооптовый рынок           cash & carry

спорттовары                          sports shop

торговый центр                     shopping centre/ mall

универмаг                              department store

универсам                              supermarket

цветы                                     florist’s

ювелирный магазин             jeweler’s

№ 11. Read and translate the text. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Going shopping

When we want to buy something we go shopping. We need food products every day. So we take money and go to the nearest shops to buy everything we need.

Most often we buy bread and milk products. We buy milk, butter, cheese, cream at a dairy. We buy bread at the baker’s. If we need sugar, salt, tea, sweets, coffee we go to the grocer’s. We buy meat at the butcher’s. When we want to eat some fruits and vegetables we go to the greengrocer’s. There we can buy potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, onions and other vegetables. We pay the money for the products we buy at the cash-desk.

From time to time we buy clothes, shoes, coats, hats and so on. For that purpose we go to a department store. It is a big shop with many departments.

Notes to the text:

To gо shopping – ходить в магазин за покупками (устойчивое словосочетание), см. также: to gо swimming, to go skiing, etc. Но: to do the shopping – делать покупки.

Milk, butter, cheese, etc. – все неисчисляемые вещественные имена существительные в английском языке употребляются без артикля;

A cash-desk – касса (в магазине); сравните: a booking-office – касса (железнодорожная).

From time to time – время от времени.

№ 12. Complete the following sentences. Закончите следующие предложения.

1. We buy bread at the ____________________.

2. We buy meat at the ____________________

3. At the grocer’s we buy ____________________________________________________

4. At the greengrocer’s we buy ________________________________________________

№ 13. Read the dialogues and use them in your speech. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и используйте их в своей речи.


- May I help you?

- I would like to buy a present for my friend. What would you recommend?

- There are different kinds of photo albums. Have a look!

- Oh, I like this one. How much is it?

- It’s 250 rubles.

- That’s just what I want. I will take it.


- Will you show me this pair of shoes, please?

- What’s your size, please?

- Thirty – five.

- You have very small feet. These are very fashionable shoes. Will you try them on?

- With great pleasure.

- How do you feel?

- Very comfortable. How much are they? Where am I to pay?

- Over there at the cash-desk.


- Will this tie match my suit?

- Not quite, I’m afraid. It’s too dark. Don’t buy it.

- And what about this one?

- That’s a nice one. It looks quite different. Let’s take it, shall we?

USEFUL INFORMATION            Полезная информация при покупке


I want some tie/ writing paper/ a tooth-brush, etc. - Я хочу купить……..

Do you sell bags/ oranges/pens, etc.?               - Вы продаете…..?

Will you weigh it for me?                                 - Взвесьте мне…….

What’s the price of…..                                      - Сколько стоит…..?

How much is it?                                                 - Сколько это стоит?

POSSIBLE REPLIES                                  Возможные ответы

Just a minute, please. I’ll get it/them for you. – Минутку, я принесу.

We don’t sell it, I am sorry to say.             – Извините, мы это не продаем.

What else would you like?                         - Что Вы еще желаете?

# 14. Translate the words into Russian. Переведите слова на русский язык.

A buyer - _____________;

a bookseller ___________________;

gloveless - ______________;

a customer - _____________________;

a shop-assistant - _______________________;

price - ______________;

expensive - ________________;

cheap- __________________.

№ 15. Match fruits and vegetables with definitions. Соотнесите фрукты и овощи с определениями.

A orange                                  1. Fruit with a thick, yellow-red skin

B tomato                                  2. Yellow fruit

C lettuce                                  3.Soft, round, red fruit

D banana                                 4. Juicy, green fruit you can eat & make wine with

E peach                                   5. Long, thin, yellow fruit

F grape                                     6. Green plant you eat in salads

G lemon                                   7. Round, juice fruit with a yellow-red skin


№ 16. Do you know that… Вы знаете, что…

1. Thumbing your nose (raising your thumb to your nose and fanning your fingers) is a sign of mockery throughout most of the world.

2. In Australia, it is rude to wink at women. In Korea, it is rude to keep your hands behind your back or in your pockets.

3. Mangos have been cultivated in India for about 5,000 years, and were originally small, fibrous fruits, somewhat like plums, with a taste like turpentine. There are now over 500 varieties grown there. More fresh mangos are eaten every day than any other fruit in the world.

4. Heathrow Airport handles more international passengers than any other airport in the world and offers flights to many international destinations including 33 flights to Paris and 23 flights to New York each day. The most popular country for flights from Heathrow is the United States of America. The busiest routes are New York, Paris, Amsterdam and Dublin.

№ 17. Read these proverbs and try to give their Russian equivalents.

Прочитайте эти пословицы и попытайтесь дать их русский эквивалент.

1. The less men think, the more they talk.


2. A man is judged by his foes as well as by his friends.


3. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


№ 18. Read a funny story.

A lady once wrote to a magazine editor:” Sir, you sent back my story last week and I know that you didn’t read it. For a test I stuck pages 18, 19, 20 together and the story came back with these pages still stuck. So I know that you return stories without reading.

The editor wrote back: ”Madam, at breakfast when I open an egg I need not eat the whole of it to discover it is bad”.

Prof-reading text.

№ 19. Read and translate the text. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

What is economy?

According to Sigmund Freud, human beings fulfill themselves in two activities: love and work. If the family can be called the institution for love, the economy is the institution for work. More specifically, the economy is the social institution that specializes in the production and exchange of goods and services to satisfy the wants and needs of a population. Work, by its narrowest definition, is the performance of specialized roles in the economy.

After the family the economy probably has a greater influence on our lives than any other institution. Nearly all the world’s people spend most of their time working to produce such goods as food and clothing or to distribute such services as education and medical care. Human beings not only spend most of their lives in economic pursuits, but the kind of work they do largely determines whether the life they lead is poor and deprived or healthy and comfortable.

Notes to the text:

An institution – учреждение

To specialize in smth – специализироваться в чем-либо

To satisfy – удовлетворять

A definition – определение

To distribute – распределять

Economic pursuits – экономические поиски, стремления

To determine – определять

Deprived – лишенный




№ 20. Translate from Russian into English. Переведите с русского на английский язык.

Род деятельности _________________________________________________________

Образование ______________________________________________________________

Медицинское обслуживание _________________________________________________

Влияние __________________________________________________________________

Выпускать, производить товар _______________________________________________

№ 21. Write if the sentences are true of false. Напишите правдивы предложения или нет.

1. Human beings fulfill themselves in two activities: love and work. ___________

2. Family is the institution of love and work. _______________

3. Economy satisfies the wants and needs of the population. _______________

4. Economy has very little influence on our lives. _________________

5. People don’t spend much time working. __________________

6. Life can be poor and deprived or healthy and comfortable. _______________

№ 22. Translate the following extract into English. Переведите данный отрывок на английский язык.

Экономика – это социальный институт, который специализируется на производстве товаров и услуг для удовлетворения нужд населения. Экономика оказывает огромное влияние на нашу жизнь. Именно от экономики зависит, какую жизнь будет вести человек – бедность и лишение или богатство и удобство.







Progress Check



№ 1. Look at this extract. Some of the difficult words are missing. Complete the sentences. Посмотрите на данный отрывок. Некоторые слова пропущены. Закончите предложения.

In the USA, there are several types of restaurants. Fast food restaurants are very famous, with McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken in many countries around the world. You look at a __________ above the ___________, and say what you’d like to eat. You pay the person who serves you. You take your food and sit down or take it away. When you finish your meal, you put the ____________ container and paper in the rubbish bin. There’s no need to leave a tip.

In a coffee shop you sit at the counter or at a table. You don’t wait for the ________ to show you where to sit. She usually brings you coffee as soon as you sit down. You pay the ____________ as you live. A diner is like a coffee shop but usually looks like a railway carriage. When you finish your meal, you put the ____________ container and paper in the rubbish bin. There’s no need to leave a tip.

№ 2. Find ten words in the word puzzle. They go in two directions (down and right). Five words are to do with food and drink and five words are to do with clothes. Найдите 10 слов. Слова находятся в двух направлениях – вниз и направо. 5 слов относятся к еде и напиткам и 5 слов – к одежде.











№ 3. Complete the sentences with ago, from, to, last, yesterday, during, at.

Закончите предложения, используя выделенные слова.

1. He started work __________ morning.

2. He went camping ___________ the summer.

3. I started learning French _____________ year.

4. He rang me five minutes __________.

5. It was open _______ nine ______ five.

6. He left __________ the end of the week.

№ 4. Choose the correct verb form. Выберите нужную временную форму.

1. I wear/am wearing jeans most of the time.

2. He’s the man who stands/is standing next to Jim.

3. He smokes/is smoking twenty cigarettes a day.

4. I always shake am shaking hands when I meet someone.

5. At the moment she smiles/ is smiling at him.

6. I speak/am speaking fluent English.

7. He will come/will have come by the evening.

8. I did/have done this work today.

№ 5. Write five things which you are going to do next month.

Напишите 5 вещей, которые Вы собираетесь сделать в следующем месяце.


№ 6. Join the sentences by rewriting them with because.

Составьте одно предложение из двух, используя because.

1. I’ m hungry. I’d like to eat something.

2. I’m afraid we haven’t got any pizza. Would you like pasta?

3. I like him. I am going to see Tom Cruise’s new film.

4. I’m going to live in London. I like the people there.

5. He can’t see. He hasn’t got his glasses.

6. We went on holiday last year. We’re not going away this year.

1. I’d like something to eat because I’m hungry.

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________

№ 7. Rewrite the sentences in 6 with so.

Перепишите предложения из упр. 6 с so.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________

№ 8. Write ten questions about important events/people in history. Think about:

Напишите 10 вопросов о важных событиях/людях в истории.

- life and death of famous people

- inventions and discoveries

- wars

- political events

- artistic creations




№ 9. Write questions. Задайте вопросы.

1. Where was she born?

She was born in Cambridge.

2. ________________________________________

I bought a CD a week ago.

3. _________________________________________

He’s saving money because he wants to buy a computer.

4. ________________________________________

She died in 1957.

5. ________________________________________

She is going to do the shopping.

6. ______________________________________

They lived in Korea for 3 years.

7. _______________________________________

He is wearing a yellow tie.

№ 10. Complete the conversation in the restaurant.

Закончите разговор в ресторане.

1. Waiter:Hello. Can I help you?

Customer: We __________ a table for two, please.

Waiter: Certainly, madam. Come this way, please.

2. Waiter: __________ to order now, sir?

Customer: I ____________ a pizza and a glass of wine, please.

Waiter: ____________ red or white wine, sir?

Customer: Red, please.


3. Customer: _____________ have the bill, please?

Waiter: _____________, sir.

Customer: Here you are.

Waiter: Thank you.

№ 11. Choose the correct answer.Выберите правильный ответ.

French fries are :

a) potatoes from France;

b) fried potatoes.

2. The cashier is :

a) a person you pay;

b) the place where you pay.

3. When you finish a meal , you get:

a) a bill;

b) tip.

A counter is :

a) the place where you order fast food;

b) the person who counts money in a restaurant.

5. To take the food you don’t eat home, the waiter gives you:

a) rubbish bin;

b) doggy bag.

Cheesecake is a :

a) dessert;

b) sweet sort of cheese.

12. Write true answers. Напишите правильные ответы.

1. How much do you tip in your country?


2. Do you like fast food?


3. What are you going to do tomorrow?


4. Why are you learning English?


5. When is your birthday?


6. Where were you born?





Phonetics. Звуки [ T , D ]


Звуки [T, D]

К сожалению, в русском языке звуков, подобных [T, D], нет. Понять, как произносятся эти звуки, помогут данные ниже упражнения для органов речи. Поставьте язык между зубами и продувайте воздух. Следите за тем, чтобы язык не был напряжен, а губы не касались краев языка.

Поставьте язык между зубами, а затем быстро уберите его. При произнесении звуков [T, D] язык распластан и не напряжен, кончик языка находится между зубами. Звук [T] произносится как глухой, а звук [D] с голосом как звонкий. Помните, что губы не должны касаться краев языка. Необходимо быстро убирать язык за зубы, чтобы не мешать произнесению последующего звука. Эти звуки не следует заменять на русские «с», «з» или на английские [z, t, d].


[Dei] they – они;                               [Tik] thick – густой;

[Dem] them – им;                              [Tin] thin – тонкий;

[Den] then – затем;                           [miT] myth – миф;

[Dis] this – этот;                                [tenT] tenth – десятый;

[beiD] bathe – купаться;                              [‘timəTi] Timothy – Тимофей.

На письме звуки [T, D] обозначаются буквосочетанием th. Звук [D], как правило, в служебных словах: в определенном артикле the, в местоимениях this, that, they. Those, them – в конце слов перед гласной e: bathe. Если буквосочетание th является окончанием для образования порядковых числительных, то оно произносится как [T], например: tenth.

Обратите внимание на разницу в произношении звуков [T] – [s] – [t].

Так как в русском языке нет звука [T], то его стараются заменить либо на звук [s], либо на [t], что ведет к грубому нарушению смысла. Звук [T] межзубный. При его произнесении кончик языка находится между зубами. Звуки [t, s] альвеолярные. При произнесении [t] кончик языка соприкасается с альвеолами. При произнесении [s] кончик языка поднимается к альвеолам.


[feis] – [feiT]             –     fact – faith             –     лицо –вера;

[mis] – [miT]              –     miss – myth           –     скучать – миф;

[tens] – [tenT]            –     tense – tenth          –     напряженный – десятый;

[tin] – [Tin]                –     in – thin                 –     консервная банка – тонкий;

[tru:] – [Ttu:]              –     true – through        –     правдивый – через;

[tri:] – [Tri]                 –     tree – three            –     дерево – три;

[sik] – [Tik]                –     sick – thick            –     больной – толстый.

Ввиду отсутствия звука [D] в русском языке его часто заменяются звука [z], [d], что ведет к грубому нарушению смысла. Звук [D] звонкий межзубный согласный. Он произносится так же, как [T], только с голосом. Звуки [z, d] являются звонкими альвеолярными согласными звуками.


[beiD] – [beiz]            –     bathe – base           –     купаться – база;

[bri:D] – [bri:z]           –     breathe – breeze    –     дышать – легкий ветерок;

[si:D] – [si:z]              –     seethe – seize         –     кипеть – хватать;

[Dei] – [dei:]              –     they – day             –     они – день;

[Den] – [den]             –     then – den             –     затем – берлога.




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