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A Description of Kali-Yuga

Kalki Purana





About five thousand years ago, Shri Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa, an empowered incarnation of Lord Krishna, appeared in the holy land of Bharatavarsa. Realizing that as the four yugas progress, the human beings’ power of understanding gradually diminishes; He divided the one Veda into four and imparted them to His four principal disciples. These four Vedas are the Sama, Rik, Yajur, and Atharva. Later on, His disciples again divided the Vedas into many branches.

Even after dividing the Vedas, Shrila Vyasadeva did not feel satisfied. Thinking that it will be impossible for the people of Kali-yuga to understand the actual purport of the Vedas, He took the essence of that understanding and compiled a simple literature called the Purana Samhita, in story form. Based on this literature, His three principal disciples wrote three more samhitas: Savarm-samhita, Samsapayana- samhita, and Akrtavrana-samhita. The eighteen Puranas and thirty-six sub Puranas were later compiled, being based on these four samhitas. Because Shrila Vyasadeva’s Purana Samhita is the source of these literatures, all the Puranas and sub Puranas are attributed to him.

Among the upa-puranas or sub Puranas, the Kalki Purana is most sacred and widely respected. At the end of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Lord, Hari, will incarnate as Lord Kalki and kill all the mlecchas, yavanas, atheists, and Buddhists of the world that defy the Vedic authority. The pastimes of Lord Kalki are the subject matter of this literature, which is presented in story form. Exalted personalities can see everything, past, present, and future. For this reason, there is no fault in narrating these future events as if they had already occurred. The Kalki Purana consists of thirty-five chapters.




A Description of Kali-Yuga


Text 1

I offer my respectful obeisance’s unto Lord Achyuta, the unborn, omniscient, and unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the destroyer of all obstacles, the shelter of all living entities, and the original speaker of the Vedic literature He is worshiped with great devotion by the demigods, headed by Indra, the foremost of sages, and by the rulers of the various planetary systems, for the purpose of attaining all kinds of perfection in life.

Text 2

Before reciting this Kalki Purana,, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisance’s unto the Personality of Godhead, Narayana, unto Nara-Narayana Rishi, the supermost human being, unto mother Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, and unto Shrila Vyasadeva, the author

Text 3

May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, having assumed the form of Kalki, who is the Supersoul of all living entities, establish the eternal principles of religion Having appeared in a family of brahmanas, He will annihilate the sinful kings of Kali-yuga by the fire of the poison emanating from His ferocious serpent-like Hands while riding on the back of an excellent horse of the Sindh province. In this way, He will protect the pious and re-establish Satya-yuga.

Text 4-5

After Shri Suta Gosvami had offered his obeisance’s to the Supreme Lord m this manner, the sages at Naimisharanya, headed by Shaunaka Rishi, said: О Suta Gosvami! О son of Romaharsana! О knower of religious principles! О seer of past, present and future! О learned authority of the Puranas, please continue narrating to us the pastimes of the Supreme Lord.

Text 6

Who is Kali? Where was he born? How did he become the master of the world? How does he destroy the observance of eternal religious principles?

Text 7

After hearing these words of the great sages, Suta Gosvami became so ecstatic that the hairs of his body stood on end He then absorbed his mind in remembrance of Lord Hari and continued to speak to the sages.

Text 8

Suta Gosvami said: Please listen attentively as I describe wonderful pastimes of the Lord that will be revealed at a future time. These transcendental pastimes were previously glorified by Lord Brahma, who was born from the universal lotus flower, when he was> requested to speak by the great sage, Narada.

Text 9

Thereafter, Narada repeated what he had heard to the unlimitedly powerful Shrila Vyasadeva, who in turn narrated these topics to his exalted son, Brahmarata.

Text 10

Brahmarata then described these topics of bhagavata-dharma to Abhimanyu’s son, who was known as Vishnurata, as he was seated in the royal assembly This narration consists of eighteen thousand verses.

Text 11

After hearing for one week without interruption, the saintly king relinquished his material body and departed from this world, although the discussion of the glories of the Lord had not ended. After the passing away of Abhimanyu’s son, great sages, headed by Markandeya, continued to inquire from Shukadeva Gosvami in that sacred ashrama.

Text 12

tatraham tadanu jnatah srutavanasmi yah kathah

bhavisyah kathaya masa punya bhagavatihsubhah

I was present at that time, and so I heard everything from Shukadeva Gosvami, by his order I will now narrate to you these most auspicious pastimes of the Supreme Lord that will take place in the future.

Text 13

О greatly fortunate sages, please listen attentively as I describe to you how Kali appeared in this world after Lord Krishna had returned to His own abode.

Text 14

After the annihilation, the secondary creator of the universe, Lord Brahma, the grandfather of everyone, who was born on the universal lotus flower, created Sin personified, having a black complexion, from his back.

Text 15

The name of Shri personified was Adharma By faithfully hearing about, chanting, and remembering the descendents of Adharma, one quickly becomes freed from all sinful reactions.

Text 16

The wife of Adharma, (Irreligion), was named Mithya, (Falsehood) She was very beautiful, and had eyes like those of a cat They had a son named Dambha, (Pride), who was always very angry and energetic.

Text 17

Dambha had a sister named Maya, and within her womb, he begot a son named Lobha, (Greed), and a daughter named Nikrti, (Cunning) Lobha begot a son named Krodha, (Anger), in the womb of Nikrti.

Text 18

Himsa, (Envy), was Krodha’s sister. From the womb of Himsa, Krodha begot a son named Kali. Kali is always seen to be holding his genitals in his left Hand. His complexion is very black, like black ointment that has been mixed with oil.

Text 19

Kali’s abdomen is like that of a crow, his face is frightening to behold, and his tongue is red and appears to be full of greed. His appearance is very fearful and a bad smell emanates from his body. Kali is very fond of playing chess, drinking wine, enjoying the company of prostitutes, and associating with gold merchants.

Texts 20-21

Kali’s sister was Durukti, (Harsh Speech). From Durukti’s womb, Kali begot a son named Bhaya, (Fear), and a daughter named, Mrityu (Death). Bhaya begot a son named Niraya (Hell) from the womb of Mrtyu and Niraya begot ten thousand sons in the womb of his sister, Yatana (Excessive Pain). Thus I have described the destructive progeny of Kali, who were all blasphemers of genuine religious principles.

Text 22

All these relatives of Kali were the destroyers of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and chanty, because they transgressed all the Vedic principles of religion. They were reservoirs of mental distress, disease, old age, destruction of religious principles, sorrow, lamentation and fear.

Texts 23-24

These descendents of Kali are found wandering everywhere throughout the kingdom of Kali, destroying the people of the world They are misguided by the influence of time, very restless by nature, full of lusty desires, extremely sinful, very proud, and violent even to their own father and mother Those who are known as twice-born among them are devoid of all good behavior, without any observance of proper etiquette, and always engaged in the service of shudras.

Texts 25-27

These fallen souls are very fond of dry arguments, and they use religion as a means of livelihood, teach Vedic knowledge as a profession, are fallen from the execution of their vows, and sell wine and other abominable things, including meat. They are cruel by nature, and very fond of gratifying their bellies and genitals. For this reason, they lust after the wives of others and are always seen to be intoxicated They were not born from a father and mother who were properly married, end they are short in stature and always engaged in sinful acts, such as cheating others They generally reside in a sacred place, live for only sixteen years, associate with wretched people, and only consider a brother-in-law to be a friend and relative.

Text 28

The people of Kali-yuga are accustomed to quarrelling and fighting amongst themselves. They go to great lengths to groom their hair, wear the best of clothes, and decorate themselves with costly ornaments.

Text 29

In Kali-yuga, a person with a lot of money will naturally be respected as a great soul. If a twice-born person earns his livelihood by lending money on interest, he will be considered a pillar of society. The sannyasis of Kali-yuga will be attached to home and property, and householders will become devoid of all power of discrimination. In Kali-yuga, people will blaspheme a spiritual master or other elderly person without hesitation. Indeed, people in general will simply become hypocrites, liars, and cheaters.

Texts 30-37

In Kaliyuga, shudras will accept chanty from others,, or else plunder others’ wealth without discrimination. Mutual agreement will become the sole criteria for solemnizing the marriage of a boy and girl. People will show sympathy and magnanimity, but it will simply be a form of duplicity. Forgiveness will be granted only when a person is unable to harm the offending party. In a society of might makes right, people will easily become annoyed with those in a weaker position. Even fools will be very talkative in an attempt to prove that they are learned. People will engage in religious ceremonies, but simply to acquire a reputation. If one has got wealth, he will be considered to be a saint. Just to bathe in a holy place, people will travel a great distance and undergo much trouble. Simply by putting on a sacred thread, one will be recognized as a brahmana. Simply by carrying a staff, one will be recognized as a sannyasi.

The earth will restrict the production of food grains. The currents of rivers will flow very rapidly, and even married women will behave little better than prostitutes, because they have practically no attachment for their husbands. Those who are twice-born will be dependent on others, so much so that they will not hesitate to engage as priests for shudras. Women will become promiscuous, so that will be easily abandoned by their husbands. Clouds will shower ram very irregularly, and the land will not yield sufficient crops. Kings will whimsically torture and kill their subjects, and burden them with excessive taxes. Such unfortunate subjects will finally take their family and belongings and take shelter of mountains and dense forests. The people of Kali-yuga will sustain their lives by eating flesh, honey, fruit, and roots, without discrimination. Almost everyone will take pleasure in blaspheming the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna These are some of the symptoms that will manifest at the beginning of Kali-yuga.

Text 38

In the second quarter of Kali-yuga, people will no longer chant the holy names of Lord Krishna. In the third quarter of Kali-yuga, there will be an upsurge of unwanted population, and in the final quarter of Kali-yuga, there will be only one class of human being, because God consciousness will have been long forgotten.

Text 39

When the study of the Vedas, performance of sacrifice, chanting of mantras, and other religious practices thus disappear from this world during Kali-yuga, the demigods, being afflicted due to not receiving their share of sacrificial offerings, will take shelter of Lord Brahma, the grandfather of t h e universe, who was born from t h e universal lotus flower.

Texts 40-43

Keeping mother earth, who had become emaciated due to great distress in front, all of the demigods went to the abode of Lord Brahma There, they experienced that the entire atmosphere was surcharged with the sounds of the chanting of Vedic mantras, and everywhere was smoke pouring from the sacrificial fires Lord Brahma, the leader of all the sages, was sitting upon his throne, conducting a fire sacrifice on an altar made of gold Here and there were many gardens and orchards full of flowers, fruit, and wood for performing fire sacrifices. Swans, cranes, and other aquatic birds made wonderful sounds, as if they were greeting their guests with joy The swans, cranes, and other aquatic birds were surrounded b-y intoxicated bumblebees hovering around innumerable creepers and flowers, swinging to and fro in the cool breeze Thus, it appeared as if they were all offering obeisance’s and speaking very sweetly while greeting their guests with great pleasure.

Text 44

Thus, all the demigods, headed by Indra, arrived in the abode of Lord Brahma in a distressed state of mind By the order of Prajapati, they entered the assembly hall of Lord Brahma, so that they could disclose to him to cause of their grief.

Text 45

The demigods first offered their respectful obeisance’s to Lord Brahma, whose lotus feet were being served by perfected beings such as Sanaka, Sanandana, and Sanatana as he sat in meditation Lord Brahma is the secondary creator of the three worlds who acts under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Thus ends the translation of the first chapter of Shri Kalki Purana.






Padmavati’s Svayamvara


Text 1

Shuka said: After a long time had passed, King Brihadratha realized that his daughter, Padmavati, had grown up. Fearing some misbehavior on her part, the king began to consider the matter very seriously.


He addressed his queen: О fortunate one, I am considering Handing over my daughter to a pious king who belongs to a noble family and thus accept him as my son-m-law.

T ext3

However, the queen said. О King, the lord of Parvati has already assured us that Padmavati’s husband will undoubtedly be Lord Hari.

Text 4

Upon hearing this, King Brihadratha said: When will Lord Hari, who is present within the hearts of all living entities, accept our daughter as His wife?

Texts 5-6

I do not feel that I am so fortunate as to be able to Hand over my daughter to Lord Vishnu. What piety have I accumulated so that I will be able to accept Lord Hari as my son-in-law? Therefore, just like the Muni’s daughter, Vedavati, or Lakshmi, who appeared from the ocean of milk as it was being churned, I would like to arrange a svayamvara for my jewel-like daughter, Padmavati. Let Lord Hari come and accept her in this way.

Text 7

Having made this resolution, the king invited all the other kings of the country who were adorned with good qualities, of good character, learned, very wealthy, and m the prime of their youth.

Text 8

To insure the svayamvara’s grand success, King Brihadratha made auspicious arrangements throughout his kingdom. He ordered religious rituals to be performed throughout the land, and he also made arrangements for the stay of the invited guests.

Text 9

Meanwhile, many kings having the desire to accept Padmavati’s Hand in marriage arrived in that island fully decorated with golden ornaments and accompanied by their armies.

Text 10

Some kings and princes arrived on chariots, some on elephants, and yet others came ndmg on beautiful horses. A white umbrella was held over the heads of these powerful kings as they were fanned with white chamaras.

Texts 11-13

Because of the highly shining weapons in their Hands, these princes appeared as beautiful as Indra, surrounded by all the demigods Among the kings who arrived there were Ruciras’va, Shukarma, Madiraksa, Drdhasuga, Krishnasara, Parada, Jimuta, Kruramardana, Kasa, Kusambu, Vasuman, Kanka, Kracharia, Safijaya, Gurumitra, Piamathl, Vijrmbhah, Srnjaya and Aksama.

Text 14

When the kings arrived at the svayamvara, they were respectfully greeted and thus they took their seats in a happy mood. A dancing and singing program then commenced for their pleasure Because of the presence of these illustrious rulers of men, the arena looked very colorful and enchanting.

Text 15

The eyes and minds of everyone who saw these aristocratic and powerful kings became filled with joy. When everyone was comfortably seated, Brihadratha requested his associates to bring his uniquely beautiful daughter onto the stage.

Text 16

Padmavati’s complexion was golden, and her face resembled the full moon She possessed all godly qualities, and she was decorated with a garland of flowers Her entire body was covered with jewels, pearls, and coral.

Text 17

When I saw Padmavati, I considered her to be the personification of maya, which bewilders everyone. Then again, I wondered whether she was Rati-devi herself, the beloved consort of Cupid, appearing upon the earth Although I have traveled throughout the heavenly planets, as well as on this earth, and indeed throughout the entire three worlds, I had never seen a more beautiful girl tHari Padmavati.

Text 18

When Padmavati came out from the palace, hundreds of her companions and maid-servants surrounded her on all sides.

Texts 19-21

When the princess left the palace, she was protected by her personal guards, who were equipped with various weapons. Professional singers walked before her as she arrived at the svayamvara arena. An enchaniting sound was created by her ankle bells and her earrings swung back and forth as she slowly entered within the midst of the assembled kings and princes, gazing in all directions, a flower garland in her Hand. Padmavati was then informed of the family background and distinguishing characteristics ot all those who had come seeking her Hari in marriage.

Text 22

Her hair swung to and fro as she glanced about the arena, and this increased the beauty of her cheeks. Her face appeared even more beautiful when she smiled, so that she resembled a fully blossomed lotus flower.

Text 23

The waist of the princess was very thm, she was dressed in red garments, and her voice was pleasing to the ear, like the singing of a cuckoo When I saw all of these manifestations of feminine attractiveness, I thought that the princess had decided to purchase the entire three worlds by paying the price of her exquisite beauty.

Text 24

As soon as the assembled kings saw the jewel-like Padmavati, they became greatly afflicted by the arrows of the Cupid Indeed, they were so struck with wonder that that their weapons fell from their hands.


However, as the kings gazed upon the princess with lusty desires, they suddenly transformed into females, much to their astonishment. Their bodily features, chaiactenstics, and personalities became just like women. Their waists were thin an d their figures were beautiful. Indeed, their beautiful bodies bent slightly forward due to the weight of their heavy breasts.


Their movements and smiles, as well as their dancing and singing skills became that of a woman. Their faces appeared charming, just like blooming lotus flowers. Upon finding themselves to be beautiful women, the kings followed Padmavati as if they were h e r companions.


At that time, I climbed up into a banyan tree, desiring to watch the svayamvara of Padmavati. I was already very upset after seeing all that had taken place. I waited just to hear if Padmavati would express her unhappmess because all the kings had turned into women.


О Lord Kalki, You are the master of the universe. Let me disclose to You the lamentations of Your consort, Kamala. while she was meditating upon her worshipable lord, Shankara.

Text 29

All the kings who came there, hoping to marry Padmavati, were rejected by their respective carriers, the elephants and horses, and even their soldiers. When they followed the princess as her companions, she took off all her ornaments and began to write something on the ground with her right toe. With a desire to make the words of Lord Shiva come true, Padmavati fixed her mind on her own beloved Lord Hari, the supreme controller.

Thus ends the translation of the fifth chapter of Shri Kalki Purana.















King Manu And King Devapi


Texts 1-4

From Lord Rama was born Kusa, Kusa’s son was Atithi, Atithi’s son was Nisada, whose son was Nabha, and his son was Pundarika. Pundarika’s son was Ksemadhariva, whose son was Devanika, Devanlka’s son was Hina, and his son was Paripatra. Paripatra’s son was Balahaka, Balahaka’s son was Arka, Arka’s son was Rajanabha, his son was Khagana, Khagana’s son was Vidhrta, whose son was Hiranyanabha, and Hiranyanabha’s son was Puspa. Puspa’s son was Dhruva, Dhruva’s son was Syandana, Syandana’s son was Agnivarna, and his son was the very powerful Sihgra, who is my father. My name is Maru, but some people call me Budha, or Sumitra.

Texts 5-6

I have been residing at the village of Kalapa, practicing penance. Recently, I heard of your incarnation from Satyavati’s son, Vyasadeva, and so I have come here to see You. About one hundred thousand years of Kali-yuga have passed. You are the Supersoul, residing within the hearts of all living beings. Simply by surrendering to You, all of one’s sinful reactions accumulated during millions of lifetimes are vanquished, one’s piety and reputation are enriched, and all of one’s desires are fulfilled.


Lord Kalki said: My dear Maru, after hearing about your ancestors, I can understand that you belong to the Surya dynasty. Who is this person accompanying you? He appears to possess all the auspicious characteristics.

Text 8

Upon hearing the words of Lord Kalki, King Devapi very humbly spoke as follows.

Texts 9-10

Devapi said: After the final dissolution of the universe, four-headed Brahma was born from Your lotus-like navel. His son was Atn, whose son was Candra. Candra’s son was Budha, Budha’s son was Purorava, Pururava’s son was Nahusa, and Nahusa’s son was King Yayati. Yayati begot two sons, named Yadu and Turvasu, within the womb of his wife, Devayani.

Text 11

О Lord of the universe, later on, Yayati begot three more sons named Druhya, Anu, and Puru, in the womb of Sarmistha. Just as, during the creation of the universe, false ego creates the five gross material elements, King Yayati begot these five sons.

Texts 12-13

Puru’s son was Janmejaya, whose son was Pracinvan. Pracinvan’s son was Pravira, Pravlra’s son was Manasyu, Manasyu’s son was Abhayada, Abhayada’s son was Uruksaya, Uruksaya’s son was Tryarum, whose son was Puskararuni. Puskararuni begot a son named Brhatksetra, whose son was Hasti, after whom the city of Hastinapur was named.

Texts 14-16

Hasti had three sons named Ajamldha, Ahimldha, and Puramldha. Ajamldha’s son was Rk, whose son was Sanvarana Sanvarana’s son was Kuru, Kuru’s son was Panksit, and Panksit’s sons were Sudhariu, Jahnu, and Nisada. SudHariu’s son was Suhotra, Suhotra’s son was Cyavana, and Cyavana’s son was Brihadratha, whose son was Kusagra, Kusagra’s son was Rsabha, Rsabha’s son was Satyajit, Satyajit’s son was Puspavan, and his son was Nahusa.

Texts 17-18

Brihadratha had also begotten the wicked Jarasandha, within the womb of another wife. Jarasandha’s son was Sahadeva, Sahadeva’s son was Simapi, Simapi’s son was Srutasrava, Srutasrava’s son was Suratha, and his son was Viduratha. The son of Viduratha was Sarvabhauma, Sarvabhauma’s son was Jayasena, Jayasena’s son was Rathariika, and his son was the wrathful king, Yutayu.

Text 19

The son of Yutayu was Devatithi, Devatithi’s son was Rksa, Rksa’s son was Dillpa, and his son was Pratipaka. My dear Lord, I am the son of Pratipaka, and my name is Devapi.

Text 20

I Handed over my kingdom to Santanu and went to reside at the village of Kalapa, where I perform austerities with undivided attention After hearing about Your appearance within this world, I came here to see You.

Text 21

Maru and I, along with other sages, will certainly attain the exalted destination attained by self-realized souls, by the mercy of Your lotus feet. Thus, we will never again fall into the jaws of death.

Text 22

Upon hearing this, lotus-eyed Lord Kalki smiled and then spoke in an assuring manner.

Text 23

Lord Kalki said: What you have said is correct. Both of you are very pious kings. Now, by My order, you should go to your traditional abodes, and prepare to rule your kingdoms.

Text 24

My dear King Maru, very soon, I will destroy all the sinful mlecchas who simply torment the citizens. After doing so, I will come to your capital city, Avodhya, where I will perform your coronationceremony.

Text 25

My dear King Devapi, after I decimate the wicked Pulkasas, I will come to your capital city, Hastinapura, and perform your coronation ceremony.

Texts 26-30

I will continue to give you all protection while residing at Mathura. I will kill Sayayakarna, Ustramukha, Ekajangha, and Bilodara and thereafter, re-establish Satya-yuga for the welfare of all pious souls. Both of you are very expert in understanding all kinds of scriptures and employing all types of weapons. You should now give up your garb as ascetics, and to destroy the enemies of the earth, put on your royal garments and armor and travel with Me as My associates. My dear Maru, King Vishakhayupa has a beautiful and highly-qualified daughter that he will give you in marriage. You will become the king of

the land and for the benefit of all your subjects, act according to My instructions. My dear Devapi, you will marry Santa, the daughter of Rucirasva.

Text 31

After hearing these words, King Maru, King Devapi, and all the assembled sages joyfully accepted Lord Kalki as the incarnation ot the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Hari.

Texts 32-33

As Lord Kalki was thus conveRishing with the kings and sages, two celestial chariots that were brilliant like the sun and decorated with countless jewels, which were constructed by Visvakarma and filled with celestial weapons, and which fulfill all of one’s desires, descended from the sky. With great enthusiasm, everyone exclaimed: What are we seeing!

Texts 34-35

Lord Kalki said: It is understood that both of you are powerful kings who embody the potency of Surya, Candra, Yama, and Kuvera, and have descended to protect the earth. Up until now, you remained incognito. By My order, take these two chariots, which are given to you by Indra, the king of heaven.

Text 36

As Lord Kalki, the husband of Padmavati and maintainer of the universe, was speaking, the demigods began to shower flowers from the sky while the assembled sages offered Him selected prayers.

Text 37

Cool and pleasing breezes began to blow, making the atmosphere very soothing. These breezes had crossed the waves of the River Ganges, which rests on the head of Mahadeva, and thus caresses Parvatl’s soft limbs, giving her pleasure.

Text 38

Thereafter, an effulgent lotus-eyed mendicant, who looked like sage, Sanaka, arrived there. This exalted personality was always in a joyful mood. His complexion was the color of molten gold, and he appeared to be the shelter of religious principles. He was beautifully dressed, matted hair crowned his head, and he carried a staff. He was extraordinary. Simply by contact with the breezes that touched his body, one became purified.

Thus ends the translation of the eighteenth chapter of Shri Kalki Purana.








The Prayers of Susanta


Kalki Purana





About five thousand years ago, Shri Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa, an empowered incarnation of Lord Krishna, appeared in the holy land of Bharatavarsa. Realizing that as the four yugas progress, the human beings’ power of understanding gradually diminishes; He divided the one Veda into four and imparted them to His four principal disciples. These four Vedas are the Sama, Rik, Yajur, and Atharva. Later on, His disciples again divided the Vedas into many branches.

Even after dividing the Vedas, Shrila Vyasadeva did not feel satisfied. Thinking that it will be impossible for the people of Kali-yuga to understand the actual purport of the Vedas, He took the essence of that understanding and compiled a simple literature called the Purana Samhita, in story form. Based on this literature, His three principal disciples wrote three more samhitas: Savarm-samhita, Samsapayana- samhita, and Akrtavrana-samhita. The eighteen Puranas and thirty-six sub Puranas were later compiled, being based on these four samhitas. Because Shrila Vyasadeva’s Purana Samhita is the source of these literatures, all the Puranas and sub Puranas are attributed to him.

Among the upa-puranas or sub Puranas, the Kalki Purana is most sacred and widely respected. At the end of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Lord, Hari, will incarnate as Lord Kalki and kill all the mlecchas, yavanas, atheists, and Buddhists of the world that defy the Vedic authority. The pastimes of Lord Kalki are the subject matter of this literature, which is presented in story form. Exalted personalities can see everything, past, present, and future. For this reason, there is no fault in narrating these future events as if they had already occurred. The Kalki Purana consists of thirty-five chapters.




A Description of Kali-Yuga


Text 1

I offer my respectful obeisance’s unto Lord Achyuta, the unborn, omniscient, and unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the destroyer of all obstacles, the shelter of all living entities, and the original speaker of the Vedic literature He is worshiped with great devotion by the demigods, headed by Indra, the foremost of sages, and by the rulers of the various planetary systems, for the purpose of attaining all kinds of perfection in life.

Text 2

Before reciting this Kalki Purana,, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisance’s unto the Personality of Godhead, Narayana, unto Nara-Narayana Rishi, the supermost human being, unto mother Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, and unto Shrila Vyasadeva, the author

Text 3

May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, having assumed the form of Kalki, who is the Supersoul of all living entities, establish the eternal principles of religion Having appeared in a family of brahmanas, He will annihilate the sinful kings of Kali-yuga by the fire of the poison emanating from His ferocious serpent-like Hands while riding on the back of an excellent horse of the Sindh province. In this way, He will protect the pious and re-establish Satya-yuga.

Text 4-5

After Shri Suta Gosvami had offered his obeisance’s to the Supreme Lord m this manner, the sages at Naimisharanya, headed by Shaunaka Rishi, said: О Suta Gosvami! О son of Romaharsana! О knower of religious principles! О seer of past, present and future! О learned authority of the Puranas, please continue narrating to us the pastimes of the Supreme Lord.

Text 6

Who is Kali? Where was he born? How did he become the master of the world? How does he destroy the observance of eternal religious principles?

Text 7

After hearing these words of the great sages, Suta Gosvami became so ecstatic that the hairs of his body stood on end He then absorbed his mind in remembrance of Lord Hari and continued to speak to the sages.

Text 8

Suta Gosvami said: Please listen attentively as I describe wonderful pastimes of the Lord that will be revealed at a future time. These transcendental pastimes were previously glorified by Lord Brahma, who was born from the universal lotus flower, when he was> requested to speak by the great sage, Narada.

Text 9

Thereafter, Narada repeated what he had heard to the unlimitedly powerful Shrila Vyasadeva, who in turn narrated these topics to his exalted son, Brahmarata.

Text 10

Brahmarata then described these topics of bhagavata-dharma to Abhimanyu’s son, who was known as Vishnurata, as he was seated in the royal assembly This narration consists of eighteen thousand verses.

Text 11

After hearing for one week without interruption, the saintly king relinquished his material body and departed from this world, although the discussion of the glories of the Lord had not ended. After the passing away of Abhimanyu’s son, great sages, headed by Markandeya, continued to inquire from Shukadeva Gosvami in that sacred ashrama.

Text 12

tatraham tadanu jnatah srutavanasmi yah kathah

bhavisyah kathaya masa punya bhagavatihsubhah

I was present at that time, and so I heard everything from Shukadeva Gosvami, by his order I will now narrate to you these most auspicious pastimes of the Supreme Lord that will take place in the future.

Text 13

О greatly fortunate sages, please listen attentively as I describe to you how Kali appeared in this world after Lord Krishna had returned to His own abode.

Text 14

After the annihilation, the secondary creator of the universe, Lord Brahma, the grandfather of everyone, who was born on the universal lotus flower, created Sin personified, having a black complexion, from his back.

Text 15

The name of Shri personified was Adharma By faithfully hearing about, chanting, and remembering the descendents of Adharma, one quickly becomes freed from all sinful reactions.

Text 16

The wife of Adharma, (Irreligion), was named Mithya, (Falsehood) She was very beautiful, and had eyes like those of a cat They had a son named Dambha, (Pride), who was always very angry and energetic.

Text 17

Dambha had a sister named Maya, and within her womb, he begot a son named Lobha, (Greed), and a daughter named Nikrti, (Cunning) Lobha begot a son named Krodha, (Anger), in the womb of Nikrti.

Text 18

Himsa, (Envy), was Krodha’s sister. From the womb of Himsa, Krodha begot a son named Kali. Kali is always seen to be holding his genitals in his left Hand. His complexion is very black, like black ointment that has been mixed with oil.

Text 19

Kali’s abdomen is like that of a crow, his face is frightening to behold, and his tongue is red and appears to be full of greed. His appearance is very fearful and a bad smell emanates from his body. Kali is very fond of playing chess, drinking wine, enjoying the company of prostitutes, and associating with gold merchants.

Texts 20-21

Kali’s sister was Durukti, (Harsh Speech). From Durukti’s womb, Kali begot a son named Bhaya, (Fear), and a daughter named, Mrityu (Death). Bhaya begot a son named Niraya (Hell) from the womb of Mrtyu and Niraya begot ten thousand sons in the womb of his sister, Yatana (Excessive Pain). Thus I have described the destructive progeny of Kali, who were all blasphemers of genuine religious principles.

Text 22

All these relatives of Kali were the destroyers of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and chanty, because they transgressed all the Vedic principles of religion. They were reservoirs of mental distress, disease, old age, destruction of religious principles, sorrow, lamentation and fear.

Texts 23-24

These descendents of Kali are found wandering everywhere throughout the kingdom of Kali, destroying the people of the world They are misguided by the influence of time, very restless by nature, full of lusty desires, extremely sinful, very proud, and violent even to their own father and mother Those who are known as twice-born among them are devoid of all good behavior, without any observance of proper etiquette, and always engaged in the service of shudras.

Texts 25-27

These fallen souls are very fond of dry arguments, and they use religion as a means of livelihood, teach Vedic knowledge as a profession, are fallen from the execution of their vows, and sell wine and other abominable things, including meat. They are cruel by nature, and very fond of gratifying their bellies and genitals. For this reason, they lust after the wives of others and are always seen to be intoxicated They were not born from a father and mother who were properly married, end they are short in stature and always engaged in sinful acts, such as cheating others They generally reside in a sacred place, live for only sixteen years, associate with wretched people, and only consider a brother-in-law to be a friend and relative.

Text 28

The people of Kali-yuga are accustomed to quarrelling and fighting amongst themselves. They go to great lengths to groom their hair, wear the best of clothes, and decorate themselves with costly ornaments.

Text 29

In Kali-yuga, a person with a lot of money will naturally be respected as a great soul. If a twice-born person earns his livelihood by lending money on interest, he will be considered a pillar of society. The sannyasis of Kali-yuga will be attached to home and property, and householders will become devoid of all power of discrimination. In Kali-yuga, people will blaspheme a spiritual master or other elderly person without hesitation. Indeed, people in general will simply become hypocrites, liars, and cheaters.

Texts 30-37

In Kaliyuga, shudras will accept chanty from others,, or else plunder others’ wealth without discrimination. Mutual agreement will become the sole criteria for solemnizing the marriage of a boy and girl. People will show sympathy and magnanimity, but it will simply be a form of duplicity. Forgiveness will be granted only when a person is unable to harm the offending party. In a society of might makes right, people will easily become annoyed with those in a weaker position. Even fools will be very talkative in an attempt to prove that they are learned. People will engage in religious ceremonies, but simply to acquire a reputation. If one has got wealth, he will be considered to be a saint. Just to bathe in a holy place, people will travel a great distance and undergo much trouble. Simply by putting on a sacred thread, one will be recognized as a brahmana. Simply by carrying a staff, one will be recognized as a sannyasi.

The earth will restrict the production of food grains. The currents of rivers will flow very rapidly, and even married women will behave little better than prostitutes, because they have practically no attachment for their husbands. Those who are twice-born will be dependent on others, so much so that they will not hesitate to engage as priests for shudras. Women will become promiscuous, so that will be easily abandoned by their husbands. Clouds will shower ram very irregularly, and the land will not yield sufficient crops. Kings will whimsically torture and kill their subjects, and burden them with excessive taxes. Such unfortunate subjects will finally take their family and belongings and take shelter of mountains and dense forests. The people of Kali-yuga will sustain their lives by eating flesh, honey, fruit, and roots, without discrimination. Almost everyone will take pleasure in blaspheming the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna These are some of the symptoms that will manifest at the beginning of Kali-yuga.

Text 38

In the second quarter of Kali-yuga, people will no longer chant the holy names of Lord Krishna. In the third quarter of Kali-yuga, there will be an upsurge of unwanted population, and in the final quarter of Kali-yuga, there will be only one class of human being, because God consciousness will have been long forgotten.

Text 39

When the study of the Vedas, performance of sacrifice, chanting of mantras, and other religious practices thus disappear from this world during Kali-yuga, the demigods, being afflicted due to not receiving their share of sacrificial offerings, will take shelter of Lord Brahma, the grandfather of t h e universe, who was born from t h e universal lotus flower.

Texts 40-43

Keeping mother earth, who had become emaciated due to great distress in front, all of the demigods went to the abode of Lord Brahma There, they experienced that the entire atmosphere was surcharged with the sounds of the chanting of Vedic mantras, and everywhere was smoke pouring from the sacrificial fires Lord Brahma, the leader of all the sages, was sitting upon his throne, conducting a fire sacrifice on an altar made of gold Here and there were many gardens and orchards full of flowers, fruit, and wood for performing fire sacrifices. Swans, cranes, and other aquatic birds made wonderful sounds, as if they were greeting their guests with joy The swans, cranes, and other aquatic birds were surrounded b-y intoxicated bumblebees hovering around innumerable creepers and flowers, swinging to and fro in the cool breeze Thus, it appeared as if they were all offering obeisance’s and speaking very sweetly while greeting their guests with great pleasure.

Text 44

Thus, all the demigods, headed by Indra, arrived in the abode of Lord Brahma in a distressed state of mind By the order of Prajapati, they entered the assembly hall of Lord Brahma, so that they could disclose to him to cause of their grief.

Text 45

The demigods first offered their respectful obeisance’s to Lord Brahma, whose lotus feet were being served by perfected beings such as Sanaka, Sanandana, and Sanatana as he sat in meditation Lord Brahma is the secondary creator of the three worlds who acts under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Thus ends the translation of the first chapter of Shri Kalki Purana.




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